562 lines
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562 lines
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
* Type constructors.
* This module contains templates that allow to build new types from the
* available ones.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2017-2018.
* License: $(LINK2 https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2 mailto:info@caraus.de, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2 https://github.com/caraus-ecms/tanya/blob/master/source/tanya/typecons.d,
* tanya/typecons.d)
module tanya.typecons;
import tanya.algorithm.mutation;
import tanya.format;
import tanya.functional;
import tanya.meta.metafunction;
import tanya.meta.trait;
* $(D_PSYMBOL Tuple) can store two or more heterogeneous objects.
* The objects can by accessed by index as `obj[0]` and `obj[1]` or by optional
* names (e.g. `obj.first`).
* $(D_PARAM Specs) contains a list of object types and names. First
* comes the object type, then an optional string containing the name.
* If you want the object be accessible only by its index (`0` or `1`),
* just skip the name.
* Params:
* Specs = Field types and names.
* See_Also: $(D_PSYMBOL tuple).
template Tuple(Specs...)
template parseSpecs(size_t fieldCount, Specs...)
static if (Specs.length == 0)
alias parseSpecs = AliasSeq!();
else static if (is(Specs[0]) && fieldCount < 2)
static if (is(typeof(Specs[1]) == string))
alias parseSpecs
= AliasSeq!(Pack!(Specs[0], Specs[1]),
parseSpecs!(fieldCount + 1, Specs[2 .. $]));
alias parseSpecs
= AliasSeq!(Pack!(Specs[0]),
parseSpecs!(fieldCount + 1, Specs[1 .. $]));
static assert(false, "Invalid argument: " ~ Specs[0].stringof);
alias ChooseType(alias T) = T.Seq[0];
alias ParsedSpecs = parseSpecs!(0, Specs);
static assert(ParsedSpecs.length > 1, "Invalid argument count");
private string formatAliases(size_t n, Specs...)()
static if (Specs.length == 0)
return "";
string fieldAlias;
static if (Specs[0].length == 2)
char[21] buffer;
fieldAlias = "alias " ~ Specs[0][1] ~ " = expand["
~ integral2String(n, buffer).idup ~ "];";
return fieldAlias ~ formatAliases!(n + 1, Specs[1 .. $])();
struct Tuple
/// Field types.
alias Types = Map!(ChooseType, ParsedSpecs);
// Create field aliases.
mixin(formatAliases!(0, ParsedSpecs[0 .. $])());
/// Represents the values of the $(D_PSYMBOL Tuple) as a list of values.
Types expand;
alias expand this;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
auto pair = Tuple!(int, "first", string, "second")(1, "second");
assert(pair.first == 1);
assert(pair[0] == 1);
assert(pair.second == "second");
assert(pair[1] == "second");
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
static assert(is(Tuple!(int, int)));
static assert(!is(Tuple!(int, 5)));
static assert(is(Tuple!(int, "first", int)));
static assert(is(Tuple!(int, "first", int, "second")));
static assert(is(Tuple!(int, "first", int)));
static assert(is(Tuple!(int, int, "second")));
static assert(!is(Tuple!("first", int, "second", int)));
static assert(!is(Tuple!(int, int, int)));
static assert(!is(Tuple!(int, "first")));
static assert(!is(Tuple!(int, double, char)));
static assert(!is(Tuple!(int, "first", double, "second", char, "third")));
* Creates a new $(D_PSYMBOL Tuple).
* Params:
* Names = Field names.
* See_Also: $(D_PSYMBOL Tuple).
template tuple(Names...)
* Creates a new $(D_PSYMBOL Tuple).
* Params:
* Args = Field types.
* args = Field values.
* Returns: Newly created $(D_PSYMBOL Tuple).
auto tuple(Args...)(auto ref Args args)
if (Args.length >= Names.length && isTypeTuple!Args)
alias Zipped = ZipWith!(AliasSeq, Pack!Args, Pack!Names);
alias Nameless = Args[Names.length .. $];
return Tuple!(Zipped, Nameless)(forward!args);
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
auto t = tuple!("one", "two")(20, 5);
assert(t.one == 20);
assert(t.two == 5);
* $(D_PSYMBOL Option) is a type that contains an optional value.
* Params:
* T = Type of the encapsulated value.
* See_Also: $(D_PSYMBOL option).
struct Option(T)
private bool isNothing_ = true;
private T value = void;
* Constructs a new option with $(D_PARAM value).
* Params:
* value = Encapsulated value.
this()(ref T value)
this.value = value;
this.isNothing_ = false;
/// ditto
this()(T value) @trusted
moveEmplace(value, this.value);
this.isNothing_ = false;
* Tells if the option is just a value or nothing.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if this $(D_PSYMBOL Option) contains a nothing,
* $(D_KEYWORD false) if it contains a value.
@property bool isNothing() const
return this.isNothing_;
* Returns the encapsulated value.
* Returns: Value encapsulated in this $(D_PSYMBOL Option).
* See_Also: $(D_PSYMBOL or).
* Precondition: `!isNothing`.
@property ref inout(T) get() inout
assert(!isNothing, "Option is nothing");
return this.value;
* Returns the encapsulated value if available or a default value
* otherwise.
* Note that the contained value can be returned by reference only if the
* default value is passed by reference as well.
* Params:
* U = Type of the default value.
* defaultValue = Default value.
* Returns: The value of this $(D_PSYMBOL Option) if available,
* $(D_PARAM defaultValue) otherwise.
* See_Also: $(D_PSYMBOL isNothing), $(D_PSYMBOL get).
@property U or(U)(U defaultValue) inout
if (is(U == T) && isCopyable!T)
return isNothing ? defaultValue : this.value;
/// ditto
@property ref inout(T) or(ref inout(T) defaultValue) inout
return isNothing ? defaultValue : this.value;
* Casts this $(D_PSYMBOL Option) to $(D_KEYWORD bool).
* An $(D_PSYMBOL Option) is $(D_KEYWORD true) if it contains a value,
* ($D_KEYWORD false) if it contains nothing.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if this $(D_PSYMBOL Option) contains a value,
* ($D_KEYWORD false) if it contains nothing.
bool opCast(U : bool)()
return !isNothing;
* Compares this $(D_PSYMBOL Option) with $(D_PARAM that).
* If both objects are options of the same type and they don't contain a
* value, they are considered equal. If only one of them contains a value,
* they aren't equal. Otherwise, the encapsulated values are compared for
* equality.
* If $(D_PARAM U) is a type comparable with the type encapsulated by this
* $(D_PSYMBOL Option), the value of this $(D_PSYMBOL Option) is compared
* with $(D_PARAM that), this $(D_PSYMBOL Option) must have a value then.
* Params:
* U = Type of the object to compare with.
* that = Object to compare with.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if this $(D_PSYMBOL Option) and
* $(D_PARAM that) are equal, $(D_KEYWORD false) if not.
* Precondition: `!isNothing` if $(D_PARAM U) is equality comparable with
* $(D_PARAM T).
bool opEquals(U)(auto ref const U that) const
if (is(U == Option))
if (!isNothing && !that.isNothing)
return this.value == that.value;
return isNothing == that.isNothing;
/// ditto
bool opEquals(U)(auto ref const U that) const
if (ifTestable!(U, a => a == T.init) && !is(U == Option))
return get == that;
* Resets this $(D_PSYMBOL Option) and destroys the contained value.
* $(D_PSYMBOL reset) can be safely called on an $(D_PSYMBOL Option) that
* doesn't contain any value.
void reset()
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)
this.isNothing_ = true;
* Assigns a new value.
* Params:
* U = Type of the new value.
* that = New value.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
ref typeof(this) opAssign(U)(ref U that)
if (is(U : T) && !is(U == Option))
this.value = that;
this.isNothing_ = false;
return this;
/// ditto
ref typeof(this) opAssign(U)(U that)
if (is(U == T))
move(that, this.value);
this.isNothing_ = false;
return this;
/// ditto
ref typeof(this) opAssign(U)(ref U that)
if (is(U == Option))
this.value = that;
this.isNothing_ = that.isNothing;
return this;
/// ditto
ref typeof(this) opAssign(U)(U that)
if (is(U == Option))
move(that.value, this.value);
this.isNothing_ = that.isNothing_;
return this;
version (D_Ddoc)
* If $(D_PARAM T) has a `toHash()` method, $(D_PSYMBOL Option) defines
* `toHash()` which returns `T.toHash()` if it is set or 0 otherwise.
* Returns: Hash value.
size_t toHash() const;
else static if (is(typeof(T.init.toHash()) == size_t))
size_t toHash() const
return isNothing ? 0U : this.value.toHash();
alias get this;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
Option!int option;
assert(option.or(8) == 8);
option = 5;
assert(option.get == 5);
assert(option.or(8) == 5);
// Assigns a new value
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
Option!int option = 5;
option = 8;
assert(option == 8);
Option!int option;
const int newValue = 8;
option = newValue;
assert(option == newValue);
Option!int option1;
Option!int option2 = 5;
option1 = option2;
assert(option1.get == 5);
// Constructs with a value passed by reference
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
int i = 5;
assert(Option!int(i).get == 5);
// Moving
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
static struct NotCopyable
@disable this(this);
static assert(is(typeof(Option!NotCopyable(NotCopyable()))));
// The value cannot be returned by reference because the default value
// isn't passed by reference
static assert(!is(typeof(Option!DisabledPostblit().or(NotCopyable()))));
NotCopyable notCopyable;
static assert(is(typeof(Option!NotCopyable().or(notCopyable))));
Option!NotCopyable option;
option = NotCopyable();
Option!NotCopyable option;
option = Option!NotCopyable(NotCopyable());
// Cast to bool is done before touching the encapsulated value
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
// Option can be const
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
assert((const Option!int(5)).get == 5);
assert((const Option!int()).or(5) == 5);
// Equality
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
assert(Option!int() == Option!int());
assert(Option!int(0) != Option!int());
assert(Option!int(5) == Option!int(5));
assert(Option!int(5) == 5);
assert(Option!int(5) == cast(ubyte) 5);
// Returns default value
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
int i = 5;
assert(((ref e) => e)(Option!int().or(i)) == 5);
// Implements toHash() for nothing
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
static struct ToHash
size_t toHash() const @nogc nothrow pure @safe
return 1U;
Option!ToHash toHash;
assert(toHash.toHash() == 0U);
auto toHash = Option!ToHash(ToHash());
assert(toHash.toHash() == 1U);
* Creates a new $(D_PSYMBOL Option).
* Params:
* T = Option type.
* value = Initial value.
* See_Also: $(D_PSYMBOL Option).
Option!T option(T)(auto ref T value)
return Option!T(forward!value);
/// ditto
Option!T option(T)()
return Option!T();
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
assert(option(5) == 5);