2023-03-25 15:55:57 +01:00

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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
* This module provides functions for converting between different types.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2017-2020.
* License: $(LINK2 https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2 mailto:info@caraus.de, Eugene Wissner)
* Source: $(LINK2 https://github.com/caraus-ecms/tanya/blob/master/source/tanya/conv.d,
* tanya/conv.d)
module tanya.conv;
import std.traits : Unsigned, isNumeric;
import tanya.container.string;
import tanya.memory.allocator;
import tanya.meta.trait;
import tanya.meta.transform;
import tanya.range;
* Thrown if a type conversion fails.
final class ConvException : Exception
* Params:
* msg = The message for the exception.
* file = The file where the exception occurred.
* line = The line number where the exception occurred.
* next = The previous exception in the chain of exceptions, if any.
this(string msg,
string file = __FILE__,
size_t line = __LINE__,
Throwable next = null) @nogc @safe pure nothrow
super(msg, file, line, next);
* Converts a string $(D_PARAM range) into an integral value of type
* $(D_PARAM T) in $(D_PARAM base).
* The convertion stops when $(D_PARAM range) is empty of if the next character
* cannot be converted because it is not a digit (with respect to the
* $(D_PARAM base)) or if the reading the next character would cause integer
* overflow. The function returns the value converted so far then. The front
* element of the $(D_PARAM range) points to the first character cannot be
* converted or $(D_PARAM range) is empty if the whole string could be
* converted.
* Base must be between 2 and 36 inclursive. Default base is 10.
* The function doesn't handle the sign (+ or -) or number prefixes (like 0x).
package T readIntegral(T, R)(ref R range, const ubyte base = 10)
if (isInputRange!R
&& isSomeChar!(ElementType!R)
&& isIntegral!T
&& isUnsigned!T)
assert(base >= 2);
assert(base <= 36);
T boundary = cast(T) (T.max / base);
if (range.empty)
return T.init;
T n;
int digit;
if (range.front >= 'a')
digit = range.front - 'W';
else if (range.front >= 'A' && range.front <= 'Z')
digit = range.front - '7';
else if (range.front >= '0' && range.front <= '9')
digit = range.front - '0';
return n;
if (digit >= base)
return n;
n = cast(T) (n * base + digit);
if (range.empty)
return n;
while (n < boundary);
if (range.front >= 'a')
digit = range.front - 'W';
else if (range.front >= 'A')
digit = range.front - '7';
else if (range.front >= '0')
digit = range.front - '0';
return n;
if (n > cast(T) ((T.max - digit) / base))
return n;
n = cast(T) (n * base + digit);
return n;
* If the source type $(D_PARAM From) and the target type $(D_PARAM To) are
* equal, does nothing. If $(D_PARAM From) can be implicitly converted to
* $(D_PARAM To), just returns $(D_PARAM from).
* Params:
* To = Target type.
* Returns: $(D_PARAM from).
template to(To)
* Params:
* From = Source type.
* from = Source value.
ref To to(From)(ref From from)
if (is(To == From))
return from;
/// ditto
To to(From)(From from)
if (is(Unqual!To == Unqual!From) || (isNumeric!From && isFloatingPoint!To))
return from;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
auto val = 5.to!int();
assert(val == 5);
static assert(is(typeof(val) == int));
* Performs checked conversion from an integral type $(D_PARAM From) to an
* integral type $(D_PARAM To).
* Params:
* From = Source type.
* To = Target type.
* from = Source value.
* Returns: $(D_PARAM from) converted to $(D_PARAM To).
* Throws: $(D_PSYMBOL ConvException) if $(D_PARAM from) is too small or too
* large to be represented by $(D_PARAM To).
To to(To, From)(From from)
if (isIntegral!From
&& isIntegral!To
&& !is(Unqual!To == Unqual!From)
&& !is(To == enum))
static if ((isUnsigned!From && isSigned!To && From.sizeof == To.sizeof)
|| From.sizeof > To.sizeof)
if (from > To.max)
throw make!ConvException(defaultAllocator,
"Positive integer overflow");
static if (isSigned!From)
static if (isUnsigned!To)
if (from < 0)
throw make!ConvException(defaultAllocator,
"Negative integer overflow");
else static if (From.sizeof > To.sizeof)
if (from < To.min)
throw make!ConvException(defaultAllocator,
"Negative integer overflow");
static if (From.sizeof <= To.sizeof)
return from;
else static if (isSigned!To)
return cast(To) from;
return from & To.max;
* Converts a floating point number to an integral type.
* Params:
* From = Source type.
* To = Target type.
* from = Source value.
* Returns: Truncated $(D_PARAM from) (everything after the decimal point is
* dropped).
* Throws: $(D_PSYMBOL ConvException) if
* $(D_INLINECODE from < To.min || from > To.max).
To to(To, From)(From from)
if (isFloatingPoint!From
&& isIntegral!To
&& !is(Unqual!To == Unqual!From)
&& !is(To == enum))
if (from > To.max)
throw make!ConvException(defaultAllocator,
"Positive number overflow");
else if (from < To.min)
throw make!ConvException(defaultAllocator,
"Negative number overflow");
return cast(To) from;
@nogc pure @safe unittest
assert(1.5.to!int == 1);
assert(2147483646.5.to!int == 2147483646);
assert((-2147483647.5).to!int == -2147483647);
assert(2147483646.5.to!uint == 2147483646);
* Performs checked conversion from an integral type $(D_PARAM From) to an
* $(D_KEYWORD enum).
* Params:
* From = Source type.
* To = Target type.
* from = Source value.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD enum) value.
* Throws: $(D_PSYMBOL ConvException) if $(D_PARAM from) is not a member of
* $(D_PSYMBOL To).
To to(To, From)(From from)
if (isIntegral!From && is(To == enum))
foreach (m; EnumMembers!To)
if (from == m)
return m;
throw make!ConvException(defaultAllocator,
"Value not found in enum '" ~ To.stringof ~ "'");
@nogc pure @safe unittest
enum Test : int
static assert(is(typeof(1.to!Test) == Test));
assert(0.to!Test == Test.one);
assert(1.to!Test == Test.two);
* Converts $(D_PARAM from) to a boolean.
* If $(D_PARAM From) is a numeric type, then `1` becomes $(D_KEYWORD true),
* `0` $(D_KEYWORD false). Otherwise $(D_PSYMBOL ConvException) is thrown.
* If $(D_PARAM To) is a string (built-in string or $(D_PSYMBOL String)),
* then `"true"` or `"false"` are converted to the appropriate boolean value.
* Otherwise $(D_PSYMBOL ConvException) is thrown.
* Params:
* From = Source type.
* To = Target type.
* from = Source value.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD from) converted to a boolean.
* Throws: $(D_PSYMBOL ConvException) if $(D_PARAM from) isn't convertible.
To to(To, From)(From from)
if (isNumeric!From && is(Unqual!To == bool) && !is(Unqual!To == Unqual!From))
if (from == 0)
return false;
else if (from < 0)
throw make!ConvException(defaultAllocator,
"Negative number overflow");
else if (from <= 1)
return true;
throw make!ConvException(defaultAllocator,
"Positive number overflow");
@nogc pure @safe unittest
/// ditto
To to(To, From)(auto ref const From from)
if ((is(From == String) || isSomeString!From) && is(Unqual!To == bool))
if (from == "true")
return true;
else if (from == "false")
return false;
throw make!ConvException(defaultAllocator,
"String doesn't contain a boolean value");
@nogc pure @safe unittest
* Converts a boolean to $(D_PARAM To).
* If $(D_PARAM To) is a numeric type, then $(D_KEYWORD true) becomes `1`,
* $(D_KEYWORD false) `0`.
* If $(D_PARAM To) is a $(D_PSYMBOL String), then `"true"` or `"false"`
* is returned.
* Params:
* From = Source type.
* To = Target type.
* from = Source value.
* Returns: $(D_PARAM from) converted to $(D_PARAM To).
To to(To, From)(From from)
if (is(Unqual!From == bool) && isNumeric!To && !is(Unqual!To == Unqual!From))
return from;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
assert(true.to!float == 1.0);
assert(true.to!double == 1.0);
assert(true.to!ubyte == 1);
assert(true.to!byte == 1);
assert(true.to!ushort == 1);
assert(true.to!short == 1);
assert(true.to!uint == 1);
assert(true.to!int == 1);
assert(false.to!float == 0);
assert(false.to!double == 0);
assert(false.to!ubyte == 0);
assert(false.to!byte == 0);
assert(false.to!ushort == 0);
assert(false.to!short == 0);
assert(false.to!uint == 0);
assert(false.to!int == 0);
* Converts a stringish range to an integral value.
* Params:
* From = Source type.
* To = Target type.
* from = Source value.
* Returns: $(D_PARAM from) converted to $(D_PARAM To).
* Throws: $(D_PSYMBOL ConvException) if $(D_PARAM from) doesn't contain an
* integral value.
To to(To, From)(auto ref From from)
if (isInputRange!From && isSomeChar!(ElementType!From) && isIntegral!To)
if (from.empty)
throw make!ConvException(defaultAllocator, "Input range is empty");
static if (isSigned!To)
bool negative;
if (from.front == '-')
static if (isUnsigned!To)
throw make!ConvException(defaultAllocator,
"Negative integer overflow");
negative = true;
if (from.empty)
throw make!ConvException(defaultAllocator, "Input range is empty");
ubyte base = 10;
if (from.front == '0')
if (from.empty)
return To.init;
else if (from.front == 'x' || from.front == 'X')
base = 16;
else if (from.front == 'b' || from.front == 'B')
base = 2;
base = 8;
auto unsigned = readIntegral!(Unsigned!To, From)(from, base);
if (!from.empty)
throw make!ConvException(defaultAllocator, "Integer overflow");
static if (isSigned!To)
if (negative)
auto predecessor = cast(Unsigned!To) (unsigned - 1);
if (predecessor > cast(Unsigned!To) To.max)
throw make!ConvException(defaultAllocator,
"Negative integer overflow");
return cast(To) (-(cast(Largest!(To, ptrdiff_t)) predecessor) - 1);
else if (unsigned > cast(Unsigned!To) To.max)
throw make!ConvException(defaultAllocator, "Integer overflow");
return unsigned;
return unsigned;
@nogc pure @safe unittest
assert("1234".to!uint() == 1234);
assert("1234".to!int() == 1234);
assert("1234".to!int() == 1234);
assert("0".to!int() == 0);
assert("-0".to!int() == 0);
assert("0x10".to!int() == 16);
assert("0X10".to!int() == 16);
assert("-0x10".to!int() == -16);
assert("0b10".to!int() == 2);
assert("0B10".to!int() == 2);
assert("-0b10".to!int() == -2);
assert("010".to!int() == 8);
assert("-010".to!int() == -8);
assert("-128".to!byte == cast(byte) -128);