Move BitVector from the crypto branch

This commit is contained in:
Eugen Wissner 2017-03-02 11:27:26 +01:00
parent c6a99b114e
commit f90a03501b
6 changed files with 1340 additions and 825 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,510 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Single-dimensioned bit array.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016-2017.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.container.bitvector;
* Wrapper that allows bit manipulation on $(D_KEYWORD ubyte[]) array.
struct BitVector
protected ubyte[] vector;
* Params:
* array = Array should be manipulated on.
this(inout(ubyte[]) array) inout pure nothrow @safe @nogc
assert(array.length <= size_t.max / 8);
assert(array !is null);
vector = array;
ubyte[5] array1 = [234, 3, 252, 10, 18];
ubyte[3] array2 = [65, 13, 173];
auto bits = BitVector(array1);
assert(bits[] is array1);
assert(bits[] !is array2);
bits = BitVector(array2);
assert(bits[] is array2);
* Returns: Number of bits in the vector.
@property inout(size_t) length() inout const pure nothrow @safe @nogc
return vector.length * 8;
/// Ditto.
inout(size_t) opDollar() inout const pure nothrow @safe @nogc
return vector.length * 8;
// [01000001, 00001101, 10101101]
ubyte[3] arr = [65, 13, 173];
auto bits = BitVector(arr);
assert(bits.length == 24);
* Params:
* bit = Bit position.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if the bit on position $(D_PARAM bit) is set,
* $(D_KEYWORD false) if not set.
inout(bool) opIndex(size_t bit) inout const pure nothrow @safe @nogc
assert(bit / 8 <= vector.length);
return (vector[bit / 8] & (0x80 >> (bit % 8))) != 0;
// [01000001, 00001101, 10101101]
ubyte[3] arr = [65, 13, 173];
auto bits = BitVector(arr);
* Returns: Underlying array.
inout(ubyte[]) opIndex() inout pure nothrow @safe @nogc
return vector;
// [01000001, 00001101, 10101101]
ubyte[3] arr = [65, 13, 173];
auto bits = BitVector(arr);
assert(bits[] is arr);
* Params:
* value = $(D_KEYWORD true) if the bit should be set,
* $(D_KEYWORD false) if cleared.
* bit = Bit position.
* Returns: $(D_PSYMBOL this).
bool opIndexAssign(bool value, size_t bit) pure nothrow @safe @nogc
assert(bit / 8 <= vector.length);
if (value)
vector[bit / 8] |= (0x80 >> (bit % 8));
vector[bit / 8] &= ~(0x80 >> (bit % 8));
return value;
// [01000001, 00001101, 10101101]
ubyte[3] arr = [65, 13, 173];
auto bits = BitVector(arr);
bits[5] = bits[6] = true;
assert(bits[][0] == 71);
bits[14] = true;
bits[15] = false;
assert(bits[][1] == 14);
bits[16] = bits[23] = false;
assert(bits[][2] == 44);
* Copies bits from $(D_PARAM vector) into this $(D_PSYMBOL BitVector).
* The array that should be assigned, can be smaller (but not larger) than
* the underlying array of this $(D_PSYMBOL BitVector), leading zeros will
* be added in this case to the left.
* Params:
* vector = $(D_KEYWORD ubyte[]) array not larger than
* `$(D_PSYMBOL length) / 8`.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
BitVector opAssign(ubyte[] vector) pure nothrow @safe @nogc
assert(vector.length <= this.vector.length);
immutable delta = this.vector.length - vector.length;
if (delta > 0)
this.vector[] = 0;
this.vector[delta..$] = vector[0..$];
return this;
ubyte[5] array1 = [234, 3, 252, 10, 18];
ubyte[3] array2 = [65, 13, 173];
auto bits = BitVector(array1);
bits = array2;
assert(bits[][0] == 0);
assert(bits[][1] == 0);
assert(bits[][2] == 65);
assert(bits[][3] == 13);
assert(bits[][4] == 173);
bits = array2[0..2];
assert(bits[][0] == 0);
assert(bits[][1] == 0);
assert(bits[][2] == 0);
assert(bits[][3] == 65);
assert(bits[][4] == 13);
* Support for bitwise operations.
* Params:
* that = Another bit vector.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
BitVector opOpAssign(string op)(BitVector that) pure nothrow @safe @nogc
if ((op == "^") || (op == "|") || (op == "&"))
return opOpAssign(op)(that.vector);
/// Ditto.
BitVector opOpAssign(string op)(ubyte[] that) pure nothrow @safe @nogc
if ((op == "^") || (op == "|") || (op == "&"))
assert(that.length <= vector.length);
for (int i = cast(int) vector.length - 1; i >= 0; --i)
mixin("vector[i] " ~ op ~ "= " ~ "that[i];");
immutable delta = vector.length - that.length;
if (delta)
static if (op == "&")
vector[] = 0;
return this;
// [01000001, 00001101, 10101101]
ubyte[3] array1 = [65, 13, 173];
ubyte[3] array2 = [0b01010010, 0b10111110, 0b10111110];
auto bits = BitVector(array1);
bits |= array2;
assert(bits[][0] == 0b01010011);
assert(bits[][1] == 0b10111111);
assert(bits[][2] == 0b10111111);
bits &= array2;
assert(bits[][0] == array2[0]);
assert(bits[][1] == array2[1]);
assert(bits[][2] == array2[2]);
bits ^= array2;
assert(bits[][0] == 0);
assert(bits[][1] == 0);
assert(bits[][2] == 0);
* Support for shift operations.
* Params:
* n = Number of bits.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
BitVector opOpAssign(string op)(in size_t n) pure nothrow @safe @nogc
if ((op == "<<") || (op == ">>"))
if (n >= length)
vector[0..$] = 0;
else if (n != 0)
immutable bit = n % 8, step = n / 8;
immutable delta = 8 - bit;
size_t i, j;
static if (op == "<<")
for (j = step; j < vector.length - 1; ++i)
vector[i] = cast(ubyte)((vector[j] << bit)
| vector[++j] >> delta);
vector[i] = cast(ubyte)(vector[j] << bit);
vector[$ - step ..$] = 0;
else static if (op == ">>")
for (i = vector.length - 1, j = i - step; j > 0; --i)
vector[i] = cast(ubyte)((vector[j] >> bit)
| vector[--j] << delta);
vector[i] = cast(ubyte)(vector[j] >> bit);
vector[0..step] = 0;
return this;
nothrow @safe @nogc unittest
ubyte[4] arr = [0b10111110, 0b11110010, 0b01010010, 0b01010011];
auto bits = BitVector(arr);
bits <<= 0;
assert(bits[][0] == 0b10111110 && bits[][1] == 0b11110010
&& bits[][2] == 0b01010010 && bits[][3] == 0b01010011);
bits <<= 2;
assert(bits[][0] == 0b11111011 && bits[][1] == 0b11001001
&& bits[][2] == 0b01001001 && bits[][3] == 0b01001100);
bits <<= 4;
assert(bits[][0] == 0b10111100 && bits[][1] == 0b10010100
&& bits[][2] == 0b10010100 && bits[][3] == 0b11000000);
bits <<= 8;
assert(bits[][0] == 0b10010100 && bits[][1] == 0b10010100
&& bits[][2] == 0b11000000 && bits[][3] == 0b00000000);
bits <<= 7;
assert(bits[][0] == 0b01001010 && bits[][1] == 0b01100000
&& bits[][2] == 0b00000000 && bits[][3] == 0b00000000);
bits <<= 25;
assert(bits[][0] == 0b00000000 && bits[][1] == 0b00000000
&& bits[][2] == 0b00000000 && bits[][3] == 0b00000000);
arr = [0b00110011, 0b11001100, 0b11111111, 0b01010101];
bits <<= 24;
assert(bits[][0] == 0b01010101 && bits[][1] == 0b00000000
&& bits[][2] == 0b00000000 && bits[][3] == 0b00000000);
arr[1] = 0b11001100;
arr[2] = 0b11111111;
arr[3] = 0b01010101;
bits <<= 12;
assert(bits[][0] == 0b11001111 && bits[][1] == 0b11110101
&& bits[][2] == 0b01010000 && bits[][3] == 0b00000000);
bits <<= 100;
assert(bits[][0] == 0b00000000 && bits[][1] == 0b00000000
&& bits[][2] == 0b00000000 && bits[][3] == 0b00000000);
arr = [0b10111110, 0b11110010, 0b01010010, 0b01010011];
bits >>= 0;
assert(bits[][0] == 0b10111110 && bits[][1] == 0b11110010
&& bits[][2] == 0b01010010 && bits[][3] == 0b01010011);
bits >>= 2;
assert(bits[][0] == 0b00101111 && bits[][1] == 0b10111100
&& bits[][2] == 0b10010100 && bits[][3] == 0b10010100);
bits >>= 4;
assert(bits[][0] == 0b00000010 && bits[][1] == 0b11111011
&& bits[][2] == 0b11001001 && bits[][3] == 0b01001001);
bits >>= 8;
assert(bits[][0] == 0b00000000 && bits[][1] == 0b00000010
&& bits[][2] == 0b11111011 && bits[][3] == 0b11001001);
bits >>= 7;
assert(bits[][0] == 0b00000000 && bits[][1] == 0b00000000
&& bits[][2] == 0b00000101 && bits[][3] == 0b11110111);
bits >>= 25;
assert(bits[][0] == 0b00000000 && bits[][1] == 0b00000000
&& bits[][2] == 0b00000000 && bits[][3] == 0b00000000);
arr = [0b00110011, 0b11001100, 0b11111111, 0b01010101];
bits >>= 24;
assert(bits[][0] == 0b00000000 && bits[][1] == 0b00000000
&& bits[][2] == 0b00000000 && bits[][3] == 0b00110011);
arr[1] = 0b11001100;
arr[2] = 0b11111111;
arr[3] = 0b01010101;
bits >>= 12;
assert(bits[][0] == 0b00000000 && bits[][1] == 0b00000000
&& bits[][2] == 0b00001100 && bits[][3] == 0b11001111);
bits >>= 100;
assert(bits[][0] == 0b00000000 && bits[][1] == 0b00000000
&& bits[][2] == 0b00000000 && bits[][3] == 0b00000000);
* Negates all bits.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
BitVector opUnary(string op)() pure nothrow @safe @nogc
if (op == "~")
foreach (ref b; vector)
b = ~b;
return this;
// [01000001, 00001101, 10101101]
ubyte[3] arr = [65, 13, 173];
auto bits = BitVector(arr);
assert(bits[][0] == 0b10111110);
assert(bits[][1] == 0b11110010);
assert(bits[][2] == 0b01010010);
* Iterates through all bits.
* Params:
* dg = $(D_KEYWORD foreach) delegate.
* Returns: By $(D_PARAM dg) returned value.
int opApply(int delegate(size_t, bool) dg)
int result;
foreach (i, ref v; vector)
foreach (c; 0..8)
result = dg(i * 8 + c, (v & (0x80 >> c)) != 0);
if (result)
return result;
return result;
/// Ditto.
int opApply(int delegate(bool) dg)
int result;
foreach (ref v; vector)
foreach (c; 0..8)
result = dg((v & (0x80 >> c)) != 0);
if (result)
return result;
return result;
ubyte[2] arr = [0b01000001, 0b00001101];
auto bits = BitVector(arr);
size_t c;
foreach (i, v; bits)
assert(i == c);
if (i == 1 || i == 7 || i == 15 || i == 13 || i == 12)
assert(c == 16);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ module tanya.container.entry;
package struct SEntry(T) package struct SEntry(T)
{ {
/// Item content. /// Item content.
T content; T content;
/// Next item. /// Next item.
SEntry* next; SEntry* next;
} }

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
* file, You can obtain one at */ * file, You can obtain one at */
/** /**
* Abstract data types whose instances are collections of other objects.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016-2017. * Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016-2017.
* License: $(LINK2, * License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0). * Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
@ -10,6 +12,7 @@
*/ */
module tanya.container; module tanya.container;
public import tanya.container.bitvector;
public import tanya.container.buffer; public import tanya.container.buffer;
public import tanya.container.list; public import tanya.container.list;
public import tanya.container.vector; public import tanya.container.vector;

View File

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
* file, You can obtain one at */ * file, You can obtain one at */
/** /**
* FIFO queue.
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016-2017. * Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016-2017.
* License: $(LINK2, * License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0). * Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
@ -20,267 +22,267 @@ import tanya.memory;
* FIFO queue. * FIFO queue.
* *
* Params: * Params:
* T = Content type. * T = Content type.
*/ */
struct Queue(T) struct Queue(T)
{ {
/** /**
* Removes all elements from the queue. * Removes all elements from the queue.
*/ */
~this() ~this()
{ {
while (!empty) while (!empty)
{ {
dequeue(); dequeue();
} }
} }
/** /**
* Returns how many elements are in the queue. It iterates through the queue * Returns how many elements are in the queue. It iterates through the queue
* to count the elements. * to count the elements.
* *
* Returns: How many elements are in the queue. * Returns: How many elements are in the queue.
*/ */
size_t length() const size_t length() const
{ {
size_t len; size_t len;
for (const(SEntry!T)* i = first; i !is null; i = for (const(SEntry!T)* i = first; i !is null; i =
{ {
++len; ++len;
} }
return len; return len;
} }
/// ///
unittest unittest
{ {
Queue!int q; Queue!int q;
assert(q.length == 0); assert(q.length == 0);
q.enqueue(5); q.enqueue(5);
assert(q.length == 1); assert(q.length == 1);
q.enqueue(4); q.enqueue(4);
assert(q.length == 2); assert(q.length == 2);
q.enqueue(9); q.enqueue(9);
assert(q.length == 3); assert(q.length == 3);
q.dequeue(); q.dequeue();
assert(q.length == 2); assert(q.length == 2);
q.dequeue(); q.dequeue();
assert(q.length == 1); assert(q.length == 1);
q.dequeue(); q.dequeue();
assert(q.length == 0); assert(q.length == 0);
} }
private void enqueueEntry(ref SEntry!T* entry) private void enqueueEntry(ref SEntry!T* entry)
{ {
if (empty) if (empty)
{ {
first = rear = entry; first = rear = entry;
} }
else else
{ { = entry; = entry;
rear =; rear =;
} }
} }
private SEntry!T* allocateEntry() private SEntry!T* allocateEntry()
{ {
auto temp = cast(SEntry!T*) allocator.allocate(SEntry!T.sizeof); auto temp = cast(SEntry!T*) allocator.allocate(SEntry!T.sizeof);
if (temp is null) if (temp is null)
{ {
onOutOfMemoryError(); onOutOfMemoryError();
} }
return temp; return temp;
} }
/** /**
* Inserts a new element. * Inserts a new element.
* *
* Params: * Params:
* x = New element. * x = New element.
*/ */
void enqueue(ref T x) void enqueue(ref T x)
{ {
auto temp = allocateEntry(); auto temp = allocateEntry();
*temp = SEntry!T.init; *temp = SEntry!T.init;
temp.content = x; temp.content = x;
enqueueEntry(temp); enqueueEntry(temp);
} }
/// Ditto. /// Ditto.
void enqueue(T x) void enqueue(T x)
{ {
auto temp = allocateEntry(); auto temp = allocateEntry();
moveEmplace(x, (*temp).content); moveEmplace(x, (*temp).content);
(*temp).next = null; (*temp).next = null;
enqueueEntry(temp); enqueueEntry(temp);
} }
/// ///
unittest unittest
{ {
Queue!int q; Queue!int q;
assert(q.empty); assert(q.empty);
q.enqueue(8); q.enqueue(8);
q.enqueue(9); q.enqueue(9);
assert(q.dequeue() == 8); assert(q.dequeue() == 8);
assert(q.dequeue() == 9); assert(q.dequeue() == 9);
} }
/** /**
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if the queue is empty. * Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if the queue is empty.
*/ */
@property bool empty() const @property bool empty() const
{ {
return first is null; return first is null;
} }
/// ///
unittest unittest
{ {
Queue!int q; Queue!int q;
int value = 7; int value = 7;
assert(q.empty); assert(q.empty);
q.enqueue(value); q.enqueue(value);
assert(!q.empty); assert(!q.empty);
} }
/** /**
* Move the position to the next element. * Move the position to the next element.
* *
* Returns: Dequeued element. * Returns: Dequeued element.
*/ */
T dequeue() T dequeue()
in in
{ {
assert(!empty); assert(!empty);
} }
body body
{ {
auto n =; auto n =;
T ret = move(first.content); T ret = move(first.content);
allocator.dispose(first); allocator.dispose(first);
first = n; first = n;
return ret; return ret;
} }
/// ///
unittest unittest
{ {
Queue!int q; Queue!int q;
q.enqueue(8); q.enqueue(8);
q.enqueue(9); q.enqueue(9);
assert(q.dequeue() == 8); assert(q.dequeue() == 8);
assert(q.dequeue() == 9); assert(q.dequeue() == 9);
} }
/** /**
* $(D_KEYWORD foreach) iteration. The elements will be automatically * $(D_KEYWORD foreach) iteration. The elements will be automatically
* dequeued. * dequeued.
* *
* Params: * Params:
* dg = $(D_KEYWORD foreach) body. * dg = $(D_KEYWORD foreach) body.
* *
* Returns: The value returned from $(D_PARAM dg). * Returns: The value returned from $(D_PARAM dg).
*/ */
int opApply(scope int delegate(ref size_t i, ref T) @nogc dg) int opApply(scope int delegate(ref size_t i, ref T) @nogc dg)
{ {
int result; int result;
for (size_t i = 0; !empty; ++i) for (size_t i = 0; !empty; ++i)
{ {
auto e = dequeue(); auto e = dequeue();
if ((result = dg(i, e)) != 0) if ((result = dg(i, e)) != 0)
{ {
return result; return result;
} }
} }
return result; return result;
} }
/// Ditto. /// Ditto.
int opApply(scope int delegate(ref T) @nogc dg) int opApply(scope int delegate(ref T) @nogc dg)
{ {
int result; int result;
while (!empty) while (!empty)
{ {
auto e = dequeue(); auto e = dequeue();
if ((result = dg(e)) != 0) if ((result = dg(e)) != 0)
{ {
return result; return result;
} }
} }
return result; return result;
} }
/// ///
unittest unittest
{ {
Queue!int q; Queue!int q;
size_t j; size_t j;
q.enqueue(5); q.enqueue(5);
q.enqueue(4); q.enqueue(4);
q.enqueue(9); q.enqueue(9);
foreach (i, e; q) foreach (i, e; q)
{ {
assert(i != 2 || e == 9); assert(i != 2 || e == 9);
assert(i != 1 || e == 4); assert(i != 1 || e == 4);
assert(i != 0 || e == 5); assert(i != 0 || e == 5);
++j; ++j;
} }
assert(j == 3); assert(j == 3);
assert(q.empty); assert(q.empty);
j = 0; j = 0;
q.enqueue(5); q.enqueue(5);
q.enqueue(4); q.enqueue(4);
q.enqueue(9); q.enqueue(9);
foreach (e; q) foreach (e; q)
{ {
assert(j != 2 || e == 9); assert(j != 2 || e == 9);
assert(j != 1 || e == 4); assert(j != 1 || e == 4);
assert(j != 0 || e == 5); assert(j != 0 || e == 5);
++j; ++j;
} }
assert(j == 3); assert(j == 3);
assert(q.empty); assert(q.empty);
} }
private SEntry!T* first; private SEntry!T* first;
private SEntry!T* rear; private SEntry!T* rear;
mixin DefaultAllocator; mixin DefaultAllocator;
} }
/// ///
unittest unittest
{ {
Queue!int q; Queue!int q;
q.enqueue(5); q.enqueue(5);
assert(!q.empty); assert(!q.empty);
q.enqueue(4); q.enqueue(4);
q.enqueue(9); q.enqueue(9);
assert(q.dequeue() == 5); assert(q.dequeue() == 5);
foreach (i, ref e; q) foreach (i, ref e; q)
{ {
assert(i != 0 || e == 4); assert(i != 0 || e == 4);
assert(i != 1 || e == 9); assert(i != 1 || e == 9);
} }
assert(q.empty); assert(q.empty);
} }

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
* file, You can obtain one at */ * file, You can obtain one at */
/** /**
* One-dimensional array. * Single-dimensioned array.
* *
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016-2017. * Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016-2017.
* License: $(LINK2, * License: $(LINK2,
@ -166,10 +166,10 @@ struct Vector(T)
* range or a static array $(D_PARAM init). * range or a static array $(D_PARAM init).
* *
* Params: * Params:
* R = Type of the initial range or size of the static array. * R = Type of the initial range or size of the static array.
* init = Values to initialize the array with. * init = Values to initialize the array with.
* to generate a list. * to generate a list.
* allocator = Allocator. * allocator = Allocator.
*/ */
this(size_t R)(T[R] init, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator) this(size_t R)(T[R] init, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
{ {
@ -200,9 +200,9 @@ struct Vector(T)
* If $(D_PARAM init) is passed by reference, it will be copied. * If $(D_PARAM init) is passed by reference, it will be copied.
* *
* Params: * Params:
* R = Vector type. * R = Vector type.
* init = Source vector. * init = Source vector.
* allocator = Allocator. * allocator = Allocator.
*/ */
this(R)(ref R init, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator) this(R)(ref R init, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
if (is(Unqual!R == Vector)) if (is(Unqual!R == Vector))
@ -268,8 +268,8 @@ struct Vector(T)
* Creates a new $(D_PSYMBOL Vector). * Creates a new $(D_PSYMBOL Vector).
* *
* Params: * Params:
* len = Initial length of the vector. * len = Initial length of the vector.
* allocator = Allocator. * allocator = Allocator.
*/ */
this(in size_t len, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator) this(in size_t len, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
{ {
@ -281,9 +281,9 @@ struct Vector(T)
* Creates a new $(D_PSYMBOL Vector). * Creates a new $(D_PSYMBOL Vector).
* *
* Params: * Params:
* len = Initial length of the vector. * len = Initial length of the vector.
* init = Initial value to fill the vector with. * init = Initial value to fill the vector with.
* allocator = Allocator. * allocator = Allocator.
*/ */
this(in size_t len, T init, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator) @trusted this(in size_t len, T init, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator) @trusted
{ {
@ -399,7 +399,7 @@ struct Vector(T)
* Expands/shrinks the vector. * Expands/shrinks the vector.
* *
* Params: * Params:
* len = New length. * len = New length.
*/ */
@property void length(in size_t len) @trusted @property void length(in size_t len) @trusted
{ {
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ struct Vector(T)
* affected. * affected.
* *
* Params: * Params:
* size = Desired size. * size = Desired size.
*/ */
void reserve(in size_t size) @trusted void reserve(in size_t size) @trusted
{ {
@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ struct Vector(T)
* $(D_PARAM length). * $(D_PARAM length).
* *
* Params: * Params:
* size = Desired size. * size = Desired size.
*/ */
void shrink(in size_t size) @trusted void shrink(in size_t size) @trusted
{ {
@ -585,7 +585,7 @@ struct Vector(T)
* length, all elements are removed. * length, all elements are removed.
* *
* Params: * Params:
* howMany = How many elements should be removed. * howMany = How many elements should be removed.
* *
* Returns: The number of elements removed * Returns: The number of elements removed
*/ */
@ -618,7 +618,7 @@ struct Vector(T)
* Remove all elements beloning to $(D_PARAM r). * Remove all elements beloning to $(D_PARAM r).
* *
* Params: * Params:
* r = Range originally obtained from this vector. * r = Range originally obtained from this vector.
* *
* Returns: Elements in $(D_PARAM r) after removing. * Returns: Elements in $(D_PARAM r) after removing.
* *
@ -674,8 +674,8 @@ struct Vector(T)
* Inserts the $(D_PARAM el) into the vector. * Inserts the $(D_PARAM el) into the vector.
* *
* Params: * Params:
* R = Type of the inserted value(s) (single value, range or static array). * R = Type of the inserted value(s) (single value, range or static array).
* el = Value(s) should be inserted. * el = Value(s) should be inserted.
* *
* Returns: The number of elements inserted. * Returns: The number of elements inserted.
*/ */
@ -767,9 +767,9 @@ struct Vector(T)
* Inserts $(D_PARAM el) before or after $(D_PARAM r). * Inserts $(D_PARAM el) before or after $(D_PARAM r).
* *
* Params: * Params:
* R = Type of the inserted value(s) (single value, range or static array). * R = Type of the inserted value(s) (single value, range or static array).
* r = Range originally obtained from this vector. * r = Range originally obtained from this vector.
* el = Value(s) should be inserted. * el = Value(s) should be inserted.
* *
* Returns: The number of elements inserted. * Returns: The number of elements inserted.
*/ */
@ -946,8 +946,8 @@ struct Vector(T)
* Assigns a value to the element with the index $(D_PARAM pos). * Assigns a value to the element with the index $(D_PARAM pos).
* *
* Params: * Params:
* value = Value. * value = Value.
* pos = Position. * pos = Position.
* *
* Returns: Assigned value. * Returns: Assigned value.
* *
@ -987,8 +987,8 @@ struct Vector(T)
* Assigns a range or a static array. * Assigns a range or a static array.
* *
* Params: * Params:
* R = Range type or static array length. * R = Range type or static array length.
* value = Value. * value = Value.
* *
* Returns: Assigned value. * Returns: Assigned value.
* *
@ -1025,7 +1025,7 @@ struct Vector(T)
/** /**
* Params: * Params:
* pos = Index. * pos = Index.
* *
* Returns: The value at a specified index. * Returns: The value at a specified index.
* *
@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@ struct Vector(T)
* Comparison for equality. * Comparison for equality.
* *
* Params: * Params:
* that = The vector to compare with. * that = The vector to compare with.
* *
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if the vectors are equal, $(D_KEYWORD false) * Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if the vectors are equal, $(D_KEYWORD false)
* otherwise. * otherwise.
@ -1099,8 +1099,8 @@ struct Vector(T)
* Comparison for equality. * Comparison for equality.
* *
* Params: * Params:
* R = Right hand side type. * R = Right hand side type.
* that = Right hand side vector range. * that = Right hand side vector range.
* *
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if the vector and the range are equal, * Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if the vector and the range are equal,
* $(D_KEYWORD false) otherwise. * $(D_KEYWORD false) otherwise.
@ -1135,7 +1135,7 @@ struct Vector(T)
* $(D_KEYWORD foreach) iteration. * $(D_KEYWORD foreach) iteration.
* *
* Params: * Params:
* dg = $(D_KEYWORD foreach) body. * dg = $(D_KEYWORD foreach) body.
* *
* Returns: The value returned from $(D_PARAM dg). * Returns: The value returned from $(D_PARAM dg).
*/ */
@ -1301,8 +1301,8 @@ struct Vector(T)
/** /**
* Params: * Params:
* i = Slice start. * i = Slice start.
* j = Slice end. * j = Slice end.
* *
* Returns: A range that iterates over elements of the container from * Returns: A range that iterates over elements of the container from
* index $(D_PARAM i) up to (excluding) index $(D_PARAM j). * index $(D_PARAM i) up to (excluding) index $(D_PARAM j).
@ -1380,11 +1380,11 @@ struct Vector(T)
* Slicing assignment. * Slicing assignment.
* *
* Params: * Params:
* R = Type of the assigned slice or length of the static array should be * R = Type of the assigned slice or length of the static array should be
* assigned. * assigned.
* value = New value (single value, input range or static array). * value = New value (single value, input range or static array).
* i = Slice start. * i = Slice start.
* j = Slice end. * j = Slice end.
* *
* Returns: Slice with the assigned part of the vector. * Returns: Slice with the assigned part of the vector.
* *