This commit is contained in:
Eugen Wissner 2016-08-24 18:15:21 +02:00
parent c0df3c9330
commit a3efee6d7f
21 changed files with 4193 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

dub.json Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"name": "tanya",
"description": "D library with event loop",
"license": "MPL-2.0",
"copyright": "(c) Eugene Wissner <>",
"authors": [
"Eugene Wissner"
"targetType": "library",
"configurations": [
"name": "library"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,641 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.container.buffer;
import tanya.memory;
version (unittest)
private int fillBuffer(void* buffer,
in size_t size,
int start = 0,
int end = 10)
assert(start < end);
ubyte[] buf = cast(ubyte[]) buffer[0..size];
auto numberRead = end - start;
for (ubyte i; i < numberRead; ++i)
buf[i] = cast(ubyte) (start + i);
return numberRead;
* Interface for implemeting input/output buffers.
interface Buffer
* Returns: The size of the internal buffer.
@property size_t capacity() const @safe pure nothrow;
* Returns: Data size.
@property size_t length() const @safe pure nothrow;
* Returns: Available space.
@property size_t free() const @safe pure nothrow;
* Appends some data to the buffer.
* Params:
* buffer = Buffer chunk got with $(D_PSYMBOL buffer).
Buffer opOpAssign(string op)(void[] buffer)
if (op == "~");
* Buffer that can be used with C functions accepting void pointer and
* returning the number of the read bytes.
class ReadBuffer : Buffer
/// Internal buffer.
protected ubyte[] _buffer;
/// Filled buffer length.
protected size_t _length;
/// Available space.
protected immutable size_t minAvailable;
/// Size by which the buffer will grow.
protected immutable size_t blockSize;
private Allocator allocator;
assert(_length <= _buffer.length);
assert(blockSize > 0);
assert(minAvailable > 0);
* Params:
* size = Initial buffer size and the size by which the buffer
* will grow.
* minAvailable = minimal size should be always available to fill.
* So it will reallocate if $(D_INLINECODE
* $(D_PSYMBOL free) < $(D_PARAM minAvailable)
* ).
this(size_t size = 8192,
size_t minAvailable = 1024,
Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
this.allocator = allocator;
this.minAvailable = minAvailable;
this.blockSize = size;
resizeArray!ubyte(this.allocator, _buffer, size);
* Deallocates the internal buffer.
finalize(allocator, _buffer);
auto b = make!ReadBuffer(defaultAllocator);
assert(b.capacity == 8192);
assert(b.length == 0);
finalize(defaultAllocator, b);
* Returns: The size of the internal buffer.
@property size_t capacity() const @safe pure nothrow
return _buffer.length;
* Returns: Data size.
@property size_t length() const @safe pure nothrow
return _length;
* Returns: Available space.
@property size_t free() const @safe pure nothrow
return capacity - length;
auto b = make!ReadBuffer(defaultAllocator);
size_t numberRead;
void* buf;
// Fills the buffer with values 0..10
assert( == b.blockSize);
buf = b.buffer;
numberRead = fillBuffer(buf,, 0, 10);
b ~= buf[0..numberRead];
assert( == b.blockSize - numberRead);
assert( == b.blockSize);
finalize(defaultAllocator, b);
* Returns a pointer to a chunk of the internal buffer. You can pass it to
* a function that requires such a buffer.
* Set the buffer again after reading something into it. Append
* $(D_KEYWORD ~=) a slice from the beginning of the buffer you got and
* till the number of the read bytes. The data will be appended to the
* existing buffer.
* Returns: A chunk of available buffer.
@property void* buffer()
if (capacity - length < minAvailable)
resizeArray!ubyte(this.allocator, _buffer, capacity + blockSize);
return _buffer[_length..$].ptr;
* Appends some data to the buffer. Use only the buffer you got
* with $(D_PSYMBOL buffer)!
* Params:
* buffer = Buffer chunk got with $(D_PSYMBOL buffer).
ReadBuffer opOpAssign(string op)(void[] buffer)
if (op == "~")
_length += buffer.length;
return this;
auto b = make!ReadBuffer(defaultAllocator);
size_t numberRead;
void* buf;
ubyte[] result;
// Fills the buffer with values 0..10
buf = b.buffer;
numberRead = fillBuffer(buf,, 0, 10);
b ~= buf[0..numberRead];
result = b[];
assert(result[0] == 0);
assert(result[1] == 1);
assert(result[9] == 9);
// It shouldn't overwrite, but append another 5 bytes to the buffer
buf = b.buffer;
numberRead = fillBuffer(buf,, 0, 10);
b ~= buf[0..numberRead];
buf = b.buffer;
numberRead = fillBuffer(buf,, 20, 25);
b ~= buf[0..numberRead];
result = b[];
assert(result[0] == 0);
assert(result[1] == 1);
assert(result[9] == 9);
assert(result[10] == 20);
assert(result[14] == 24);
finalize(defaultAllocator, b);
* Returns the buffer. The buffer is cleared after that. So you can get it
* only one time.
* Returns: The buffer as array.
@property ubyte[] opIndex()
auto ret = _buffer[0.._length];
_length = 0;
return ret;
auto b = make!ReadBuffer(defaultAllocator);
size_t numberRead;
void* buf;
ubyte[] result;
// Fills the buffer with values 0..10
buf = b.buffer;
numberRead = fillBuffer(buf,, 0, 10);
b ~= buf[0..numberRead];
assert(b.length == 10);
result = b[];
assert(result[0] == 0);
assert(result[9] == 9);
assert(b.length == 0);
finalize(defaultAllocator, b);
* Circular, self-expanding buffer that can be used with C functions accepting
* void pointer and returning the number of the read bytes.
* The buffer is optimized for situations where you read all the data from it
* at once (without writing to it occasionally). It can become ineffective if
* you permanently keep some data in the buffer and alternate writing and
* reading, because it may allocate and move elements.
class WriteBuffer : Buffer
/// Internal buffer.
protected ubyte[] _buffer;
/// Buffer start position.
protected size_t start;
/// Buffer ring area size. After this position begins buffer overflow area.
protected size_t ring;
/// Size by which the buffer will grow.
protected immutable size_t blockSize;
/// The position of the free area in the buffer.
protected size_t position;
private Allocator allocator;
assert(blockSize > 0);
// position can refer to an element outside the buffer if the buffer is full.
assert(position <= _buffer.length);
* Params:
* size = Initial buffer size and the size by which the buffer
* will grow.
this(size_t size = 8192,
Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
this.allocator = allocator;
blockSize = size;
ring = size - 1;
resizeArray!ubyte(this.allocator, _buffer, size);
* Deallocates the internal buffer.
finalize(allocator, _buffer);
* Returns: The size of the internal buffer.
@property size_t capacity() const @safe pure nothrow
return _buffer.length;
* Note that $(D_PSYMBOL length) doesn't return the real length of the data,
* but only the array length that will be returned with $(D_PSYMBOL buffer)
* next time. Be sure to call $(D_PSYMBOL buffer) and set $(D_PSYMBOL written)
* until $(D_PSYMBOL length) returns 0.
* Returns: Data size.
@property size_t length() const @safe pure nothrow
if (position > ring || position < start) // Buffer overflowed
return ring - start + 1;
return position - start;
auto b = make!WriteBuffer(defaultAllocator, 4);
ubyte[3] buf = [48, 23, 255];
b ~= buf;
assert(b.length == 3);
b.written = 2;
assert(b.length == 1);
b ~= buf;
assert(b.length == 2);
b.written = 2;
assert(b.length == 2);
b ~= buf;
assert(b.length == 5);
b.written = b.length;
assert(b.length == 0);
finalize(defaultAllocator, b);
* Returns: Available space.
@property size_t free() const @safe pure nothrow
return capacity - length;
* Appends data to the buffer.
* Params:
* buffer = Buffer chunk got with $(D_PSYMBOL buffer).
WriteBuffer opOpAssign(string op)(ubyte[] buffer)
if (op == "~")
size_t end, start;
if (position >= this.start && position <= ring)
auto afterRing = ring + 1;
end = position + buffer.length;
if (end > afterRing)
end = afterRing;
start = end - position;
_buffer[position..end] = buffer[0..start];
if (end == afterRing)
position = this.start == 0 ? afterRing : 0;
position = end;
// Check if we have some free space at the beginning
if (start < buffer.length && position < this.start)
end = position + buffer.length - start;
if (end > this.start)
end = this.start;
auto areaEnd = end - position + start;
_buffer[position..end] = buffer[start..areaEnd];
position = end == this.start ? ring + 1 : end - position;
start = areaEnd;
// And if we still haven't found any place, save the rest in the overflow area
if (start < buffer.length)
end = position + buffer.length - start;
if (end > capacity)
auto newSize = end / blockSize * blockSize + blockSize;
resizeArray!ubyte(this.allocator, _buffer, newSize);
_buffer[position..end] = buffer[start..$];
position = end;
if (this.start == 0)
ring = capacity - 1;
return this;
auto b = make!WriteBuffer(defaultAllocator, 4);
ubyte[3] buf = [48, 23, 255];
b ~= buf;
assert(b.capacity == 4);
assert(b._buffer[0] == 48 && b._buffer[1] == 23 && b._buffer[2] == 255);
b.written = 2;
b ~= buf;
assert(b.capacity == 4);
assert(b._buffer[0] == 23 && b._buffer[1] == 255
&& b._buffer[2] == 255 && b._buffer[3] == 48);
b.written = 2;
b ~= buf;
assert(b.capacity == 8);
assert(b._buffer[0] == 23 && b._buffer[1] == 255
&& b._buffer[2] == 48 && b._buffer[3] == 23 && b._buffer[4] == 255);
finalize(defaultAllocator, b);
b = make!WriteBuffer(defaultAllocator, 2);
b ~= buf;
assert(b.start == 0);
assert(b.capacity == 4);
assert(b.ring == 3);
assert(b.position == 3);
finalize(defaultAllocator, b);
* Sets how many bytes were written. It will shrink the buffer
* appropriately. Always set this property after calling
* $(D_PSYMBOL buffer).
* Params:
* length = Length of the written data.
@property void written(size_t length) @safe pure nothrow
assert(length <= this.length);
auto afterRing = ring + 1;
auto oldStart = start;
if (length <= 0)
else if (position <= afterRing)
start += length;
if (start > 0 && position == afterRing)
position = oldStart;
auto overflow = position - afterRing;
if (overflow > length) {
_buffer[start.. start + length] = _buffer[afterRing.. afterRing + length];
_buffer[afterRing.. afterRing + length] = _buffer[afterRing + length ..position];
position -= length;
else if (overflow == length)
_buffer[start.. start + overflow] = _buffer[afterRing..position];
position -= overflow;
_buffer[start.. start + overflow] = _buffer[afterRing..position];
position = overflow;
start += length;
if (start == position)
if (position != afterRing)
position = 0;
start = 0;
ring = capacity - 1;
if (start > ring)
start = 0;
auto b = make!WriteBuffer(defaultAllocator);
ubyte[6] buf = [23, 23, 255, 128, 127, 9];
b ~= buf;
assert(b.length == 6);
b.written = 2;
assert(b.length == 4);
b.written = 4;
assert(b.length == 0);
finalize(defaultAllocator, b);
* Returns a pointer to a buffer chunk with data. You can pass it to
* a function that requires such a buffer.
* After calling it, set $(D_PSYMBOL written) to the length could be
* written.
* $(D_PSYMBOL buffer) may return only part of the data. You may need
* to call it (and set $(D_PSYMBOL written) several times until
* $(D_PSYMBOL length) is 0. If all the data can be written,
* maximally 3 calls are required.
* Returns: A chunk of data buffer.
@property void* buffer() @safe pure nothrow
if (position > ring || position < start) // Buffer overflowed
return _buffer[start.. ring + 1].ptr;
return _buffer[start..position].ptr;
auto b = make!WriteBuffer(defaultAllocator, 6);
ubyte[6] buf = [23, 23, 255, 128, 127, 9];
void* returnedBuf;
b ~= buf;
returnedBuf = b.buffer;
assert(returnedBuf[0..b.length] == buf[0..6]);
b.written = 2;
returnedBuf = b.buffer;
assert(returnedBuf[0..b.length] == buf[2..6]);
b ~= buf;
returnedBuf = b.buffer;
assert(returnedBuf[0..b.length] == buf[2..6]);
b.written = b.length;
returnedBuf = b.buffer;
assert(returnedBuf[0..b.length] == buf[0..6]);
b.written = b.length;
finalize(defaultAllocator, b);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.container.list;
import tanya.memory;
* Singly linked list.
* Params:
* T = Content type.
class SList(T)
* Creates a new $(D_PSYMBOL SList).
* Params:
* allocator = The allocator should be used for the element
* allocations.
this(Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
this.allocator = allocator;
* Removes all elements from the list.
while (!empty)
static if (isFinalizable!T)
finalize(allocator, front);
* Returns: First element.
@property ref T front()
* Inserts a new element at the beginning.
* Params:
* x = New element.
@property void front(T x)
Entry* temp = make!Entry(allocator);
temp.content = x; =; = temp;
auto l = make!(SList!int)(defaultAllocator);
int[2] values = [8, 9];
l.front = values[0];
assert(l.front == values[0]);
l.front = values[1];
assert(l.front == values[1]);
finalize(defaultAllocator, l);
* Inserts a new element at the beginning.
* Params:
* x = New element.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
typeof(this) opOpAssign(string Op)(ref T x)
if (Op == "~")
front = x;
return this;
auto l = make!(SList!int)(defaultAllocator);
int value = 5;
l ~= value;
assert(l.front == value);
finalize(defaultAllocator, l);
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if the list is empty.
@property bool empty() const @safe pure nothrow
return is null;
* Returns the first element and moves to the next one.
* Returns: The first element.
T popFront()
auto n =;
auto content =;
finalize(allocator,; = n;
return content;
auto l = make!(SList!int)(defaultAllocator);
int[2] values = [8, 9];
l.front = values[0];
l.front = values[1];
assert(l.front == values[1]);
assert(l.front == values[0]);
finalize(defaultAllocator, l);
* Returns the current item from the list and removes from the list.
* Params:
* x = The item should be removed.
* Returns: Removed item.
T remove()
auto temp =;
auto content =;
finalize(allocator,; = temp;
return content;
auto l = make!(SList!int)(defaultAllocator);
int[3] values = [8, 5, 4];
l.front = values[0];
l.front = values[1];
assert(l.remove() == 5);
l.front = values[2];
assert(l.remove() == 4);
assert(l.remove() == 8);
finalize(defaultAllocator, l);
* Resets the current position.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
typeof(this) reset()
position = &first;
return this;
auto l = make!(SList!int)(defaultAllocator);
int[2] values = [8, 5];
l.current = values[0];
l.current = values[1];
assert(l.current == 5);
assert(l.current == 8);
assert(l.current == 5);
finalize(defaultAllocator, l);
* $(D_KEYWORD foreach) iteration.
* Params:
* dg = $(D_KEYWORD foreach) body.
int opApply(int delegate(ref size_t i, ref T) @nogc dg)
int result;
size_t i;
for (position =; position; position =, ++i)
result = dg(i, position.content);
if (result != 0)
return result;
return result;
auto l = make!(SList!int)(defaultAllocator);
int[3] values = [5, 4, 9];
l.front = values[0];
l.front = values[1];
l.front = values[2];
foreach (i, e; l)
assert(i != 0 || e == values[2]);
assert(i != 1 || e == values[1]);
assert(i != 2 || e == values[0]);
finalize(defaultAllocator, l);
/// Ditto.
int opApply(int delegate(ref T) @nogc dg)
int result;
for (position =; position; position =
result = dg(position.content);
if (result != 0)
return result;
return result;
auto l = make!(SList!int)(defaultAllocator);
int[3] values = [5, 4, 9];
size_t i;
l.front = values[0];
l.front = values[1];
l.front = values[2];
foreach (e; l)
assert(i != 0 || e == values[2]);
assert(i != 1 || e == values[1]);
assert(i != 2 || e == values[0]);
finalize(defaultAllocator, l);
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if the current position is the end position.
@property bool end() const
return empty || is null;
* Moves to the next element and returns it.
* Returns: The element on the next position.
T advance()
position =;
return position.content;
* Returns: Element on the current position.
@property ref T current()
* Inserts a new element at the current position.
* Params:
* x = New element.
@property void current(T x)
Entry* temp = make!Entry(allocator);
temp.content = x; =; = temp;
* List entry.
protected struct Entry
/// List item content.
T content;
/// Next list item.
Entry* next;
/// 0th element of the list.
protected Entry first;
/// Current position in the list.
protected Entry* position;
private Allocator allocator;
interface Stuff
auto l = make!(SList!Stuff)(defaultAllocator);
finalize(defaultAllocator, l);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.container;
public import tanya.container.buffer;
public import tanya.container.list;
public import tanya.container.vector;
public import tanya.container.queue;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.container.queue;
import tanya.memory;
* Queue.
* Params:
* T = Content type.
class Queue(T)
* Creates a new $(D_PSYMBOL Queue).
* Params:
* allocator = The allocator should be used for the element
* allocations.
this(Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
this.allocator = allocator;
* Removes all elements from the queue.
foreach (e; this)
static if (isFinalizable!T)
finalize(allocator, e);
* Returns: First element.
@property ref T front()
* Inserts a new element.
* Params:
* x = New element.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
typeof(this) insertBack(T x)
Entry* temp = make!Entry(allocator);
temp.content = x;
if (empty)
{ = rear = temp;
{ = temp;
rear =;
return this;
alias insert = insertBack;
auto q = make!(Queue!int)(defaultAllocator);
int[2] values = [8, 9];
assert(q.front is values[0]);
assert(q.front is values[0]);
finalize(defaultAllocator, q);
* Inserts a new element.
* Params:
* x = New element.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
typeof(this) opOpAssign(string Op)(ref T x)
if (Op == "~")
return insertBack(x);
auto q = make!(Queue!int)(defaultAllocator);
int value = 5;
q ~= value;
assert(q.front == value);
finalize(defaultAllocator, q);
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if the queue is empty.
@property bool empty() const @safe pure nothrow
return is null;
auto q = make!(Queue!int)(defaultAllocator);
int value = 7;
finalize(defaultAllocator, q);
* Move position to the next element.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
typeof(this) popFront()
auto n =;
finalize(allocator,; = n;
return this;
auto q = make!(Queue!int)(defaultAllocator);
int[2] values = [8, 9];
assert(q.front is values[0]);
assert(q.front is values[1]);
finalize(defaultAllocator, q);
* Queue entry.
protected struct Entry
/// Queue item content.
T content;
/// Next list item.
Entry* next;
/// The first element of the list.
protected Entry first;
/// The last element of the list.
protected Entry* rear;
private Allocator allocator;
auto q = make!(Queue!int)(defaultAllocator);
finalize(defaultAllocator, q);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.container.vector;
import tanya.memory;
* One dimensional array. It allocates automatically if needed.
* If you assign a value:
* ---
* auto v = make!(Vector!int)(defaultAllocator);
* int value = 5;
* v[1000] = value;
* finalize(defaultAllocator, v);
* ---
* it will allocate not only for one, but for 1000 elements. So this
* implementation is more suitable for sequential data with random access.
* Params:
* T = Content type.
class Vector(T)
* Creates a new $(D_PSYMBOL Vector).
* Params:
* length = Initial length.
* allocator = The allocator should be used for the element
* allocations.
this(size_t length, Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
this.allocator = allocator;
vector = makeArray!T(allocator, length);
/// Ditto.
this(Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
this(0, allocator);
* Removes all elements from the vector.
finalize(allocator, vector);
* Returns: Vector length.
@property size_t length() const
return vector.length;
* Expans/shrinks the vector.
* Params:
* length = New length.
@property void length(size_t length)
resizeArray!T(allocator, vector, length);
auto v = make!(Vector!int)(defaultAllocator);
v.length = 5;
assert(v.length == 5);
v.length = 7;
assert(v.length == 7);
v.length = 0;
assert(v.length == 0);
finalize(defaultAllocator, v);
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if the vector is empty.
@property bool empty() const
return length == 0;
static if (isFinalizable!T)
* Removes an elements from the vector.
* Params:
* pos = Element index.
void remove(size_t pos)
auto el = vector[pos];
finalize(allocator, el);
* Assigns a value. Allocates if needed.
* Params:
* value = Value.
* Returns: Assigned value.
T opIndexAssign(T value, size_t pos)
if (pos >= length)
resizeArray!T(allocator, vector, pos + 1);
return vector[pos] = value;
auto v = make!(Vector!int)(defaultAllocator);
int[2] values = [5, 15];
assert(v.length == 0);
v[1] = values[0];
assert(v.length == 2);
v[3] = values[0];
assert(v.length == 4);
v[4] = values[1];
assert(v.length == 5);
finalize(defaultAllocator, v);
* Returns: The value on index $(D_PARAM pos).
ref T opIndex(in size_t pos)
assert(length > pos);
return vector[pos];
auto v = make!(Vector!int)(defaultAllocator);
int[2] values = [5, 15];
v[1] = values[0];
assert(v[1] is values[0]);
v[3] = values[0];
assert(v[3] is values[0]);
v[4] = values[1];
assert(v[4] is values[1]);
v[0] = values[1];
assert(v[0] is values[1]);
finalize(defaultAllocator, v);
* $(D_KEYWORD foreach) iteration.
* Params:
* dg = $(D_KEYWORD foreach) body.
int opApply(int delegate(ref T) @nogc dg)
int result;
foreach (e; vector)
result = dg(e);
if (result != 0)
return result;
return result;
/// Ditto.
int opApply(int delegate(ref size_t i, ref T) @nogc dg)
int result;
foreach (i, e; vector)
result = dg(i, e);
if (result != 0)
return result;
return result;
auto v = make!(Vector!int)(defaultAllocator, 1);
int[3] values = [5, 15, 8];
v[0] = values[0];
v[1] = values[1];
v[2] = values[2];
int i;
foreach (e; v)
assert(i != 0 || e is values[0]);
assert(i != 1 || e is values[1]);
assert(i != 2 || e is values[2]);
foreach (j, e; v)
assert(j != 0 || e is values[0]);
assert(j != 1 || e is values[1]);
assert(j != 2 || e is values[2]);
finalize(defaultAllocator, v);
* Sets the first element. Allocates if the vector is empty.
* Params:
* x = New element.
@property void front(ref T x)
this[0] = x;
* Returns: The first element.
@property ref inout(T) front() inout
return vector[0];
auto v = make!(Vector!int)(defaultAllocator, 1);
int[2] values = [5, 15];
v.front = values[0];
assert(v.front == 5);
v.front = values[1];
assert(v.front == 15);
finalize(defaultAllocator, v);
* Move position to the next element.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
typeof(this) popFront()
vector[0 .. $ - 1] = vector[1..$];
resizeArray(allocator, vector, length - 1);
return this;
auto v = make!(Vector!int)(defaultAllocator, 1);
int[2] values = [5, 15];
v[0] = values[0];
v[1] = values[1];
assert(v.front is values[0]);
assert(v.length == 2);
assert(v.front is values[1]);
assert(v.length == 1);
finalize(defaultAllocator, v);
* Sets the last element. Allocates if the vector is empty.
* Params:
* x = New element.
@property void back(ref T x)
vector[empty ? 0 : $ - 1] = x;
* Returns: The last element.
@property ref inout(T) back() inout
return vector[$ - 1];
auto v = make!(Vector!int)(defaultAllocator, 1);
int[2] values = [5, 15];
v.back = values[0];
assert(v.back == 5);
v.back = values[1];
assert(v.back == 15);
finalize(defaultAllocator, v);
* Move position to the previous element.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
typeof(this) popBack()
resizeArray(allocator, vector, length - 1);
return this;
auto v = make!(Vector!int)(defaultAllocator, 1);
int[2] values = [5, 15];
v[0] = values[0];
v[1] = values[1];
assert(v.back is values[1]);
assert(v.length == 2);
assert(v.back is values[0]);
assert(v.length == 1);
finalize(defaultAllocator, v);
/// Container.
protected T[] vector;
private Allocator allocator;
auto v = make!(Vector!int)(defaultAllocator);
finalize(defaultAllocator, v);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.crypto.padding;
import tanya.memory;
import std.algorithm.iteration;
import std.typecons;
* Supported padding mode.
* See_Also:
* $(D_PSYMBOL applyPadding)
enum Mode
* Params:
* allocator = Allocator that should be used if the block should be extended
* or a new block should be added.
* input = Sequence that should be padded.
* mode = Padding mode.
* blockSize = Block size.
* Returns: The functions modifies the initial array and returns it.
* See_Also:
* $(D_PSYMBOL Mode)
ubyte[] applyPadding(ref ubyte[] input,
in Mode mode,
in ushort blockSize,
Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
assert(blockSize > 0 && blockSize <= 256);
assert(blockSize % 64 == 0);
assert(input.length > 0);
immutable rest = cast(ubyte) input.length % blockSize;
immutable size_t lastBlock = input.length - (rest > 0 ? rest : blockSize);
immutable needed = cast(ubyte) (rest > 0 ? blockSize - rest : 0);
final switch (mode) with (Mode)
case zero:
allocator.expandArray(input, needed);
case pkcs7:
if (needed)
allocator.expandArray(input, needed);
input[input.length - needed ..$].each!((ref e) => e = needed);
allocator.expandArray(input, blockSize);
case ansiX923:
allocator.expandArray(input, needed ? needed : blockSize);
input[$ - 1] = needed;
return input;
{ // Zeros
auto input = defaultAllocator.makeArray!ubyte(50);
applyPadding(input,, 64);
assert(input.length == 64);
applyPadding(input,, 64);
assert(input.length == 64);
assert(input[63] == 0);
{ // PKCS#7
auto input = defaultAllocator.makeArray!ubyte(50);
for (ubyte i; i < 40; ++i)
input[i] = i;
applyPadding(input, Mode.pkcs7, 64);
assert(input.length == 64);
for (ubyte i; i < 64; ++i)
if (i >= 40 && i < 50)
assert(input[i] == 0);
else if (i >= 50)
assert(input[i] == 14);
assert(input[i] == i);
applyPadding(input, Mode.pkcs7, 64);
assert(input.length == 128);
for (ubyte i; i < 128; ++i)
if (i >= 64 || (i >= 40 && i < 50))
assert(input[i] == 0);
else if (i >= 50 && i < 64)
assert(input[i] == 14);
assert(input[i] == i);
{ // ANSI X.923
auto input = defaultAllocator.makeArray!ubyte(50);
for (ubyte i; i < 40; ++i)
input[i] = i;
applyPadding(input, Mode.ansiX923, 64);
assert(input.length == 64);
for (ubyte i; i < 64; ++i)
if (i < 40)
assert(input[i] == i);
else if (i == 63)
assert(input[i] == 14);
assert(input[i] == 0);
applyPadding(input, Mode.pkcs7, 64);
assert(input.length == 128);
for (ubyte i = 0; i < 128; ++i)
if (i < 40)
assert(input[i] == i);
else if (i == 63)
assert(input[i] == 14);
assert(input[i] == 0);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.event.config;
package version (DisableBackends)
version (linux)
enum UseEpoll = true;
enum UseEpoll = false;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.event.internal.epoll;
import tanya.event.config;
static if (UseEpoll):
public import core.sys.linux.epoll;
import tanya.event.internal.selector;
import tanya.event.protocol;
import tanya.event.transport;
import tanya.event.watcher;
import tanya.event.loop;
import tanya.container.list;
import tanya.memory;
import core.stdc.errno;
import core.sys.posix.fcntl;
import core.sys.posix.netinet.in_;
import core.time;
import std.algorithm.comparison;
extern (C) nothrow
{ // TODO: Make a pull request for Phobos to mark this extern functions as @nogc.
int epoll_create1(int __flags);
int epoll_ctl(int __epfd, int __op, int __fd, epoll_event *__event);
int epoll_wait(int __epfd, epoll_event *__events, int __maxevents, int __timeout);
int accept4(int, sockaddr*, socklen_t*, int flags);
private enum maxEvents = 128;
class EpollLoop : Loop
* Initializes the loop.
if ((fd = epoll_create1(EPOLL_CLOEXEC)) < 0)
epollEvents = makeArray!epoll_event(defaultAllocator, maxEvents).ptr;
* Frees loop internals.
finalize(defaultAllocator, epollEvents);
* Should be called if the backend configuration changes.
* Params:
* socket = Socket.
* oldEvents = The events were already set.
* events = The events should be set.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if the operation was successful.
protected override bool modify(int socket, EventMask oldEvents, EventMask events)
int op = EPOLL_CTL_DEL;
epoll_event ev;
if (events == oldEvents)
return true;
if (events && oldEvents)
else if (events && !oldEvents)
} = socket; = (events & ( | Event.accept) ? EPOLLIN | EPOLLPRI : 0)
| (events & Event.write ? EPOLLOUT : 0)
return epoll_ctl(fd, op, socket, &ev) == 0;
* Accept incoming connections.
* Params:
* protocolFactory = Protocol factory.
* socket = Socket.
protected override void acceptConnection(Protocol delegate() @nogc protocolFactory,
int socket)
sockaddr_in client_addr;
socklen_t client_len = client_addr.sizeof;
int client = accept4(socket,
cast(sockaddr *)&client_addr,
while (client >= 0)
auto transport = make!SocketTransport(defaultAllocator, this, client);
IOWatcher connection;
if (connections.length > client)
connection = cast(IOWatcher) connections[client];
// If it is a ConnectionWatcher
if (connection is null && connections[client] !is null)
finalize(defaultAllocator, connections[client]);
connections[client] = null;
if (connection !is null)
connection(protocolFactory, transport);
connections[client] = make!IOWatcher(defaultAllocator,
modify(client, EventMask(Event.none), EventMask(, Event.write));
client = accept4(socket,
cast(sockaddr *)&client_addr,
* Does the actual polling.
protected override void poll()
// Don't block
immutable timeout = cast(immutable int)!"msecs";
auto eventCount = epoll_wait(fd, epollEvents, maxEvents, timeout);
if (eventCount < 0)
if (errno != EINTR)
throw make!BadLoopException(defaultAllocator);
for (auto i = 0; i < eventCount; ++i)
epoll_event *ev = epollEvents + i;
auto connection = cast(IOWatcher) connections[];
if (connection is null)
// acceptConnection(connections[].protocol,
// connections[].socket);
auto transport = cast(SocketTransport) connection.transport;
assert(transport !is null);
while (!transport.receive())
catch (TransportException e)
finalize(defaultAllocator, e);
transport.writeReady = true;
* Returns: The blocking time.
override protected @property inout(Duration) blockTime()
inout @safe pure nothrow
return min(super.blockTime, 1.dur!"seconds");
private int fd;
private epoll_event* epollEvents;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.event.internal.selector;
import tanya.memory;
import tanya.container.buffer;
import tanya.event.loop;
import tanya.event.protocol;
import tanya.event.transport;
import core.stdc.errno;
import core.sys.posix.netinet.in_;
import core.sys.posix.unistd;
* Transport for stream sockets.
class SocketTransport : DuplexTransport
private int socket_ = -1;
private Protocol protocol_;
/// Input buffer.
private WriteBuffer input_;
/// Output buffer.
private ReadBuffer output_;
private Loop loop;
private bool disconnected_;
package bool writeReady;
* Params:
* loop = Event loop.
* socket = Socket.
* protocol = Protocol.
this(Loop loop, int socket, Protocol protocol = null)
socket_ = socket;
protocol_ = protocol;
this.loop = loop;
input_ = make!WriteBuffer(defaultAllocator);
output_ = make!ReadBuffer(defaultAllocator);
* Close the transport and deallocate the data buffers.
finalize(defaultAllocator, input_);
finalize(defaultAllocator, output_);
finalize(defaultAllocator, protocol_);
* Returns: Transport socket.
int socket() const @safe pure nothrow
return socket_;
* Returns: Protocol.
@property Protocol protocol() @safe pure nothrow
return protocol_;
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if the remote peer closed the connection,
* $(D_KEYWORD false) otherwise.
@property immutable(bool) disconnected() const @safe pure nothrow
return disconnected_;
* Params:
* protocol = Application protocol.
@property void protocol(Protocol protocol) @safe pure nothrow
protocol_ = protocol;
* Returns: Application protocol.
@property inout(Protocol) protocol() inout @safe pure nothrow
return protocol_;
* Write some data to the transport.
* Params:
* data = Data to send.
void write(ubyte[] data)
// If the buffer wasn't empty the transport should be already there.
if (!input.length && data.length)
input ~= data;
* Returns: Input buffer.
@property WriteBuffer input() @safe pure nothrow
return input_;
* Returns: Output buffer.
@property ReadBuffer output() @safe pure nothrow
return output_;
* Read data from the socket. Returns $(D_KEYWORD true) if the reading
* is completed. In the case that the peer closed the connection, returns
* $(D_KEYWORD true) aswell.
* Returns: Whether the reading is completed.
* Throws: $(D_PSYMBOL TransportException) if a read error is occured.
bool receive()
auto readCount = recv(socket, output.buffer,, 0);
if (readCount > 0)
output_ ~= output.buffer[0..readCount];
return false;
else if (readCount == 0)
disconnected_ = true;
return true;
else if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
return true;
disconnected_ = true;
throw make!TransportException(defaultAllocator,
"Read from the socket failed.");
* Returns: Whether the writing is completed.
* Throws: $(D_PSYMBOL TransportException) if a read error is occured.
bool send()
auto sentCount = core.sys.posix.netinet.in_.send(socket,
input.written = sentCount;
if (input.length == 0)
return true;
else if (sentCount >= 0)
return false;
else if (errno == EAGAIN || errno == EWOULDBLOCK)
writeReady = false;
return false;
disconnected_ = true;
throw make!TransportException(defaultAllocator,
"Write to the socket failed.");

source/tanya/event/loop.d Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.event.loop;
import tanya.memory;
import tanya.container.queue;
import tanya.container.vector;
import tanya.event.config;
import tanya.event.protocol;
import tanya.event.transport;
import tanya.event.watcher;
import tanya.container.buffer;
import core.thread;
import core.time;
import std.algorithm.iteration;
import std.algorithm.mutation;
import std.typecons;
static if (UseEpoll)
import tanya.event.internal.epoll;
* Events.
enum Event : uint
none = 0x00, /// No events.
read = 0x01, /// Non-blocking read call.
write = 0x02, /// Non-blocking write call.
accept = 0x04, /// Connection made.
alias EventMask = BitFlags!Event;
* Event loop.
abstract class Loop
/// Pending watchers.
protected Queue!Watcher pendings;
protected Queue!Watcher swapPendings;
/// Pending connections.
protected Vector!ConnectionWatcher connections;
* Initializes the loop.
connections = make!(Vector!ConnectionWatcher)(defaultAllocator);
pendings = make!(Queue!Watcher)(defaultAllocator);
swapPendings = make!(Queue!Watcher)(defaultAllocator);
* Frees loop internals.
finalize(defaultAllocator, connections);
finalize(defaultAllocator, pendings);
finalize(defaultAllocator, swapPendings);
* Starts the loop.
void run()
done_ = false;
// Invoke pendings
swapPendings.each!((ref p) => p.invoke());
swap(pendings, swapPendings);
while (!done_);
* Break out of the loop.
void unloop() @safe pure nothrow
done_ = true;
* Start watching.
* Params:
* watcher = Watcher.
void start(ConnectionWatcher watcher)
if (
} = true;
watcher.accept = &acceptConnection;
connections[watcher.socket] = watcher;
modify(watcher.socket, EventMask(Event.none), EventMask(Event.accept));
* Stop watching.
* Params:
* watcher = Watcher.
void stop(ConnectionWatcher watcher)
if (!
} = false;
modify(watcher.socket, EventMask(Event.accept), EventMask(Event.none));
* Feeds the given event set into the event loop, as if the specified event
* had happened for the specified watcher.
* Params:
* transport = Affected transport.
void feed(DuplexTransport transport)
* Should be called if the backend configuration changes.
* Params:
* socket = Socket.
* oldEvents = The events were already set.
* events = The events should be set.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if the operation was successful.
protected bool modify(int socket, EventMask oldEvents, EventMask events);
* Returns: The blocking time.
protected @property inout(Duration) blockTime()
inout @safe pure nothrow
// Don't block if we have to do.
return swapPendings.empty ? blockTime_ :;
* Sets the blocking time for IO watchers.
* Params:
* blockTime = The blocking time. Cannot be larger than
* $(D_PSYMBOL maxBlockTime).
protected @property void blockTime(in Duration blockTime) @safe pure nothrow
assert(blockTime <= 1.dur!"hours", "Too long to wait.");
blockTime_ = blockTime;
* Does the actual polling.
protected void poll();
* Accept incoming connections.
* Params:
* protocolFactory = Protocol factory.
* socket = Socket.
protected void acceptConnection(Protocol delegate() @nogc protocolFactory,
int socket);
/// Whether the event loop should be stopped.
private bool done_;
/// Maximal block time.
protected Duration blockTime_ = 1.dur!"minutes";
* Exception thrown on errors in the event loop.
class BadLoopException : Exception
* Params:
* file = The file where the exception occurred.
* line = The line number where the exception occurred.
* next = The previous exception in the chain of exceptions, if any.
this(string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null)
pure @safe nothrow const
super("Event loop cannot be initialized.", file, line, next);
* Returns the event loop used by default. If an event loop wasn't set with
* $(D_PSYMBOL defaultLoop) before, $(D_PSYMBOL getDefaultLoop()) will try to
* choose an event loop supported on the system.
* Returns: The default event loop.
Loop getDefaultLoop()
if (_defaultLoop !is null)
return _defaultLoop;
static if (UseEpoll)
_defaultLoop = make!EpollLoop(defaultAllocator);
return _defaultLoop;
* Sets the default event loop.
* This property makes it possible to implement your own backends or event
* loops, for example, if the system is not supported or if you want to
* extend the supported implementation. Just extend $(D_PSYMBOL Loop) and pass
* your implementation to this property.
* Params:
* loop = The event loop.
@property void defaultLoop(Loop loop)
assert(loop !is null);
_defaultLoop = loop;
private Loop _defaultLoop;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.event;
public import tanya.event.loop;
public import tanya.event.protocol;
public import tanya.event.transport;
public import tanya.event.watcher;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.event.protocol;
import tanya.event.transport;
* Common protocol interface.
interface Protocol
* Params:
* data = Read data.
void received(ubyte[] data);
* Called when a connection is made.
* Params:
* transport = Protocol transport.
void connected(DuplexTransport transport);
* Called when a connection is lost.
void disconnected();
* Interface for TCP.
interface TransmissionControlProtocol : Protocol

View File

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.event.transport;
import tanya.container.buffer;
import tanya.event.protocol;
* Exception thrown on read/write errors.
class TransportException : Exception
* Params:
* msg = Message to output.
* file = The file where the exception occurred.
* line = The line number where the exception occurred.
* next = The previous exception in the chain of exceptions, if any.
this(string msg,
string file = __FILE__,
size_t line = __LINE__,
Throwable next = null) pure @safe nothrow const
super(msg, file, line, next);
* Base transport interface.
interface Transport
* Returns: Protocol.
@property Protocol protocol() @safe pure nothrow;
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if the peer closed the connection,
* $(D_KEYWORD false) otherwise.
@property immutable(bool) disconnected() const @safe pure nothrow;
* Params:
* protocol = Application protocol.
@property void protocol(Protocol protocol) @safe pure nothrow
assert(protocol !is null, "protocolConnected cannot be unset.");
* Returns: Application protocol.
@property inout(Protocol) protocol() inout @safe pure nothrow;
* Returns: Transport socket.
int socket() const @safe pure nothrow;
* Interface for read-only transports.
interface ReadTransport : Transport
* Returns: Underlying output buffer.
@property ReadBuffer output();
* Reads data into the buffer.
* Returns: Whether the reading is completed.
* Throws: $(D_PSYMBOL TransportException) if a read error is occured.
bool receive()
* Interface for write-only transports.
interface WriteTransport : Transport
* Returns: Underlying input buffer.
@property WriteBuffer input();
* Write some data to the transport.
* Params:
* data = Data to send.
void write(ubyte[] data);
* Returns: Whether the writing is completed.
* Throws: $(D_PSYMBOL TransportException) if a read error is occured.
bool send()
* Represents a bidirectional transport.
abstract class DuplexTransport : ReadTransport, WriteTransport

View File

@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.event.watcher;
import tanya.event.protocol;
import tanya.event.transport;
import tanya.memory;
import std.functional;
* A watcher is an opaque structure that you allocate and register to record
* your interest in some event.
abstract class Watcher
/// Whether the watcher is active.
bool active;
* Invoke some action on event.
void invoke();
class ConnectionWatcher : Watcher
/// Watched file descriptor.
private int socket_;
/// Protocol factory.
protected Protocol delegate() protocolFactory;
/// Callback.
package void delegate(Protocol delegate() @nogc protocolFactory,
int socket) accept;
assert(socket_ >= 0, "Called with negative file descriptor.");
* Params:
* protocolFactory = Function returning a new $(D_PSYMBOL Protocol) instance.
* socket = Socket.
this(Protocol function() @nogc protocolFactory, int socket)
this.protocolFactory = toDelegate(protocolFactory);
socket_ = socket;
/// Ditto.
this(Protocol delegate() @nogc protocolFactory, int socket)
this.protocolFactory = protocolFactory;
socket_ = socket;
/// Ditto.
protected this(Protocol function() @nogc protocolFactory)
this.protocolFactory = toDelegate(protocolFactory);
/// Ditto.
protected this(Protocol delegate() @nogc protocolFactory)
this.protocolFactory = protocolFactory;
* Returns: Socket.
@property inout(int) socket() inout @safe pure nothrow
return socket_;
* Returns: Application protocol factory.
@property inout(Protocol delegate() @nogc) protocol() inout
return protocolFactory;
override void invoke()
accept(protocol, socket);
* Contains a pending watcher with the invoked events or a transport can be
* read from.
class IOWatcher : ConnectionWatcher
/// References a watcher or a transport.
DuplexTransport transport_;
* Params:
* protocolFactory = Function returning application specific protocol.
* transport = Transport.
this(Protocol delegate() @nogc protocolFactory,
DuplexTransport transport)
assert(transport !is null);
assert(protocolFactory !is null);
this.transport_ = transport;
finalize(defaultAllocator, transport_);
* Assigns a transport.
* Params:
* protocolFactory = Function returning application specific protocol.
* transport = Transport.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
IOWatcher opCall(Protocol delegate() @nogc protocolFactory,
DuplexTransport transport) @safe pure nothrow
assert(transport !is null);
assert(protocolFactory !is null);
this.protocolFactory = protocolFactory;
this.transport_ = transport;
return this;
* Returns: Transport used by this watcher.
@property inout(DuplexTransport) transport() inout @safe pure nothrow
return transport_;
* Returns: Socket.
override @property inout(int) socket() inout @safe pure nothrow
return transport.socket;
* Invokes the watcher callback.
* Finalizes the transport on disconnect.
override void invoke()
if (transport.protocol is null)
transport.protocol = protocolFactory();
else if (transport.disconnected)
finalize(defaultAllocator, transport_);
protocolFactory = null;
else if (transport.output.length)
else if (transport.input.length)
catch (TransportException e)
finalize(defaultAllocator, e);

source/tanya/math.d Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.container.math;
version (unittest)
import std.algorithm.iteration;
* Computes $(D_PARAM x) to the power $(D_PARAM y) modulo $(D_PARAM z).
* Params:
* x = Base.
* y = Exponent.
* z = Divisor.
* Returns: Reminder of the division of $(D_PARAM x) to the power $(D_PARAM y)
* by $(D_PARAM z).
ulong pow(ulong x, ulong y, ulong z) @safe nothrow pure
assert(z > 0);
out (result)
assert(result >= 0);
ulong mask = ulong.max / 2 + 1, result;
if (y == 0)
return 1 % z;
else if (y == 1)
return x % z;
auto bit = y & mask;
if (!result && bit)
result = x;
result *= result;
if (bit)
result *= x;
result %= z;
while (mask >>= 1);
return result;
assert(pow(3, 5, 7) == 5);
assert(pow(2, 2, 1) == 0);
assert(pow(3, 3, 3) == 0);
assert(pow(7, 4, 2) == 1);
assert(pow(53, 0, 2) == 1);
assert(pow(53, 1, 3) == 2);
assert(pow(53, 2, 5) == 4);
assert(pow(0, 0, 5) == 1);
assert(pow(0, 5, 5) == 0);
* Checks if $(D_PARAM x) is a prime.
* Params:
* x = The number should be checked.
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD true) if $(D_PARAM x) is a prime number,
* $(D_KEYWORD false) otherwise.
bool isPseudoprime(ulong x) @safe nothrow pure
return pow(2, x - 1, x) == 1;
uint[30] known = [74623, 74653, 74687, 74699, 74707, 74713, 74717, 74719,
74843, 74747, 74759, 74761, 74771, 74779, 74797, 74821,
74827, 9973, 104729, 15485867, 49979693, 104395303,
593441861, 104729, 15485867, 49979693, 104395303,
593441861, 899809363, 982451653];
known.each!((ref x) => assert(isPseudoprime(x)));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.memory.allocator;
* This interface should be similar to $(D_PSYMBOL
* std.experimental.allocator.IAllocator), but usable in
* $(D_KEYWORD @nogc)-code.
interface Allocator
* Allocates $(D_PARAM s) bytes of memory.
* Params:
* s = Amount of memory to allocate.
* Returns: The pointer to the new allocated memory.
void[] allocate(size_t s) @safe;
* Deallocates a memory block.
* Params:
* p = A pointer to the memory block to be freed.
* Returns: Whether the deallocation was successful.
bool deallocate(void[] p) @safe;
* Increases or decreases the size of a memory block.
* Params:
* p = A pointer to the memory block.
* size = Size of the reallocated block.
* Returns: Whether the reallocation was successful.
bool reallocate(ref void[] p, size_t s) @safe;
* Static allocator instance and initializer.
* Returns: An $(D_PSYMBOL Allocator) instance.
static @property Allocator instance() @safe;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.memory;
public import tanya.memory.allocator;
public import std.experimental.allocator : make, makeArray, expandArray, shrinkArray, IAllocator;
import core.atomic;
import core.stdc.stdlib;
import std.traits;
version (Windows)
else version (Posix)
public import tanya.memory.ullocator;
import core.sys.posix.pthread;
version (Windows)
package alias Mutex = CRITICAL_SECTION;
package alias destroyMutex = DeleteCriticalSection;
else version (Posix)
package alias Mutex = pthread_mutex_t;
package void destroyMutex(pthread_mutex_t* mtx)
pthread_mutex_destroy(mtx) && assert(0);
@property void defaultAllocator(Allocator allocator) @safe nothrow
_defaultAllocator = allocator;
@property Allocator defaultAllocator() @safe nothrow
return _defaultAllocator;
static this() @safe nothrow
defaultAllocator = Ullocator.instance;
package struct Monitor
Object.Monitor impl; // for user-level monitors
void delegate(Object) @nogc[] devt; // for internal monitors
size_t refs; // reference count
version (Posix)
Mutex mtx;
package @property ref shared(Monitor*) monitor(Object h) pure nothrow
return *cast(shared Monitor**)&h.__monitor;
* Destroys and then deallocates (using $(D_PARAM allocator)) the class
* object referred to by a $(D_KEYWORD class) or $(D_KEYWORD interface)
* reference. It is assumed the respective entities had been allocated with
* the same allocator.
* Params:
* A = The type of the allocator used for the ojbect allocation.
* T = The type of the object that should be destroyed.
* allocator = The allocator used for the object allocation.
* p = The object should be destroyed.
void finalize(A, T)(auto ref A allocator, ref T p)
if (is(T == class) || is(T == interface))
static if (is(T == interface))
auto ob = cast(Object) p;
alias ob = p;
auto pp = cast(void*) ob;
auto ppv = cast(void**) pp;
if (!pp || !*ppv)
auto support = (cast(void*) ob)[0 .. typeid(ob).initializer.length];
auto pc = cast(ClassInfo*) *ppv;
auto c = *pc;
if (c.destructor)
(cast(void function(Object)) c.destructor)(ob);
} while ((c = c.base) !is null);
// Take care of monitors for synchronized blocks
if (ppv[1])
shared(Monitor)* m = atomicLoad!(MemoryOrder.acq)(ob.monitor);
if (m !is null)
auto mc = cast(Monitor*) m;
if (!atomicOp!("-=")(m.refs, cast(size_t) 1))
foreach (v; mc.devt)
if (v)
if (mc.devt.ptr)
atomicStore!(MemoryOrder.rel)(ob.monitor, null);
*ppv = null;
p = null;
/// Ditto.
void finalize(A, T)(auto ref A allocator, ref T *p)
if (is(T == struct))
if (p is null)
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)
allocator.deallocate((cast(void*)p)[0 .. T.sizeof]);
p = null;
/// Ditto.
void finalize(A, T)(auto ref A allocator, ref T[] p)
static if (hasElaborateDestructor!T)
foreach (ref e; p)
finalize(allocator, e);
p = null;
bool resizeArray(T, A)(auto ref A allocator, ref T[] array, in size_t length)
if (length == array.length)
return true;
if (array is null && length > 0)
array = makeArray!T(allocator, length);
return array !is null;
if (length == 0)
finalize(allocator, array);
return true;
void[] buf = array;
if (!allocator.reallocate(buf, length * T.sizeof))
return false;
array = cast(T[]) buf;
return true;
enum bool isFinalizable(T) = is(T == class) || is(T == interface)
|| hasElaborateDestructor!T || isDynamicArray!T;
private Allocator _defaultAllocator;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.memory.ullocator;
import tanya.memory.allocator;
version (Posix):
import core.sys.posix.sys.mman;
import core.sys.posix.unistd;
* Allocator for Posix systems with mmap/munmap support.
* This allocator allocates memory in regions (multiple of 4 KB for example).
* Each region is then splitted in blocks. So it doesn't request the memory
* from the operating system on each call, but only if there are no large
* enought free blocks in the available regions.
* Deallocation works in the same way. Deallocation doesn't immediately
* gives the memory back to the operating system, but marks the appropriate
* block as free and only if all blocks in the region are free, the complet
* region is deallocated.
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* | | | | | || | | |
* | |prev <----------- | || | | |
* | R | B | | B | || R | B | |
* | E | L | | L | next E | L | |
* | G | O | DATA | O | FREE ---> G | O | DATA |
* | I | C | | C | <--- I | C | |
* | O | K | | K | prev O | K | |
* | N | -----------> next| || N | | |
* | | | | | || | | |
* --------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
class Ullocator : Allocator
@disable this();
shared static this() @safe nothrow
pageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
* Allocates $(D_PARAM size) bytes of memory.
* Params:
* size = Amount of memory to allocate.
* Returns: The pointer to the new allocated memory.
void[] allocate(size_t size) @trusted nothrow
immutable dataSize = addAlignment(size);
void* data = findBlock(dataSize);
if (data is null)
data = initializeRegion(dataSize);
return data is null ? null : data[0..size];
auto p = Ullocator.instance.allocate(20);
* Search for a block large enough to keep $(D_PARAM size) and split it
* into two blocks if the block is too large.
* Params:
* size = Minimum size the block should have.
* Returns: Data the block points to or $(D_KEYWORD null).
private void* findBlock(size_t size) nothrow
Block block1;
RegionLoop: for (auto r = head; r !is null; r =
block1 = cast(Block) (cast(void*) r + regionEntrySize);
if ( && block1.size >= size)
break RegionLoop;
while ((block1 = !is null);
if (block1 is null)
return null;
else if (block1.size >= size + alignment + blockEntrySize)
{ // Split the block if needed
Block block2 = cast(Block) (cast(void*) block1 + blockEntrySize + size);
block2.prev = block1;
if ( is null)
{ = null;
{ =;
} = block2; = false; = true;
block2.size = block1.size - blockEntrySize - size;
block1.size = size;
block2.region = block1.region;
{ = false;
return cast(void*) block1 + blockEntrySize;
* Deallocates a memory block.
* Params:
* p = A pointer to the memory block to be freed.
* Returns: Whether the deallocation was successful.
bool deallocate(void[] p) @trusted nothrow
if (p is null)
return true;
Block block = cast(Block) (p.ptr - blockEntrySize);
if (block.region.blocks <= 1)
if (block.region.prev !is null)
{ =;
else // Replace the list head. It is being deallocated
head =;
if ( !is null)
{ = block.region.prev;
return munmap(block.region, block.region.size) == 0;
{ = true;
return true;
auto p = Ullocator.instance.allocate(20);
* Increases or decreases the size of a memory block.
* Params:
* p = A pointer to the memory block.
* size = Size of the reallocated block.
* Returns: Whether the reallocation was successful.
bool reallocate(ref void[] p, size_t size) @trusted nothrow
if (size == p.length)
return true;
auto reallocP = allocate(size);
if (reallocP is null)
return false;
if (p !is null)
if (size > p.length)
reallocP[0..p.length] = p[0..$];
reallocP[0..size] = p[0..size];
p = reallocP;
return true;
void[] p;
Ullocator.instance.reallocate(p, 10 * int.sizeof);
(cast(int[]) p)[7] = 123;
assert(p.length == 40);
Ullocator.instance.reallocate(p, 8 * int.sizeof);
assert(p.length == 32);
assert((cast(int[]) p)[7] == 123);
Ullocator.instance.reallocate(p, 20 * int.sizeof);
(cast(int[]) p)[15] = 8;
assert(p.length == 80);
assert((cast(int[]) p)[15] == 8);
assert((cast(int[]) p)[7] == 123);
Ullocator.instance.reallocate(p, 8 * int.sizeof);
assert(p.length == 32);
assert((cast(int[]) p)[7] == 123);
* Static allocator instance and initializer.
* Returns: The global $(D_PSYMBOL Allocator) instance.
static @property Ullocator instance() @trusted nothrow
if (instance_ is null)
immutable instanceSize = addAlignment(__traits(classInstanceSize, Ullocator));
Region head; // Will become soon our region list head
void* data = initializeRegion(instanceSize, head);
if (data is null)
return null;
data[0..instanceSize] = typeid(Ullocator).initializer[];
instance_ = cast(Ullocator) data;
instance_.head = head;
return instance_;
assert(instance is instance);
* Initializes a region for one element.
* Params:
* size = Aligned size of the first data block in the region.
* head = Region list head.
* Returns: A pointer to the data.
private static void* initializeRegion(size_t size,
ref Region head) nothrow
immutable regionSize = calculateRegionSize(size);
void* p = mmap(null,
if (p is MAP_FAILED)
return null;
Region region = cast(Region) p;
region.blocks = 1;
region.size = regionSize;
// Set the pointer to the head of the region list
if (head !is null)
head.prev = region;
} = head;
region.prev = null;
head = region;
// Initialize the data block
void* memoryPointer = p + regionEntrySize;
Block block1 = cast(Block) memoryPointer;
block1.size = size; = false;
// It is what we want to return
void* data = memoryPointer + blockEntrySize;
// Free block after data
memoryPointer = data + size;
Block block2 = cast(Block) memoryPointer;
block1.prev = = null; = block2;
block2.prev = block1;
block2.size = regionSize - size - regionEntrySize - blockEntrySize * 2; = true;
block1.region = block2.region = region;
return data;
/// Ditto.
private void* initializeRegion(size_t size) nothrow
return initializeRegion(size, head);
* Params:
* x = Space to be aligned.
* Returns: Aligned size of $(D_PARAM x).
private static immutable(size_t) addAlignment(size_t x) @safe pure nothrow
out (result)
assert(result > 0);
return (x - 1) / alignment * alignment + alignment;
* Params:
* x = Required space.
* Returns: Minimum region size (a multiple of $(D_PSYMBOL pageSize)).
private static immutable(size_t) calculateRegionSize(size_t x)
@safe pure nothrow
out (result)
assert(result > 0);
x += regionEntrySize + blockEntrySize * 2;
return x / pageSize * pageSize + pageSize;
enum alignment = 8;
private static Ullocator instance_;
private shared static immutable long pageSize;
private struct RegionEntry
Region prev;
Region next;
uint blocks;
ulong size;
private alias Region = RegionEntry*;
private enum regionEntrySize = 32;
private Region head;
private struct BlockEntry
Block prev;
Block next;
bool free;
ulong size;
Region region;
private alias Block = BlockEntry*;
private enum blockEntrySize = 40;

source/tanya/random.d Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at */
* Copyright: Eugene Wissner 2016.
* License: $(LINK2,
* Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0).
* Authors: $(LINK2, Eugene Wissner)
module tanya.random;
import tanya.memory;
import std.digest.sha;
import std.typecons;
/// Block size of entropy accumulator (SHA-512).
enum blockSize = 64;
/// Maximum amount gathered from the entropy sources.
enum maxGather = 128;
* Exception thrown if random number generating fails.
class EntropyException : Exception
* Params:
* msg = Message to output.
* file = The file where the exception occurred.
* line = The line number where the exception occurred.
* next = The previous exception in the chain of exceptions, if any.
this(string msg,
string file = __FILE__,
size_t line = __LINE__,
Throwable next = null) pure @safe nothrow const
super(msg, file, line, next);
* Interface for implementing entropy sources.
abstract class EntropySource
/// Amount of already generated entropy.
protected ushort size_;
* Returns: Minimum bytes required from the entropy source.
@property immutable(ubyte) threshold() const @safe pure nothrow;
* Returns: Whether this entropy source is strong.
@property immutable(bool) strong() const @safe pure nothrow;
* Returns: Amount of already generated entropy.
@property ushort size() const @safe pure nothrow
return size_;
* Params:
* size = Amount of already generated entropy. Cannot be smaller than the
* already set value.
@property void size(ushort size) @safe pure nothrow
size_ = size;
* Poll the entropy source.
* Params:
* output = Buffer to save the generate random sequence (the method will
* to fill the buffer).
* Returns: Number of bytes that were copied to the $(D_PARAM output)
* or $(D_PSYMBOL Nullable!ubyte.init) on error.
Nullable!ubyte poll(out ubyte[maxGather] output);
version (linux)
extern (C) long syscall(long number, ...) nothrow;
* Uses getrandom system call.
class PlatformEntropySource : EntropySource
* Returns: Minimum bytes required from the entropy source.
override @property immutable(ubyte) threshold() const @safe pure nothrow
return 32;
* Returns: Whether this entropy source is strong.
override @property immutable(bool) strong() const @safe pure nothrow
return true;
* Poll the entropy source.
* Params:
* output = Buffer to save the generate random sequence (the method will
* to fill the buffer).
* Returns: Number of bytes that were copied to the $(D_PARAM output)
* or $(D_PSYMBOL Nullable!ubyte.init) on error.
override Nullable!ubyte poll(out ubyte[maxGather] output) nothrow
out (length)
assert(length <= maxGather);
// int getrandom(void *buf, size_t buflen, unsigned int flags);
auto length = syscall(318, output.ptr, output.length, 0);
Nullable!ubyte ret;
if (length >= 0)
ret = cast(ubyte) length;
return ret;
* Pseudorandom number generator.
* ---
* auto entropy = defaultAllocator.make!Entropy;
* ubyte[blockSize] output;
* output = entropy.random;
* defaultAllocator.finalize(entropy);
* ---
class Entropy
/// Entropy sources.
protected EntropySource[] sources;
private ubyte sourceCount_;
private Allocator allocator;
/// Entropy accumulator.
protected SHA!(maxGather * 8, 512) accumulator;
* Params:
* maxSources = Maximum amount of entropy sources can be set.
* allocator = Allocator to allocate entropy sources available on the
* system.
this(size_t maxSources = 20, Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
assert(maxSources > 0 && maxSources <= ubyte.max);
assert(allocator !is null);
allocator.resizeArray(sources, maxSources);
version (linux)
this ~= allocator.make!PlatformEntropySource;
* Returns: Amount of the registered entropy sources.
@property ubyte sourceCount() const @safe pure nothrow
return sourceCount_;
* Add an entropy source.
* Params:
* source = Entropy source.
* Returns: $(D_PSYMBOL this).
* See_Also:
* $(D_PSYMBOL EntropySource)
Entropy opOpAssign(string Op)(EntropySource source) @safe pure nothrow
if (Op == "~")
assert(sourceCount_ <= sources.length);
sources[sourceCount_++] = source;
return this;
* Returns: Generated random sequence.
* Throws: $(D_PSYMBOL EntropyException) if no strong entropy source was
* registered or it failed.
@property ubyte[blockSize] random()
assert(sourceCount_ > 0, "No entropy sources defined.");
bool haveStrong;
ushort done;
ubyte[blockSize] output;
ubyte[maxGather] buffer;
// Run through our entropy sources
for (ubyte i; i < sourceCount; ++i)
auto outputLength = sources[i].poll(buffer);
if (!outputLength.isNull)
if (outputLength > 0)
update(i, buffer, outputLength);
sources[i].size = cast(ushort) (sources[i].size + outputLength);
if (sources[i].size < sources[i].threshold)
else if (sources[i].strong)
haveStrong = true;
done = 257;
while (++done < 256);
if (!haveStrong)
throw allocator.make!EntropyException("No strong entropy source defined.");
output = accumulator.finish();
// Reset accumulator and counters and recycle existing entropy
// Perform second SHA-512 on entropy
output = sha512Of(output);
for (ubyte i = 0; i < sourceCount; ++i)
sources[i].size = 0;
return output;
* Update entropy accumulator.
* Params:
* sourceId = Entropy source index in $(D_PSYMBOL sources).
* data = Data got from the entropy source.
* length = Length of the received data.
protected void update(in ubyte sourceId,
ref ubyte[maxGather] data,
ubyte length) @safe pure nothrow
ubyte[2] header;
if (length > blockSize)
data[0..64] = sha512Of(data);
length = blockSize;
header[0] = sourceId;
header[1] = length;