format: Support text in the format string

Fix  #25.
This commit is contained in:
Eugen Wissner 2018-07-14 19:09:21 +02:00
parent 158a47d54a
commit 99e06e0d04

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@ -1748,7 +1748,37 @@ private ref String printToString(string fmt, Args...)(return ref String result,
package(tanya) String format(string fmt, Args...)(auto ref Args args)
String formatted;
return printToString!fmt(formatted, args);
alias Specs = ParseFmt!fmt;
enum bool FormatSpecFilter(alias spec) = is(typeof(spec) == FormatSpec);
static assert((Filter!(FormatSpecFilter, ParseFmt!fmt)).length == Args.length,
"Number of the arguments doesn't match the format strign");
foreach (spec; Specs)
static if (FormatSpecFilter!spec)
printToString!"{}"(formatted, args);
else static if (isSomeString!(typeof(spec)))
static assert(false, "Format string parsed incorrectly");
return formatted;
@nogc nothrow pure @safe unittest
assert(format!"Without arguments"() == "Without arguments");
assert(format!""().length == 0);
static assert(!is(typeof(format!"{}"())));
static assert(!is(typeof(format!"{j}"(5))));
// Enum.
@ -2007,14 +2037,18 @@ private template ParseFmt(string fmt, size_t pos = 0)
enum size_t pos = specPosition!(fmt[1 .. $], '}') + 1;
static if (pos < fmt.length)
static if (pos >= fmt.length)
static assert(false, "Enclosing '}' is missing");
else static if (pos == 1)
alias ParseFmt = AliasSeq!(FormatSpec(),
ParseFmt!(fmt[pos + 1 .. $], pos + 1));
static assert(false, "Enclosing '}' is missing");
static assert(false, "Argument formatting isn't supported");
@ -2034,4 +2068,7 @@ private template ParseFmt(string fmt, size_t pos = 0)
static assert(ParseFmt!"asdf"[0] == "asdf");
static assert(ParseFmt!"{}".length == 1);
static assert(ParseFmt!"aasdf{}qwer"[2] == "qwer");
static assert(ParseFmt!"{}{}".length == 2);