Fix error with assignin long numbers to Integer
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
sudo: false
- linux
- osx
- windows
language: d
- dmd-2.072.1
- ARCH=x86
- ARCH=x86_64
- dub test --arch=$ARCH
@ -1,10 +1,13 @@
# Overview
# Tanya
tanya is a general purpose library for D programming language that doesn't rely on the Garbage Collector.
# Overview
The library consists of the following packages:
* async: Event loop.
* containers: Queue, Vector, Singly linked list.
* crypto: Work in progress TLS implementation.
* memory: Tools for manual memory management (allocator, reference counting, helper functions).
* network: URL-Parsing, sockets.
* `async`: Event loop.
* `containers`: Queue, Vector, Singly linked list.
* `crypto`: Work in progress TLS implementation.
* `memory`: Tools for manual memory management (allocator, reference counting, helper functions).
* `network`: URL-Parsing, sockets.
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ struct Integer
private bool sign;
private shared Allocator allocator;
pure nothrow @safe @nogc invariant
assert(rep.length || !sign, "0 should be positive.");
@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ struct Integer
* allocator = Allocator.
this(T)(in T value, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
nothrow @safe @nogc
if (isIntegral!T)
@ -53,23 +54,23 @@ struct Integer
private unittest
private @nogc unittest
auto h = Integer(79);
assert(h.length == 1);
assert(h.rep[0] == 79);
auto h = Integer(-2);
assert(h.length == 1);
assert(h.rep[0] == 2);
auto h1 = Integer(79);
assert(h1.length == 1);
assert(h1.rep[0] == 79);
auto h2 = Integer(-2);
assert(h2.length == 1);
assert(h2.rep[0] == 2);
/// Ditto.
this(in Integer value, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
this(T)(in T value, shared Allocator allocator = defaultAllocator)
nothrow @safe @nogc
if (is(T == Integer))
assert(allocator !is null);
@ -84,7 +85,7 @@ struct Integer
/// Ditto.
this(shared Allocator allocator)
this(shared Allocator allocator) nothrow @safe @nogc
this.allocator = allocator;
rep = RefCounted!(ubyte[])(allocator);
@ -132,13 +133,11 @@ struct Integer
private void assignInt(in ulong value)
pure nothrow @safe @nogc
uint mask = 0xff, shift;
for (auto i = length; i; --i)
ulong mask = 0xff;
ushort shift;
for (auto i = length; i; --i, mask <<= 8, shift += 8)
rep[i - 1] = cast(ubyte) ((value & mask) >> shift);
mask <<= 8;
shift += 8;
@ -151,7 +150,7 @@ struct Integer
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
ref Integer opAssign(T)(in T value)
ref Integer opAssign(T)(in T value) nothrow @safe @nogc
if (isIntegral!T)
T absolute = value;
@ -165,7 +164,7 @@ struct Integer
/// Ditto.
ref Integer opAssign(in Integer value)
ref Integer opAssign(in Integer value) nothrow @safe @nogc
@ -177,7 +176,7 @@ struct Integer
return this;
private unittest
private @nogc unittest
auto h = Integer(1019);
assert(h.length == 2);
@ -209,12 +208,13 @@ struct Integer
* Returns: Whether the two integers are equal.
bool opEquals(in Integer h) const
bool opEquals(in Integer h) const nothrow @safe @nogc
return rep == h.rep;
private unittest
auto h1 = Integer(1019);
@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ struct Integer
* Returns: A positive number if $(D_INLINECODE this > h), a negative
* number if $(D_INLINECODE this > h), `0` otherwise.
int opCmp(in Integer h) const
int opCmp(in Integer h) const nothrow @safe @nogc
if (length > h.length)
@ -259,7 +259,8 @@ struct Integer
return 0;
private unittest
auto h1 = Integer(1019);
auto h2 = Integer(1019);
@ -272,7 +273,7 @@ struct Integer
assert(h1 > h2);
private void add(in ref RefCounted!(ubyte[]) h)
private void add(in ref RefCounted!(ubyte[]) h) nothrow @safe @nogc
uint sum;
uint carry = 0;
@ -317,7 +318,7 @@ struct Integer
private void subtract(in ref RefCounted!(ubyte[]) h)
private void subtract(in ref RefCounted!(ubyte[]) h) nothrow @safe @nogc
auto i = rep.length;
auto j = h.length;
@ -370,7 +371,7 @@ struct Integer
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in Integer h)
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in Integer h) nothrow @safe @nogc
if ((op == "+") || (op == "-"))
@ -419,159 +420,66 @@ struct Integer
return this;
private unittest
private @nogc unittest
auto h1 = Integer(1019);
auto h2 = Integer(3337);
h1 += h2;
assert(h1.rep == [0x11, 0x04]);
h2 = 2_147_483_647;
h1 += h2;
assert(h1.rep == [0x80, 0x00, 0x11, 0x03]);
h1 += h2;
assert(h1.rep == [0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x02]);
h1 = 3;
h2 = 4;
h1 -= h2;
assert(h1.rep == [0x01]);
auto h1 = Integer(1019);
auto h2 = Integer(3337);
h1 += h2;
assert(h1.length == 2);
assert(h1.rep[0] == 0x11 && h1.rep[1] == 0x04);
auto h1 = Integer(4356);
auto h2 = Integer(2_147_483_647);
ubyte[4] expected = [0x80, 0x00, 0x11, 0x03];
h1 += h2;
assert(h1.rep == expected);
auto h1 = Integer(2147488003L);
auto h2 = Integer(2_147_483_647);
ubyte[5] expected = [0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11, 0x02];
h1 += h2;
assert(h1.rep == expected);
auto h1 = Integer(3);
auto h2 = Integer(4);
h1 -= h2;
assert(h1.length == 1);
assert(h1.rep[0] == 0x01);
private unittest
private @nogc unittest
auto h1 = Integer(4294967295);
auto h2 = Integer(4294967295);
h1 += h2;
auto h1 = Integer(8589934590L);
auto h2 = Integer(2147483647);
ubyte[5] expected = [0x01, 0x7f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff];
h2 = 2147483647;
h1 -= h2;
assert(h1.rep == [0x01, 0x7f, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]);
h2 = 4294967294;
h1 -= h2;
assert(h1.rep == [0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01]);
h2 = h1;
h1 -= h2;
assert(h1.length == 0);
h1 -= h2;
assert(h1.rep == expected);
auto h1 = Integer(6442450943);
auto h2 = Integer(4294967294);
ubyte[4] expected = [0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01];
h1 -= h2;
assert(h1.rep == expected);
auto h1 = Integer(2147483649);
auto h2 = Integer(h1);
h1 -= h2;
assert(h1.length == 0);
/// Ditto.
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in size_t n)
if (op == "<<")
ubyte carry;
auto i = rep.length;
size_t j;
immutable bit = n % 8;
immutable delta = 8 - bit;
if (cast(ubyte) (rep[0] >> delta))
allocator.resizeArray(rep, i + n / 8 + 1);
j = i + 1;
allocator.resizeArray(rep, i + n / 8);
j = i;
--i, --j;
immutable oldCarry = carry;
carry = rep[i] >> delta;
rep[j] = cast(ubyte) ((rep[i] << bit) | oldCarry);
while (i);
if (carry)
rep[0] = carry;
return this;
private unittest
auto h1 = Integer(4294967295);
h1 <<= 1;
assert(h1.rep == [0x01, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xfe]);
/// Ditto.
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in size_t n)
if (op == ">>")
immutable step = n / 8;
if (step >= rep.length)
allocator.resizeArray(rep, 0);
return this;
size_t i, j;
ubyte carry;
immutable bit = n % 8;
immutable delta = 8 - bit;
carry = cast(ubyte) (rep[0] << delta);
rep[0] = (rep[0] >> bit);
if (rep[0])
for (i = 1; i < rep.length; ++i)
immutable oldCarry = carry;
carry = cast(ubyte) (rep[i] << delta);
rep[j] = (rep[i] >> bit | oldCarry);
allocator.resizeArray(rep, rep.length - n / 8 - (i == j ? 0 : 1));
return this;
private unittest
auto h1 = Integer(4294967294);
h1 >>= 10;
assert(h1.rep == [0x3f, 0xff, 0xff]);
h1 = 27336704;
h1 >>= 1;
assert(h1.rep == [0xd0, 0x90, 0x00]);
h1 = 4294967294;
h1 >>= 20;
assert(h1.rep == [0x0f, 0xff]);
h1 >>= 0;
assert(h1.rep == [0x0f, 0xff]);
h1 >>= 20;
assert(h1.length == 0);
h1 >>= 2;
assert(h1.length == 0);
h1 = 1431655765;
h1 >>= 16;
assert(h1.rep == [0x55, 0x55]);
h1 >>= 16;
assert(h1.length == 0);
/// Ditto.
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in Integer h)
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in Integer h) nothrow @safe @nogc
if (op == "*")
auto i = h.rep.length;
@ -597,16 +505,17 @@ struct Integer
return this;
private unittest
auto h1 = Integer(123);
auto h2 = Integer(456);
h1 *= h2;
assert(h1.rep == [0xdb, 0x18]); // 56088
assert(cast(long) h1 == 56088);
/// Ditto.
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in Integer h)
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in Integer h) nothrow @safe @nogc
if ((op == "/") || (op == "%"))
@ -662,12 +571,13 @@ struct Integer
return this;
private unittest
private @nogc unittest
auto h1 = Integer(18);
auto h2 = Integer(4);
h1 %= h2;
assert(h1.rep == [0x02]);
assert(h1.length == 1);
assert(h1.rep[0] == 0x02);
h1 = 8;
h1 %= h2;
@ -675,16 +585,18 @@ struct Integer
h1 = 7;
h1 %= h2;
assert(h1.rep == [0x03]);
assert(h1.length == 1);
assert(h1.rep[0] == 0x03);
h1 = 56088;
h2 = 456;
h1 /= h2;
assert(h1.rep == [0x7b]);
assert(h1.length == 1);
assert(h1.rep[0] == 0x7b);
/// Ditto.
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in Integer exp)
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in Integer exp) nothrow @safe @nogc
if (op == "^^")
auto i = exp.rep.length;
@ -712,17 +624,19 @@ struct Integer
return this;
private unittest
private @nogc unittest
auto h1 = Integer(2);
auto h2 = Integer(4);
h1 ^^= h2;
assert(h1.rep == [0x10]);
assert(h1.length == 1);
assert(h1.rep[0] == 0x10);
h1 = Integer(2342);
h1 ^^= h2;
assert(h1.rep == [0x1b, 0x5c, 0xab, 0x9c, 0x31, 0x10]);
ubyte[6] expected = [0x1b, 0x5c, 0xab, 0x9c, 0x31, 0x10];
assert(h1.rep == expected);
@ -733,9 +647,10 @@ struct Integer
* Returns: New $(D_PSYMBOL Integer).
Integer opUnary(string op)()
Integer opUnary(string op)() nothrow @safe @nogc
if ((op == "+") || (op == "-") || (op == "~"))
auto h = Integer(this, allocator);
static if (op == "-")
@ -748,7 +663,7 @@ struct Integer
return h;
private unittest
private @nogc unittest
auto h1 = Integer(79);
Integer h2;
@ -779,7 +694,7 @@ struct Integer
assert(h2.rep[0] == ~cast(ubyte) 79);
private void decrement()
private void decrement() nothrow @safe @nogc
immutable size = rep.get.retro.countUntil!((const ref a) => a != 0);
if (rep[0] == 1)
@ -794,7 +709,7 @@ struct Integer
private void increment()
private void increment() nothrow @safe @nogc
auto size = rep
@ -821,7 +736,7 @@ struct Integer
* Returns: $(D_KEYWORD this).
ref Integer opUnary(string op)()
ref Integer opUnary(string op)() nothrow @safe @nogc
if ((op == "++") || (op == "--"))
@ -852,41 +767,48 @@ struct Integer
return this;
private unittest
private @nogc unittest
Integer h;
assert(h.rep == [0x01]);
assert(h.length == 1);
assert(h.rep[0] == 0x01);
assert(h.length == 0);
h = 511;
assert(h.rep == [0x02, 0x00]);
assert(h.length == 2);
assert(h.rep[0] == 0x02 && h.rep[1] == 0x00);
assert(h.rep == [0x01, 0xff]);
assert(h.length == 2);
assert(h.rep[0] == 0x01 && h.rep[1] == 0xff);
h = 79;
assert(h.rep == [0x50]);
assert(h.length == 1);
assert(h.rep[0] == 0x50);
assert(h.rep == [0x4f]);
assert(h.length == 1);
assert(h.rep[0] == 0x4f);
h = 65535;
assert(h.rep == [0x01, 0x00, 0x00]);
assert(h.length == 3);
assert(h.rep[0] == 0x01 && h.rep[1] == 0x00 && h.rep[2] == 0x00);
assert(h.rep == [0xff, 0xff]);
assert(h.length == 2);
assert(h.rep[0] == 0xff && h.rep[1] == 0xff);
h = -2;
assert(h.rep == [0x01]);
assert(h.length == 1);
assert(h.rep[0] == 0x01);
private void checkAllocator() nothrow @safe @nogc
@ -919,7 +841,7 @@ struct Integer
* Returns: Signed integer.
T opCast(T : long)() const// pure nothrow @safe @nogc
T opCast(T : long)() const pure nothrow @safe @nogc
ulong ret;
for (size_t i = length, j; i > 0 && j <= 32; --i, j += 8)
@ -929,7 +851,8 @@ struct Integer
return sign ? -ret : ret;
private unittest
auto h = Integer(79);
assert(cast(long) h == 79);
@ -943,4 +866,156 @@ struct Integer
h = -4294967295;
assert(cast(long) h == -4294967295);
* Shift operations.
* Params:
* op = Left or right shift.
* n = Number of bits to shift by.
* Returns: An $(D_PSYMBOL Integer) shifted by $(D_PARAM n) bits.
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in size_t n) nothrow @safe @nogc
if (op == ">>")
immutable step = n / 8;
if (step >= rep.length)
allocator.resizeArray(rep, 0);
return this;
size_t i, j;
ubyte carry;
immutable bit = n % 8;
immutable delta = 8 - bit;
carry = cast(ubyte) (rep[0] << delta);
rep[0] = (rep[0] >> bit);
if (rep[0])
for (i = 1; i < rep.length; ++i)
immutable oldCarry = carry;
carry = cast(ubyte) (rep[i] << delta);
rep[j] = (rep[i] >> bit | oldCarry);
allocator.resizeArray(rep, rep.length - n / 8 - (i == j ? 0 : 1));
return this;
private @nogc unittest
auto h1 = Integer(4294967294);
h1 >>= 10;
assert(h1.length == 3);
assert(h1.rep[0] == 0x3f && h1.rep[1] == 0xff && h1.rep[2] == 0xff);
h1 = 27336704;
h1 >>= 1;
assert(h1.length == 3);
assert(h1.rep[0] == 0xd0 && h1.rep[1] == 0x90 && h1.rep[2] == 0x00);
h1 = 4294967294;
h1 >>= 20;
assert(h1.length == 2);
assert(h1.rep[0] == 0x0f && h1.rep[1] == 0xff);
h1 >>= 0;
assert(h1.length == 2);
assert(h1.rep[0] == 0x0f && h1.rep[1] == 0xff);
h1 >>= 20;
assert(h1.length == 0);
h1 >>= 2;
assert(h1.length == 0);
h1 = 1431655765;
h1 >>= 16;
assert(h1.length == 2);
assert(h1.rep[0] == 0x55 && h1.rep[1] == 0x55);
h1 >>= 16;
assert(h1.length == 0);
/// Ditto.
ref Integer opOpAssign(string op)(in size_t n) nothrow @safe @nogc
if (op == "<<")
ubyte carry;
auto i = rep.length;
size_t j;
immutable bit = n % 8;
immutable delta = 8 - bit;
if (cast(ubyte) (rep[0] >> delta))
allocator.resizeArray(rep, i + n / 8 + 1);
j = i + 1;
allocator.resizeArray(rep, i + n / 8);
j = i;
--i, --j;
immutable oldCarry = carry;
carry = rep[i] >> delta;
rep[j] = cast(ubyte) ((rep[i] << bit) | oldCarry);
while (i);
if (carry)
rep[0] = carry;
return this;
private @nogc unittest
auto h1 = Integer(4294967295);
ubyte[5] expected = [0x01, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xfe];
h1 <<= 1;
assert(h1.rep == expected);
/// Ditto.
Integer opBinary(string op)(in size_t n) nothrow @safe @nogc
if (op == "<<" || op == ">>")
auto ret = Integer(this, allocator);
static if (op == "<<")
ret <<= n;
ret >>= n;
return ret;
auto h1 = Integer(425);
auto h2 = h1 << 1;
assert(cast(long) h2 == 850);
h2 = h1 >> 1;
assert(cast(long) h2 == 212);
@ -62,7 +62,8 @@ bool resizeArray(T)(shared Allocator allocator,
return false;
array = cast(T[]) buf;
// Casting from void[] is unsafe, but we know we cast to the original type
array = () @trusted { return cast(T[]) buf; }();
if (oldLength < length)
array[oldLength .. $].uninitializedFill(init);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user