module SlackBuilder.Package ( DownloadPlaceholder(..) , Download(..) , DownloadTemplate(..) , Package(..) , PackageInfo(..) , Maintainer(..) , Updater(..) , renderDownloadWithVersion ) where import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Text.URI (URI(..)) import qualified Text.URI as URI import Crypto.Hash (Digest, MD5) import SlackBuilder.Trans import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow) import System.Process (CmdSpec(..)) -- | Contains information how a package can be updated. data Package = Package { latest :: Updater , category :: Text , name :: Text , reupload :: Maybe [CmdSpec] } -- | Download URI with the MD5 checksum of the target. data Download = Download { download :: URI , md5sum :: Digest MD5 , is64 :: Bool } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Data used to generate an .info file. data PackageInfo = PackageInfo { path :: FilePath , version :: Text , homepage :: Text , requires :: [Text] , maintainer :: Maintainer } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Package maintainer information. data Maintainer = Maintainer { name :: Text , email :: Text } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Appears in the download URI template and specifies which part of the URI -- should be replaced with the package version. data DownloadPlaceholder = StaticPlaceholder Text | VersionPlaceholder deriving Eq instance Show DownloadPlaceholder where show (StaticPlaceholder staticPlaceholder) = Text.unpack staticPlaceholder show VersionPlaceholder = "{version}" -- | List of URI components, including version placeholders. newtype DownloadTemplate = DownloadTemplate (NonEmpty DownloadPlaceholder) deriving Eq instance Show DownloadTemplate where show (DownloadTemplate components) = concatMap show components -- | Replaces placeholders in the URL template with the given version. renderDownloadWithVersion :: MonadThrow m => DownloadTemplate -> Text -> m URI renderDownloadWithVersion (DownloadTemplate components) version = URI.mkURI $ foldr f "" components where f (StaticPlaceholder staticPlaceholder) = (staticPlaceholder <>) f VersionPlaceholder = (version <>) -- | Function used to get the latest version of a source. data Updater = Updater (SlackBuilderT (Maybe Text)) DownloadTemplate