{- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -} module SlackBuilder.Download ( cloneAndUpload , extractRemote , commit , download , hostedSources , remoteFileExists , responseBodySource , sinkHash , updateSlackBuildVersion , uploadCommand ) where import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Char8 import Data.Foldable (traverse_) import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO import SlackBuilder.Config import SlackBuilder.Trans import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (asks) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO)) import System.Directory (createDirectory) import System.IO (IOMode(..), withFile) import System.FilePath ((), (<.>), takeFileName, takeDirectory) import System.Process ( CreateProcess(..) , StdStream(..) , proc , readCreateProcessWithExitCode , callProcess ) import System.Exit (ExitCode(..)) import Control.Monad (unless) import Text.URI (URI(..), mkURI) import Network.HTTP.Req ( useHttpsURI , HEAD(..) , NoReqBody(..) , req , runReq , defaultHttpConfig , ignoreResponse , responseStatusCode , HttpConfig(..) , GET(..) , reqBr ) import Data.Functor ((<&>)) import Network.HTTP.Client (BodyReader, Response(..), brRead) import Conduit ( ConduitT , yield , runConduitRes , sinkFile , (.|) , ZipSink(..) , await , sourceFile ) import Data.Conduit.Tar (untar, FileInfo(..)) import Crypto.Hash (Digest, MD5, hashInit, hashFinalize, hashUpdate) import Data.Void (Void) import qualified Data.Conduit.Lzma as Lzma updateSlackBuildVersion :: Text -> Text -> Map Text Text -> SlackBuilderT () updateSlackBuildVersion packagePath version additionalDownloads = do repository' <- SlackBuilderT $ asks repository let name = Text.unpack $ snd $ Text.breakOnEnd "/" packagePath slackbuildFilename = repository' Text.unpack packagePath (name <.> "SlackBuild") slackbuildContents <- liftIO $ Text.IO.readFile slackbuildFilename let slackbuildLines = replaceLine . updateLineVariable "VERSION" version <$> Text.lines slackbuildContents liftIO $ Text.IO.writeFile slackbuildFilename $ Text.unlines slackbuildLines where replaceLine line = Map.foldrWithKey updateLineDependencyVersion line additionalDownloads updateLineDependencyVersion dependencyName = updateLineVariable $ dependencyName <> "_VERSION" updateLineVariable variableName variableValue line | Text.isPrefixOf (variableName <> "=") line = variableName <> "=${" <> variableName <> ":-" <> variableValue <> "}" | otherwise = line commit :: Text -> Text -> SlackBuilderT () commit packagePath version = do branch' <- SlackBuilderT $ Text.unpack <$> asks branch repository' <- SlackBuilderT $ asks repository signature' <- SlackBuilderT $ asks $ signature . maintainer let message = Text.unpack $ packagePath <> ": Updated for version " <> version mainCommitArguments = ["-C", repository', "commit", "-m", message] commitArguments = if signature' then mainCommitArguments <> ["-S"] else mainCommitArguments (checkoutExitCode, _, _) <- liftIO $ withFile "/dev/null" WriteMode $ testCheckout repository' branch' unless (checkoutExitCode == ExitSuccess) $ liftIO $ callProcess "git" ["-C", repository', "checkout", "-b", branch', "master"] liftIO $ callProcess "git" ["-C", repository', "add", Text.unpack packagePath] >> callProcess "git" commitArguments where testCheckout repository' branch' nullHandle = let createCheckoutProcess = (proc "git" ["-C", repository', "checkout", branch']) { std_in = NoStream , std_err = UseHandle nullHandle } in readCreateProcessWithExitCode createCheckoutProcess "" hostedSources :: Text -> SlackBuilderT URI hostedSources absoluteURL = SlackBuilderT (asks downloadURL) >>= liftIO . mkURI . (<> absoluteURL) remoteFileExists :: Text -> SlackBuilderT Bool remoteFileExists url = hostedSources url >>= traverse (runReq httpConfig . go . fst) . useHttpsURI <&> maybe False ((== 200) . responseStatusCode) where httpConfig = defaultHttpConfig { httpConfigCheckResponse = const $ const $ const Nothing } go uri = req HEAD uri NoReqBody ignoreResponse mempty uploadCommand :: FilePath -> Text -> SlackBuilderT () uploadCommand localPath remotePath' = do remoteRoot <- SlackBuilderT $ asks remotePath localPathFromRepository <- relativeToRepository localPath liftIO $ callProcess "scp" [ localPathFromRepository , Text.unpack $ remoteRoot <> remotePath' ] cloneAndArchive :: Text -> FilePath -> Text -> SlackBuilderT () cloneAndArchive repo tarballPath tagPrefix = do let version = snd $ Text.breakOnEnd "-" $ Text.pack $ takeFileName tarballPath repositoryTarballPath <- relativeToRepository tarballPath repositoryArchivePath <- relativeToRepository $ tarballPath <.> "tar.xz" liftIO $ callProcess "rm" ["-rf", repositoryTarballPath] >> callProcess "git" [ "clone" , Text.unpack repo , repositoryTarballPath ] >> callProcess "git" [ "-C" , repositoryTarballPath , "checkout" , Text.unpack $ tagPrefix <> version ] >> callProcess "git" [ "-C" , repositoryTarballPath , "submodule" , "update" , "--init" , "--recursive" ] >> callProcess "tar" ["Jcvf" , repositoryArchivePath , repositoryTarballPath ] >> callProcess "rm" ["-rf", repositoryTarballPath] responseBodySource :: MonadIO m => Response BodyReader -> ConduitT i ByteString m () responseBodySource = bodyReaderSource . responseBody where bodyReaderSource br = liftIO (brRead br) >>= go br go br bs = unless (ByteString.null bs) $ yield bs >> bodyReaderSource br sinkHash :: Monad m => ConduitT ByteString Void m (Digest MD5) sinkHash = sink hashInit where sink ctx = await >>= maybe (pure $ hashFinalize ctx) (sink . hashUpdate ctx) download :: URI -> FilePath -> SlackBuilderT (Maybe (Digest MD5)) download uri target = traverse (runReq defaultHttpConfig . go . fst) $ useHttpsURI uri where go uri' = reqBr GET uri' NoReqBody mempty readResponse readResponse :: Response BodyReader -> IO (Digest MD5) readResponse response = runConduitRes $ responseBodySource response .| getZipSink (ZipSink (sinkFile target) *> ZipSink sinkHash) cloneAndUpload :: Text -> FilePath -> Text -> SlackBuilderT (Maybe (URI, Digest MD5)) cloneAndUpload repo tarballPath tagPrefix = do localPath <- relativeToRepository $ tarballPath <.> "tar.xz" let packageName = takeFileName $ takeDirectory tarballPath remoteArchivePath = Text.cons '/' $ Text.pack $ packageName takeFileName tarballPath <.> "tar.xz" remoteResultURI <- hostedSources remoteArchivePath remoteFileExists' <- remoteFileExists remoteArchivePath if remoteFileExists' then fmap (remoteResultURI,) <$> download remoteResultURI localPath else let go = sourceFile localPath .| sinkHash in cloneAndArchive repo tarballPath tagPrefix >> uploadCommand localPath remoteArchivePath >> liftIO (runConduitRes go) <&> Just . (remoteResultURI,) extractRemote :: URI -> Text -> SlackBuilderT () extractRemote uri' packagePath = do repository' <- SlackBuilderT $ asks repository let localToRepository = repository' Text.unpack packagePath traverse_ (runReq defaultHttpConfig . go localToRepository . fst) $ useHttpsURI uri' where go toTarget url' = reqBr GET url' NoReqBody mempty $ readResponse toTarget readResponse :: FilePath -> Response BodyReader -> IO () readResponse toTarget response = runConduitRes $ responseBodySource response .| Lzma.decompress Nothing .| untar (withDecompressedFile toTarget) withDecompressedFile toTarget FileInfo{..} | Char8.last filePath /= '/' = sinkFile (toTarget Char8.unpack filePath) | otherwise = liftIO (createDirectory (toTarget Char8.unpack filePath))