Add match function for simple tag globbing
This commit is contained in:
@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ module SlackBuilder.LatestVersionCheck
, latestGitHub
, latestPackagist
, latestText
, match
, stableTagTransform
) where
@ -62,6 +63,67 @@ stableTagTransform = Text.stripPrefix "v" >=> checkForStable
| Text.any (`elem` ['-', '+']) tag = Nothing
| otherwise = Just tag
data MatchState = MatchState
{ ignoring :: Bool
, matched :: Text
, pattern' :: [MatchToken]
} deriving (Eq, Show)
data MatchToken
= OpenParenMatchToken
| CloseParenMatchToken
| AsteriskMatchToken (Maybe Char)
| SymbolMatchToken Char
deriving (Eq, Show)
match :: Text -> Text -> Maybe Text
match fullPattern input =
case Text.foldl' go (Just startState) input of
Just state@MatchState{ pattern' = [] } -> Just $ getField @"matched" state
Just state@MatchState{ pattern' = [CloseParenMatchToken] } ->
Just $ getField @"matched" state
Just state@MatchState{ pattern' = [AsteriskMatchToken _] } ->
Just $ getField @"matched" state
_ -> Nothing
reserved = ['*', '(', ')']
parsePattern :: Text -> [MatchToken]
parsePattern input'
| Just (firstChar, remaining) <- Text.uncons input' =
let token =
case firstChar of
'*' -> AsteriskMatchToken
$ Text.find (not . (`elem` reserved)) remaining
'(' -> OpenParenMatchToken
')' -> CloseParenMatchToken
s -> SymbolMatchToken s
in token : parsePattern remaining
| otherwise = []
startState = MatchState
{ ignoring = False
, matched = mempty
, pattern' = parsePattern fullPattern
go :: Maybe MatchState -> Char -> Maybe MatchState
go (Just state@MatchState{ pattern' = token : remaining }) nextCharacter =
case token of
OpenParenMatchToken -> go (Just state{ ignoring = True, pattern' = remaining }) nextCharacter
CloseParenMatchToken -> go (Just state{ ignoring = False, pattern' = remaining }) nextCharacter
AsteriskMatchToken stopChar
| Just nextCharacter == stopChar ->
go (Just state{ pattern' = remaining }) nextCharacter
| otherwise -> Just $ matchSymbolToken state nextCharacter
SymbolMatchToken patternCharacter
| patternCharacter == nextCharacter -> Just
$ matchSymbolToken state{ pattern' = remaining } nextCharacter
| otherwise -> Nothing
go _ _ = Nothing
matchSymbolToken state nextCharacter
| getField @"ignoring" state = state
| otherwise = state
{ matched = Text.snoc (getField @"matched" state) nextCharacter
-- * Packagist
newtype PackagistPackage = PackagistPackage
@ -177,12 +239,13 @@ latestGitHub PackageOwner{..} versionTransform = do
refs' = Vector.reverse
$ Vector.catMaybes
$ versionTransform . getField @"name" <$> ghNodes
liftIO $ print $ getField @"name" <$> ghNodes
pure $ refs' !? 0
githubQuery =
"query ($name: String!, $owner: String!) {\n\
\ repository(name: $name, owner: $owner) {\n\
\ refs(last: 10, refPrefix: \"refs/tags/\", orderBy: { field: TAG_COMMIT_DATE, direction: ASC }) {\n\
\ refs(last: 10, query: \"!(RC3)\", refPrefix: \"refs/tags/\", orderBy: { field: TAG_COMMIT_DATE, direction: ASC }) {\n\
\ nodes {\n\
\ id,\n\
\ name\n\
@ -22,3 +22,19 @@ spec = do
actual = stableTagTransform given
expected = Just "2.6.0"
in actual `shouldBe` expected
describe "match" $ do
it "matches an exact tag prefixed with v" $
let expected = Just "2.6.0"
actual = match "(v)2.6.0" "v2.6.0"
in actual `shouldBe` expected
it "matches a glob pattern prefixed with v" $
let expected = Just "2.6.0"
actual = match "(v)*" "v2.6.0"
in actual `shouldBe` expected
it "ignores suffix after wildcard" $
let expected = Just "2.6.0"
actual = match "(v)*(-rc1)" "v2.6.0-rc1"
in actual `shouldBe` expected
Reference in New Issue
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