Support repository path in commits

This commit is contained in:
Eugen Wissner 2023-08-15 10:33:19 +02:00
parent 5a9e87cd5f
commit 6b15ccd0f5
Signed by: belka
GPG Key ID: A27FDC1E8EE902C0
11 changed files with 148 additions and 48 deletions

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@ -7,23 +7,33 @@ import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import Options.Applicative (execParser)
import SlackBuilder.CommandLine
import SlackBuilder.Config
import SlackBuilder.Trans
import SlackBuilder.Updater
import qualified Toml
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT(..))
import SlackBuilder.Download
main :: IO ()
main = do
programCommand <- execParser slackBuilderParser
settings <- Toml.decodeFile settingsCodec "config/config.toml"
latestVersion <- case programCommand of
PackagistCommand packagistArguments ->
latestPackagist packagistArguments
TextCommand textArguments -> latestText textArguments
GhCommand ghArguments@GhArguments{ transform } ->
latestGitHub settings ghArguments $ chooseTransformFunction transform
latestVersion <- flip runReaderT settings
$ runSlackBuilderT
$ executeCommand programCommand
Text.IO.putStrLn $ fromMaybe "" latestVersion
executeCommand = \case
PackagistCommand packagistArguments ->
latestPackagist packagistArguments
TextCommand textArguments -> latestText textArguments
GhCommand ghArguments@GhArguments{ transform }
-> latestGitHub ghArguments $ chooseTransformFunction transform
SlackBuildCommand packagePath version ->
updateSlackBuildVersion packagePath version >> pure Nothing
CommitCommand packagePath version ->
commit packagePath version >> pure Nothing
chooseTransformFunction (Just "php") = phpTransform
chooseTransformFunction (Just "rdiff-backup") = Text.stripPrefix "v"
chooseTransformFunction _ = stripPrefix "v"

View File

@ -23,6 +23,9 @@ data SlackBuilderCommand
= PackagistCommand PackagistArguments
| TextCommand TextArguments
| GhCommand GhArguments
| SlackBuildCommand Text Text
| CommitCommand Text Text
deriving (Eq, Show)
data PackagistArguments = PackagistArguments
{ vendor :: Text
@ -36,6 +39,7 @@ data GhArguments = GhArguments
} deriving (Eq, Show)
newtype TextArguments = TextArguments Text
deriving (Eq, Show)
packagistArguments :: Parser PackagistArguments
packagistArguments = PackagistArguments
@ -59,3 +63,12 @@ slackBuilderCommand = subparser
$ command "packagist" (info (PackagistCommand <$> packagistArguments) mempty)
<> command "text" (info (TextCommand <$> textArguments) mempty)
<> command "github" (info (GhCommand <$> ghArguments) mempty)
<> command "slackbuild" (info slackBuildCommand mempty)
<> command "commit" (info commitCommand mempty)
slackBuildCommand = SlackBuildCommand
<$> argument str (metavar "PATH")
<*> argument str (metavar "VERSION")
commitCommand = CommitCommand
<$> argument str (metavar "PATH")
<*> argument str (metavar "VERSION")

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@ -7,10 +7,14 @@ import Data.Text (Text)
import Toml ((.=))
import qualified Toml
newtype Settings = Settings
{ ghToken :: Text
data Settings = Settings
{ ghToken :: !Text
, repository :: !FilePath
, branch :: Text
} deriving (Eq, Show)
settingsCodec :: Toml.TomlCodec Settings
settingsCodec = Settings
<$> Toml.text "gh_token" .= ghToken
<*> Toml.string "repository" .= repository
<*> Toml.text "branch" .= branch

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
module SlackBuilder.Download
( commit
, updateSlackBuildVersion
) where
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text.IO
import SlackBuilder.Config
import SlackBuilder.Trans
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (asks)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
import System.IO (IOMode(..), withFile)
import System.FilePath ((</>), (<.>))
import System.Process (CreateProcess(..), StdStream(..), proc, readCreateProcessWithExitCode, callProcess)
import System.Exit (ExitCode(..))
import Control.Monad (unless)
updateSlackBuildVersion :: Text -> Text -> SlackBuilderT ()
updateSlackBuildVersion packagePath version = do
repository' <- SlackBuilderT $ asks repository
let name = Text.unpack $ snd $ Text.breakOnEnd "/" packagePath
slackbuildFilename = repository'
</> Text.unpack packagePath
</> (name <.> "SlackBuild")
slackbuildContents <- liftIO $ Text.IO.readFile slackbuildFilename
let (contentsHead, contentsTail) = Text.dropWhile (/= '\n')
<$> Text.breakOn "VERSION=${VERSION:-" slackbuildContents
liftIO $ Text.IO.writeFile slackbuildFilename
$ contentsHead <> "VERSION=${VERSION:-" <> version <> "}" <> contentsTail
commit :: Text -> Text -> SlackBuilderT ()
commit packagePath version = do
branch' <- SlackBuilderT $ Text.unpack <$> asks branch
repository' <- SlackBuilderT $ asks repository
let message = Text.unpack
$ packagePath <> ": Updated for version " <> version
(checkoutExitCode, _, _) <- liftIO
$ withFile "/dev/null" WriteMode
$ testCheckout repository' branch'
unless (checkoutExitCode == ExitSuccess)
$ liftIO
$ callProcess "git" ["-C", repository', "checkout", "-b", branch', "master"]
$ callProcess "git" ["-C", repository', "add", Text.unpack packagePath]
>> callProcess "git" ["-C", repository', "commit", "-S", "-m", message]
testCheckout repository' branch' nullHandle =
let createCheckoutProcess = (proc "git" ["-C", repository', "checkout", branch'])
{ std_in = NoStream
, std_err = UseHandle nullHandle
in readCreateProcessWithExitCode createCheckoutProcess ""

app/SlackBuilder/Trans.hs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
module SlackBuilder.Trans
( SlackBuilderT(..)
) where
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT(..))
import SlackBuilder.Config
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
newtype SlackBuilderT a = SlackBuilderT
{ runSlackBuilderT :: ReaderT Settings IO a
instance Functor SlackBuilderT
fmap f (SlackBuilderT slackBuilderT) = SlackBuilderT $ f <$> slackBuilderT
instance Applicative SlackBuilderT
pure = SlackBuilderT . pure
(SlackBuilderT f) <*> (SlackBuilderT x) = SlackBuilderT $ f <*> x
instance Monad SlackBuilderT
return = pure
(SlackBuilderT x) >>= f = SlackBuilderT $ x >>= runSlackBuilderT . f
instance MonadIO SlackBuilderT
liftIO = SlackBuilderT . liftIO

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@ -29,8 +29,11 @@ import Network.HTTP.Req
import Text.URI (mkURI)
import SlackBuilder.CommandLine
import SlackBuilder.Trans
import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KeyMap
import GHC.Records (HasField(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT(..), asks)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
newtype PackagistPackage = PackagistPackage
{ version :: Text
@ -86,7 +89,7 @@ data GhQuery = GhQuery
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions ''GhQuery)
latestPackagist :: PackagistArguments -> IO (Maybe Text)
latestPackagist :: PackagistArguments -> SlackBuilderT (Maybe Text)
latestPackagist PackagistArguments{..} = do
packagistResponse <- runReq defaultHttpConfig $
let uri = https "" /: "p2"
@ -99,9 +102,9 @@ latestPackagist PackagistArguments{..} = do
pure $ HashMap.lookup fullName packagistPackages
>>= fmap (version . fst) . Vector.uncons
latestText :: TextArguments -> IO (Maybe Text)
latestText :: TextArguments -> SlackBuilderT (Maybe Text)
latestText (TextArguments textArguments) = do
uri <- useHttpsURI <$> mkURI textArguments
uri <- liftIO $ useHttpsURI <$> mkURI textArguments
packagistResponse <- traverse (runReq defaultHttpConfig) $ go . fst <$> uri
pure $ Text.strip . Text.Encoding.decodeASCII . responseBody
@ -109,8 +112,12 @@ latestText (TextArguments textArguments) = do
go uri = req GET uri NoReqBody bsResponse mempty
latestGitHub :: Settings -> GhArguments -> (Text -> Maybe Text) -> IO (Maybe Text)
latestGitHub Settings{..} GhArguments{..} versionTransform = do
:: GhArguments
-> (Text -> Maybe Text)
-> SlackBuilderT (Maybe Text)
latestGitHub GhArguments{..} versionTransform = do
ghToken' <- SlackBuilderT $ asks ghToken
ghResponse <- runReq defaultHttpConfig $
let uri = https "" /: "graphql"
query = GhQuery
@ -122,10 +129,13 @@ latestGitHub Settings{..} GhArguments{..} versionTransform = do
authorizationHeader = header "authorization"
$ Text.Encoding.encodeUtf8
$ "Bearer " <> ghToken
$ "Bearer " <> ghToken'
in req POST uri (ReqBodyJson query) jsonResponse
$ authorizationHeader <> header "User-Agent" "SlackBuilder"
let ghNodes = nodes $ refs $ repository $ responseBody ghResponse
let ghNodes = nodes
$ refs
$ (getField @"repository" :: GhData -> GhRepository)
$ responseBody ghResponse
refs' = Vector.reverse
$ Vector.catMaybes
$ versionTransform . getField @"name" <$> ghNodes

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@ -3,6 +3,5 @@
remote_path: '',
download_url: '',
branch: 'user/nick/updates',
repository: '../slackbuilds'

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@ -1 +1,3 @@
gh_token = ""
repository = "./slackbuilds"
branch = "user/nick/updates"

View File

@ -134,24 +134,9 @@ def write_info(package, downloads:)
def update_slackbuild_version(package_path, version)
raise TypeError, %(expected a version string, got "#{version}") unless version.is_a?(String)
name = package_path.split('/').last
slackbuild_filename = "slackbuilds/#{package_path}/#{name}.SlackBuild"
slackbuild_contents =
.gsub(/^VERSION=\${VERSION:-.+/, "VERSION=${VERSION:-#{version}}"), 'w') { |file| file.puts slackbuild_contents }
sh './bin/slackbuilder', 'slackbuild', package_path, version
def commit(package_path, version)
message = "#{package_path}: Updated for version #{version}"
unless system('git', '-C', 'slackbuilds', 'checkout', CONFIG[:branch],
err: '/dev/null')
sh 'git', '-C', 'slackbuilds', 'checkout', '-b', CONFIG[:branch], 'master'
sh 'git', '-C', 'slackbuilds', 'add', package_path
sh 'git', '-C', 'slackbuilds', 'commit', '-S', '-m', message
# sh 'git', '-C', 'slackbuilds', 'push', 'origin', CONFIG[:branch]
sh './bin/slackbuilder', 'commit', package_path, version

View File

@ -22,20 +22,6 @@ module SlackBuilder
# Reads the list fo tags from the GitHub API.
class GitHub < Repository
query ($name: String!, $owner: String!) {
repository(name: $name, owner: $owner) {
refs(last: 10, refPrefix: "refs/tags/", orderBy: { field: TAG_COMMIT_DATE, direction: ASC }) {
nodes {
private_constant :GITHUB_QUERY
def initialize(owner, name, version_transform = nil)

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@ -24,10 +24,13 @@ executable slackbuilder
@ -37,11 +40,14 @@ executable slackbuilder
aeson ^>= 2.2.0,
base ^>=,
bytestring ^>= 0.11.0,
filepath ^>= 1.4.2,
modern-uri ^>= 0.3.6,
optparse-applicative ^>= 0.18.1,
process ^>= 1.6.17,
req ^>= 3.13,
text ^>= 2.0,
tomland ^>= 1.3.3,
transformers ^>= 0.5.6,
unordered-containers ^>= 0.2.19,
vector ^>= 0.13.0
hs-source-dirs: app