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{- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
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{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | GraphQL validator.
module Language.GraphQL.Validate
( Validation.Error(..)
, document
, module Language.GraphQL.Validate.Rules
) where
import Control.Monad (join)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (runReaderT)
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Sequence (Seq(..), (><), (|>))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Language.GraphQL.AST.DirectiveLocation (DirectiveLocation(..))
import qualified Language.GraphQL.AST.DirectiveLocation as DirectiveLocation
import qualified Language.GraphQL.AST.Document as Full
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.Internal as Type
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.In as In
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.Out as Out
import Language.GraphQL.Type.Schema (Schema)
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.Schema as Schema
import Language.GraphQL.Validate.Rules
import Language.GraphQL.Validate.Validation (Validation(Validation))
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Validate.Validation as Validation
type ApplySelectionRule m a
= HashMap Full.Name (Schema.Type m)
-> Validation.Rule m
-> Maybe (Out.Type m)
-> a
-> Seq (Validation.RuleT m)
type ApplyRule m a = Validation.Rule m -> a -> Seq (Validation.RuleT m)
-- | Validates a document and returns a list of found errors. If the returned
-- list is empty, the document is valid.
document :: forall m
. Schema m
-> [Validation.Rule m]
-> Full.Document
-> Seq Validation.Error
document schema' rules' document' =
runReaderT reader context
context = Validation
{ Validation.ast = document'
, Validation.schema = schema'
reader = do
rule' <- lift $ Seq.fromList rules'
join $ lift $ foldr (definition rule' context) Seq.empty document'
definition :: Validation.Rule m
-> Validation m
-> Full.Definition
-> Seq (Validation.RuleT m)
-> Seq (Validation.RuleT m)
definition (Validation.DefinitionRule rule) _ definition' accumulator =
accumulator |> rule definition'
definition rule context (Full.ExecutableDefinition definition') accumulator =
accumulator >< executableDefinition rule context definition'
definition rule context (Full.TypeSystemDefinition typeSystemDefinition' _) accumulator =
accumulator >< typeSystemDefinition context rule typeSystemDefinition'
definition rule context (Full.TypeSystemExtension extension _) accumulator =
accumulator >< typeSystemExtension context rule extension
typeSystemExtension :: forall m
. Validation m
-> ApplyRule m Full.TypeSystemExtension
typeSystemExtension context rule = \case
Full.SchemaExtension extension -> schemaExtension context rule extension
Full.TypeExtension extension -> typeExtension context rule extension
typeExtension :: forall m. Validation m -> ApplyRule m Full.TypeExtension
typeExtension context rule = \case
Full.ScalarTypeExtension _ directives' ->
directives context rule scalarLocation directives'
Full.ObjectTypeFieldsDefinitionExtension _ _ directives' fields
-> directives context rule objectLocation directives'
>< foldMap (fieldDefinition context rule) fields
Full.ObjectTypeDirectivesExtension _ _ directives' ->
directives context rule objectLocation directives'
Full.ObjectTypeImplementsInterfacesExtension _ _ -> mempty
Full.InterfaceTypeFieldsDefinitionExtension _ directives' fields
-> directives context rule interfaceLocation directives'
>< foldMap (fieldDefinition context rule) fields
Full.InterfaceTypeDirectivesExtension _ directives' ->
directives context rule interfaceLocation directives'
Full.UnionTypeUnionMemberTypesExtension _ directives' _ ->
directives context rule unionLocation directives'
Full.UnionTypeDirectivesExtension _ directives' ->
directives context rule unionLocation directives'
Full.EnumTypeEnumValuesDefinitionExtension _ directives' values
-> directives context rule enumLocation directives'
>< foldMap (enumValueDefinition context rule) values
Full.EnumTypeDirectivesExtension _ directives' ->
directives context rule enumLocation directives'
Full.InputObjectTypeInputFieldsDefinitionExtension _ directives' fields
-> directives context rule inputObjectLocation directives'
>< foldMap forEachInputFieldDefinition fields
Full.InputObjectTypeDirectivesExtension _ directives' ->
directives context rule inputObjectLocation directives'
forEachInputFieldDefinition =
inputValueDefinition context rule inputFieldDefinitionLocation
schemaExtension :: forall m. Validation m -> ApplyRule m Full.SchemaExtension
schemaExtension context rule = \case
Full.SchemaOperationExtension directives' _ ->
directives context rule schemaLocation directives'
Full.SchemaDirectivesExtension directives' ->
directives context rule schemaLocation directives'
schemaLocation :: DirectiveLocation
schemaLocation = TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Schema
interfaceLocation :: DirectiveLocation
interfaceLocation = TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Interface
objectLocation :: DirectiveLocation
objectLocation = TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Object
unionLocation :: DirectiveLocation
unionLocation = TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Union
enumLocation :: DirectiveLocation
enumLocation = TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Enum
inputObjectLocation :: DirectiveLocation
inputObjectLocation = TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.InputObject
scalarLocation :: DirectiveLocation
scalarLocation = TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Scalar
enumValueLocation :: DirectiveLocation
enumValueLocation = TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.EnumValue
fieldDefinitionLocation :: DirectiveLocation
fieldDefinitionLocation =
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.FieldDefinition
inputFieldDefinitionLocation :: DirectiveLocation
inputFieldDefinitionLocation =
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.InputFieldDefinition
argumentDefinitionLocation :: DirectiveLocation
argumentDefinitionLocation =
TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.ArgumentDefinition
queryLocation :: DirectiveLocation
queryLocation = ExecutableDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Query
mutationLocation :: DirectiveLocation
mutationLocation = ExecutableDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Mutation
subscriptionLocation :: DirectiveLocation
subscriptionLocation =
ExecutableDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Subscription
fieldLocation :: DirectiveLocation
fieldLocation = ExecutableDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.Field
fragmentDefinitionLocation :: DirectiveLocation
fragmentDefinitionLocation =
ExecutableDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.FragmentDefinition
fragmentSpreadLocation :: DirectiveLocation
fragmentSpreadLocation =
ExecutableDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.FragmentSpread
inlineFragmentLocation :: DirectiveLocation
inlineFragmentLocation =
ExecutableDirectiveLocation DirectiveLocation.InlineFragment
executableDefinition :: forall m
. Validation.Rule m
-> Validation m
-> Full.ExecutableDefinition
-> Seq (Validation.RuleT m)
executableDefinition rule context (Full.DefinitionOperation operation) =
operationDefinition rule context operation
executableDefinition rule context (Full.DefinitionFragment fragment) =
fragmentDefinition rule context fragment
typeSystemDefinition :: forall m
. Validation m
-> ApplyRule m Full.TypeSystemDefinition
typeSystemDefinition context rule = \case
Full.SchemaDefinition directives' _ ->
directives context rule schemaLocation directives'
Full.TypeDefinition typeDefinition' ->
typeDefinition context rule typeDefinition'
Full.DirectiveDefinition _ _ arguments' _ ->
argumentsDefinition context rule arguments'
typeDefinition :: forall m. Validation m -> ApplyRule m Full.TypeDefinition
typeDefinition context rule = \case
Full.ScalarTypeDefinition _ _ directives' ->
directives context rule scalarLocation directives'
Full.ObjectTypeDefinition _ _ _ directives' fields
-> directives context rule objectLocation directives'
>< foldMap (fieldDefinition context rule) fields
Full.InterfaceTypeDefinition _ _ directives' fields
-> directives context rule interfaceLocation directives'
>< foldMap (fieldDefinition context rule) fields
Full.UnionTypeDefinition _ _ directives' _ ->
directives context rule unionLocation directives'
Full.EnumTypeDefinition _ _ directives' values
-> directives context rule enumLocation directives'
>< foldMap (enumValueDefinition context rule) values
Full.InputObjectTypeDefinition _ _ directives' fields
-> directives context rule inputObjectLocation directives'
<> foldMap forEachInputFieldDefinition fields
forEachInputFieldDefinition =
inputValueDefinition context rule inputFieldDefinitionLocation
enumValueDefinition :: forall m
. Validation m
-> ApplyRule m Full.EnumValueDefinition
enumValueDefinition context rule (Full.EnumValueDefinition _ _ directives') =
directives context rule enumValueLocation directives'
fieldDefinition :: forall m. Validation m -> ApplyRule m Full.FieldDefinition
fieldDefinition context rule (Full.FieldDefinition _ _ arguments' _ directives')
= directives context rule fieldDefinitionLocation directives'
>< argumentsDefinition context rule arguments'
argumentsDefinition :: forall m
. Validation m
-> ApplyRule m Full.ArgumentsDefinition
argumentsDefinition context rule (Full.ArgumentsDefinition definitions) =
foldMap forEachArgument definitions
forEachArgument =
inputValueDefinition context rule argumentDefinitionLocation
inputValueDefinition :: forall m
. Validation m
-> Validation.Rule m
-> DirectiveLocation
-> Full.InputValueDefinition
-> Seq (Validation.RuleT m)
inputValueDefinition context rule directiveLocation definition' =
let Full.InputValueDefinition _ _ _ _ directives' = definition'
in directives context rule directiveLocation directives'
operationDefinition :: forall m
. Validation.Rule m
-> Validation m
-> Full.OperationDefinition
-> Seq (Validation.RuleT m)
operationDefinition rule context operation
| Validation.OperationDefinitionRule operationRule <- rule =
pure $ operationRule operation
| Validation.VariablesRule variablesRule <- rule
, Full.OperationDefinition _ _ variables _ _ _ <- operation =
foldMap (variableDefinition context rule) variables |> variablesRule variables
| Full.SelectionSet selections _ <- operation =
selectionSet context types' rule queryRoot selections
| Full.OperationDefinition Full.Query _ _ directives' selections _ <- operation
= selectionSet context types' rule queryRoot selections
>< directives context rule queryLocation directives'
| Full.OperationDefinition Full.Mutation _ _ directives' selections _ <- operation =
let root = Out.NamedObjectType <$> Schema.mutation schema'
in selectionSet context types' rule root selections
>< directives context rule mutationLocation directives'
| Full.OperationDefinition Full.Subscription _ _ directives' selections _ <- operation =
let root = Out.NamedObjectType <$> Schema.subscription schema'
in selectionSet context types' rule root selections
>< directives context rule subscriptionLocation directives'
schema' = Validation.schema context
queryRoot = Just $ Out.NamedObjectType $ Schema.query schema'
types' = Schema.types schema'
typeToOut :: forall m. Schema.Type m -> Maybe (Out.Type m)
typeToOut (Schema.ObjectType objectType) =
Just $ Out.NamedObjectType objectType
typeToOut (Schema.InterfaceType interfaceType) =
Just $ Out.NamedInterfaceType interfaceType
typeToOut (Schema.UnionType unionType) = Just $ Out.NamedUnionType unionType
typeToOut (Schema.EnumType enumType) = Just $ Out.NamedEnumType enumType
typeToOut (Schema.ScalarType scalarType) = Just $ Out.NamedScalarType scalarType
typeToOut _ = Nothing
variableDefinition :: forall m
. Validation m
-> ApplyRule m Full.VariableDefinition
variableDefinition context rule (Full.VariableDefinition _ typeName value' _)
| Just defaultValue' <- value'
, types <- Schema.types $ Validation.schema context
, variableType <- Type.lookupInputType typeName types =
constValue rule variableType defaultValue'
variableDefinition _ _ _ = mempty
constValue :: forall m
. Validation.Rule m
-> Maybe In.Type
-> Full.Node Full.ConstValue
-> Seq (Validation.RuleT m)
constValue (Validation.ValueRule _ rule) valueType = go valueType
go inputObjectType value'@(Full.Node (Full.ConstObject fields) _)
= foldMap (forEach inputObjectType) (Seq.fromList fields)
|> rule inputObjectType value'
go anotherValue value' = pure $ rule anotherValue value'
forEach inputObjectType Full.ObjectField{value = value', ..} =
go (valueTypeByName name inputObjectType) value'
constValue _ _ = const mempty
inputFieldType :: In.InputField -> In.Type
inputFieldType (In.InputField _ inputFieldType' _) = inputFieldType'
valueTypeByName :: Full.Name -> Maybe In.Type -> Maybe In.Type
valueTypeByName fieldName (Just( In.InputObjectBaseType inputObjectType)) =
let In.InputObjectType _ _ fieldTypes = inputObjectType
in inputFieldType <$> HashMap.lookup fieldName fieldTypes
valueTypeByName _ _ = Nothing
fragmentDefinition :: forall m
. Validation.Rule m
-> Validation m
-> Full.FragmentDefinition
-> Seq (Validation.RuleT m)
fragmentDefinition (Validation.FragmentDefinitionRule rule) _ definition' =
pure $ rule definition'
fragmentDefinition rule context definition'
| Full.FragmentDefinition _ typeCondition directives' selections _ <- definition'
, Validation.FragmentRule definitionRule _ <- rule
= applyToChildren typeCondition directives' selections
|> definitionRule definition'
| Full.FragmentDefinition _ typeCondition directives' selections _ <- definition'
= applyToChildren typeCondition directives' selections
types' = Schema.types $ Validation.schema context
applyToChildren typeCondition directives' selections
= selectionSet context types' rule (lookupType' typeCondition) selections
>< directives context rule fragmentDefinitionLocation directives'
lookupType' = flip lookupType types'
lookupType :: forall m
. Full.TypeCondition
-> HashMap Full.Name (Schema.Type m)
-> Maybe (Out.Type m)
lookupType typeCondition types' = HashMap.lookup typeCondition types'
>>= typeToOut
selectionSet :: Traversable t
=> forall m
. Validation m
-> ApplySelectionRule m (t Full.Selection)
selectionSet context types' rule = foldMap . selection context types' rule
selection :: forall m. Validation m -> ApplySelectionRule m Full.Selection
selection context types' rule objectType selection'
| Validation.SelectionRule selectionRule <- rule =
applyToChildren |> selectionRule objectType selection'
| otherwise = applyToChildren
applyToChildren =
case selection' of
Full.FieldSelection field' ->
field context types' rule objectType field'
Full.InlineFragmentSelection inlineFragment' ->
inlineFragment context types' rule objectType inlineFragment'
Full.FragmentSpreadSelection fragmentSpread' ->
fragmentSpread context rule fragmentSpread'
field :: forall m. Validation m -> ApplySelectionRule m Full.Field
field context types' rule objectType field' = go field'
go (Full.Field _ fieldName _ _ _ _)
| Validation.FieldRule fieldRule <- rule =
applyToChildren fieldName |> fieldRule objectType field'
| Validation.ArgumentsRule argumentsRule _ <- rule =
applyToChildren fieldName |> argumentsRule objectType field'
| otherwise = applyToChildren fieldName
typeFieldType (Out.Field _ type' _) = type'
typeFieldArguments (Out.Field _ _ argumentTypes) = argumentTypes
applyToChildren fieldName =
let Full.Field _ _ arguments' directives' selections _ = field'
typeField = objectType >>= Type.lookupTypeField fieldName
argumentTypes = maybe mempty typeFieldArguments typeField
in selectionSet context types' rule (typeFieldType <$> typeField) selections
>< directives context rule fieldLocation directives'
>< arguments rule argumentTypes arguments'
arguments :: forall m
. Validation.Rule m
-> In.Arguments
-> [Full.Argument]
-> Seq (Validation.RuleT m)
arguments rule argumentTypes = foldMap forEach . Seq.fromList
forEach argument'@(Full.Argument argumentName _ _) =
let argumentType = HashMap.lookup argumentName argumentTypes
in argument rule argumentType argument'
argument :: forall m
. Validation.Rule m
-> Maybe In.Argument
-> Full.Argument
-> Seq (Validation.RuleT m)
argument rule argumentType (Full.Argument _ value' _) =
value rule (valueType <$> argumentType) value'
valueType (In.Argument _ valueType' _) = valueType'
value :: forall m
. Validation.Rule m
-> Maybe In.Type
-> Full.Node Full.Value
-> Seq (Validation.RuleT m)
value (Validation.ValueRule rule _) valueType = go valueType
go inputObjectType value'@(Full.Node (Full.Object fields) _)
= foldMap (forEach inputObjectType) (Seq.fromList fields)
|> rule inputObjectType value'
go anotherValue value' = pure $ rule anotherValue value'
forEach inputObjectType Full.ObjectField{value = value', ..} =
go (valueTypeByName name inputObjectType) value'
value _ _ = const mempty
inlineFragment :: forall m
. Validation m
-> ApplySelectionRule m Full.InlineFragment
inlineFragment context types' rule objectType inlineFragment' =
go inlineFragment'
go (Full.InlineFragment optionalType directives' selections _)
| Validation.FragmentRule _ fragmentRule <- rule
= applyToChildren (refineTarget optionalType) directives' selections
|> fragmentRule inlineFragment'
| otherwise = applyToChildren (refineTarget optionalType) directives' selections
refineTarget (Just typeCondition) = lookupType typeCondition types'
refineTarget Nothing = objectType
applyToChildren objectType' directives' selections
= selectionSet context types' rule objectType' selections
>< directives context rule inlineFragmentLocation directives'
fragmentSpread :: forall m. Validation m -> ApplyRule m Full.FragmentSpread
fragmentSpread context rule fragmentSpread'@(Full.FragmentSpread _ directives' _)
| Validation.FragmentSpreadRule fragmentRule <- rule =
applyToChildren |> fragmentRule fragmentSpread'
| otherwise = applyToChildren
applyToChildren = directives context rule fragmentSpreadLocation directives'
directives :: Traversable t
=> forall m
. Validation m
-> Validation.Rule m
-> DirectiveLocation
-> t Full.Directive
-> Seq (Validation.RuleT m)
directives context rule directiveLocation directives'
| Validation.DirectivesRule directivesRule <- rule =
applyToChildren |> directivesRule directiveLocation directiveList
| otherwise = applyToChildren
directiveList = toList directives'
applyToChildren = foldMap (directive context rule) directiveList
directive :: forall m. Validation m -> ApplyRule m Full.Directive
directive _ (Validation.ArgumentsRule _ argumentsRule) directive' =
pure $ argumentsRule directive'
directive context rule (Full.Directive directiveName arguments' _) =
let argumentTypes = maybe HashMap.empty directiveArguments
$ HashMap.lookup directiveName
$ Schema.directives
$ Validation.schema context
in arguments rule argumentTypes arguments'
directiveArguments (Schema.Directive _ _ argumentTypes) = argumentTypes