
543 lines
18 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-- | @GraphQL@ document parser.
module Language.GraphQL.AST.Parser
( document
) where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative(..), liftA2, optional)
import Control.Applicative.Combinators (sepBy1)
import qualified Control.Applicative.Combinators.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Language.GraphQL.AST.DirectiveLocation as Directive
import Language.GraphQL.AST.DirectiveLocation (DirectiveLocation)
import qualified Language.GraphQL.AST.Document as Full
import Language.GraphQL.AST.Lexer
import Text.Megaparsec
( MonadParsec(..)
, SourcePos(..)
, getSourcePos
, lookAhead
, option
, try
, unPos
, (<?>)
-- | Parser for the GraphQL documents.
document :: Parser Full.Document
document = unicodeBOM
*> spaceConsumer
*> lexeme (NonEmpty.some definition)
definition :: Parser Full.Definition
definition = Full.ExecutableDefinition <$> executableDefinition
<|> typeSystemDefinition'
<|> typeSystemExtension'
<?> "Definition"
typeSystemDefinition' = do
location <- getLocation
definition' <- typeSystemDefinition
pure $ Full.TypeSystemDefinition definition' location
typeSystemExtension' = do
location <- getLocation
definition' <- typeSystemExtension
pure $ Full.TypeSystemExtension definition' location
getLocation :: Parser Full.Location
getLocation = fromSourcePosition <$> getSourcePos
fromSourcePosition SourcePos{..} =
Full.Location (wordFromPosition sourceLine) (wordFromPosition sourceColumn)
wordFromPosition = fromIntegral . unPos
executableDefinition :: Parser Full.ExecutableDefinition
executableDefinition = Full.DefinitionOperation <$> operationDefinition
<|> Full.DefinitionFragment <$> fragmentDefinition
<?> "ExecutableDefinition"
typeSystemDefinition :: Parser Full.TypeSystemDefinition
typeSystemDefinition = schemaDefinition
<|> typeSystemDefinitionWithDescription
<?> "TypeSystemDefinition"
typeSystemDefinitionWithDescription = description
>>= liftA2 (<|>) typeDefinition' directiveDefinition
typeDefinition' description' = Full.TypeDefinition
<$> typeDefinition description'
typeSystemExtension :: Parser Full.TypeSystemExtension
typeSystemExtension = Full.SchemaExtension <$> schemaExtension
<|> Full.TypeExtension <$> typeExtension
<?> "TypeSystemExtension"
directiveDefinition :: Full.Description -> Parser Full.TypeSystemDefinition
directiveDefinition description' = Full.DirectiveDefinition description'
<$ symbol "directive"
<* at
<*> name
<*> argumentsDefinition
<* symbol "on"
<*> directiveLocations
<?> "DirectiveDefinition"
directiveLocations :: Parser (NonEmpty DirectiveLocation)
directiveLocations = optional pipe
*> directiveLocation `NonEmpty.sepBy1` pipe
<?> "DirectiveLocations"
directiveLocation :: Parser DirectiveLocation
directiveLocation = e (Directive.Query <$ symbol "QUERY")
<|> e (Directive.Mutation <$ symbol "MUTATION")
<|> e (Directive.Subscription <$ symbol "SUBSCRIPTION")
<|> t (Directive.FieldDefinition <$ symbol "FIELD_DEFINITION")
<|> e (Directive.Field <$ symbol "FIELD")
<|> e (Directive.FragmentDefinition <$ "FRAGMENT_DEFINITION")
<|> e (Directive.FragmentSpread <$ "FRAGMENT_SPREAD")
<|> e (Directive.InlineFragment <$ "INLINE_FRAGMENT")
<|> t (Directive.Schema <$ symbol "SCHEMA")
<|> t (Directive.Scalar <$ symbol "SCALAR")
<|> t (Directive.Object <$ symbol "OBJECT")
<|> t (Directive.ArgumentDefinition <$ symbol "ARGUMENT_DEFINITION")
<|> t (Directive.Interface <$ symbol "INTERFACE")
<|> t (Directive.Union <$ symbol "UNION")
<|> t (Directive.EnumValue <$ symbol "ENUM_VALUE")
<|> t (Directive.Enum <$ symbol "ENUM")
<|> t (Directive.InputObject <$ symbol "INPUT_OBJECT")
<|> t (Directive.InputFieldDefinition <$ symbol "INPUT_FIELD_DEFINITION")
<?> "DirectiveLocation"
e = fmap Directive.ExecutableDirectiveLocation
t = fmap Directive.TypeSystemDirectiveLocation
typeDefinition :: Full.Description -> Parser Full.TypeDefinition
typeDefinition description' = scalarTypeDefinition description'
<|> objectTypeDefinition description'
<|> interfaceTypeDefinition description'
<|> unionTypeDefinition description'
<|> enumTypeDefinition description'
<|> inputObjectTypeDefinition description'
<?> "TypeDefinition"
typeExtension :: Parser Full.TypeExtension
typeExtension = scalarTypeExtension
<|> objectTypeExtension
<|> interfaceTypeExtension
<|> unionTypeExtension
<|> enumTypeExtension
<|> inputObjectTypeExtension
<?> "TypeExtension"
scalarTypeDefinition :: Full.Description -> Parser Full.TypeDefinition
scalarTypeDefinition description' = Full.ScalarTypeDefinition description'
<$ symbol "scalar"
<*> name
<*> directives
<?> "ScalarTypeDefinition"
scalarTypeExtension :: Parser Full.TypeExtension
scalarTypeExtension = extend "scalar" "ScalarTypeExtension"
$ (Full.ScalarTypeExtension <$> name <*> NonEmpty.some directive) :| []
objectTypeDefinition :: Full.Description -> Parser Full.TypeDefinition
objectTypeDefinition description' = Full.ObjectTypeDefinition description'
<$ symbol "type"
<*> name
<*> option (Full.ImplementsInterfaces []) (implementsInterfaces sepBy1)
<*> directives
<*> braces (many fieldDefinition)
<?> "ObjectTypeDefinition"
objectTypeExtension :: Parser Full.TypeExtension
objectTypeExtension = extend "type" "ObjectTypeExtension"
$ fieldsDefinitionExtension :|
[ directivesExtension
, implementsInterfacesExtension
fieldsDefinitionExtension = Full.ObjectTypeFieldsDefinitionExtension
<$> name
<*> option (Full.ImplementsInterfaces []) (implementsInterfaces sepBy1)
<*> directives
<*> braces (NonEmpty.some fieldDefinition)
directivesExtension = Full.ObjectTypeDirectivesExtension
<$> name
<*> option (Full.ImplementsInterfaces []) (implementsInterfaces sepBy1)
<*> NonEmpty.some directive
implementsInterfacesExtension = Full.ObjectTypeImplementsInterfacesExtension
<$> name
<*> implementsInterfaces NonEmpty.sepBy1
description :: Parser Full.Description
description = Full.Description
<$> optional stringValue
<?> "Description"
unionTypeDefinition :: Full.Description -> Parser Full.TypeDefinition
unionTypeDefinition description' = Full.UnionTypeDefinition description'
<$ symbol "union"
<*> name
<*> directives
<*> option (Full.UnionMemberTypes []) (unionMemberTypes sepBy1)
<?> "UnionTypeDefinition"
unionTypeExtension :: Parser Full.TypeExtension
unionTypeExtension = extend "union" "UnionTypeExtension"
$ unionMemberTypesExtension :| [directivesExtension]
unionMemberTypesExtension = Full.UnionTypeUnionMemberTypesExtension
<$> name
<*> directives
<*> unionMemberTypes NonEmpty.sepBy1
directivesExtension = Full.UnionTypeDirectivesExtension
<$> name
<*> NonEmpty.some directive
unionMemberTypes ::
Foldable t =>
(Parser Text -> Parser Text -> Parser (t Full.NamedType)) ->
Parser (Full.UnionMemberTypes t)
unionMemberTypes sepBy' = Full.UnionMemberTypes
<$ equals
<* optional pipe
<*> name `sepBy'` pipe
<?> "UnionMemberTypes"
interfaceTypeDefinition :: Full.Description -> Parser Full.TypeDefinition
interfaceTypeDefinition description' = Full.InterfaceTypeDefinition description'
<$ symbol "interface"
<*> name
<*> directives
<*> braces (many fieldDefinition)
<?> "InterfaceTypeDefinition"
interfaceTypeExtension :: Parser Full.TypeExtension
interfaceTypeExtension = extend "interface" "InterfaceTypeExtension"
$ fieldsDefinitionExtension :| [directivesExtension]
fieldsDefinitionExtension = Full.InterfaceTypeFieldsDefinitionExtension
<$> name
<*> directives
<*> braces (NonEmpty.some fieldDefinition)
directivesExtension = Full.InterfaceTypeDirectivesExtension
<$> name
<*> NonEmpty.some directive
enumTypeDefinition :: Full.Description -> Parser Full.TypeDefinition
enumTypeDefinition description' = Full.EnumTypeDefinition description'
<$ symbol "enum"
<*> name
<*> directives
<*> listOptIn braces enumValueDefinition
<?> "EnumTypeDefinition"
enumTypeExtension :: Parser Full.TypeExtension
enumTypeExtension = extend "enum" "EnumTypeExtension"
$ enumValuesDefinitionExtension :| [directivesExtension]
enumValuesDefinitionExtension = Full.EnumTypeEnumValuesDefinitionExtension
<$> name
<*> directives
<*> braces (NonEmpty.some enumValueDefinition)
directivesExtension = Full.EnumTypeDirectivesExtension
<$> name
<*> NonEmpty.some directive
inputObjectTypeDefinition :: Full.Description -> Parser Full.TypeDefinition
inputObjectTypeDefinition description' = Full.InputObjectTypeDefinition description'
<$ symbol "input"
<*> name
<*> directives
<*> listOptIn braces inputValueDefinition
<?> "InputObjectTypeDefinition"
inputObjectTypeExtension :: Parser Full.TypeExtension
inputObjectTypeExtension = extend "input" "InputObjectTypeExtension"
$ inputFieldsDefinitionExtension :| [directivesExtension]
inputFieldsDefinitionExtension = Full.InputObjectTypeInputFieldsDefinitionExtension
<$> name
<*> directives
<*> braces (NonEmpty.some inputValueDefinition)
directivesExtension = Full.InputObjectTypeDirectivesExtension
<$> name
<*> NonEmpty.some directive
enumValueDefinition :: Parser Full.EnumValueDefinition
enumValueDefinition = Full.EnumValueDefinition
<$> description
<*> enumValue
<*> directives
<?> "EnumValueDefinition"
implementsInterfaces ::
Foldable t =>
(Parser Text -> Parser Text -> Parser (t Full.NamedType)) ->
Parser (Full.ImplementsInterfaces t)
implementsInterfaces sepBy' = Full.ImplementsInterfaces
<$ symbol "implements"
<* optional amp
<*> name `sepBy'` amp
<?> "ImplementsInterfaces"
inputValueDefinition :: Parser Full.InputValueDefinition
inputValueDefinition = Full.InputValueDefinition
<$> description
<*> name
<* colon
<*> type'
<*> defaultValue
<*> directives
<?> "InputValueDefinition"
argumentsDefinition :: Parser Full.ArgumentsDefinition
argumentsDefinition = Full.ArgumentsDefinition
<$> listOptIn parens inputValueDefinition
<?> "ArgumentsDefinition"
fieldDefinition :: Parser Full.FieldDefinition
fieldDefinition = Full.FieldDefinition
<$> description
<*> name
<*> argumentsDefinition
<* colon
<*> type'
<*> directives
<?> "FieldDefinition"
schemaDefinition :: Parser Full.TypeSystemDefinition
schemaDefinition = Full.SchemaDefinition
<$ symbol "schema"
<*> directives
<*> operationTypeDefinitions
<?> "SchemaDefinition"
operationTypeDefinitions :: Parser (NonEmpty Full.OperationTypeDefinition)
operationTypeDefinitions = braces $ NonEmpty.some operationTypeDefinition
schemaExtension :: Parser Full.SchemaExtension
schemaExtension = extend "schema" "SchemaExtension"
$ schemaOperationExtension :| [directivesExtension]
directivesExtension = Full.SchemaDirectivesExtension
<$> NonEmpty.some directive
schemaOperationExtension = Full.SchemaOperationExtension
<$> directives
<*> operationTypeDefinitions
operationTypeDefinition :: Parser Full.OperationTypeDefinition
operationTypeDefinition = Full.OperationTypeDefinition
<$> operationType <* colon
<*> name
<?> "OperationTypeDefinition"
operationDefinition :: Parser Full.OperationDefinition
operationDefinition = shorthand
<|> operationDefinition'
<?> "OperationDefinition"
shorthand = do
location <- getLocation
selectionSet' <- selectionSet
pure $ Full.SelectionSet selectionSet' location
operationDefinition' = do
location <- getLocation
operationType' <- operationType
operationName <- optional name
variableDefinitions' <- variableDefinitions
directives' <- directives
selectionSet' <- selectionSet
pure $ Full.OperationDefinition
operationType :: Parser Full.OperationType
operationType = Full.Query <$ symbol "query"
<|> Full.Mutation <$ symbol "mutation"
<|> Full.Subscription <$ symbol "subscription"
<?> "OperationType"
selectionSet :: Parser Full.SelectionSet
selectionSet = braces (NonEmpty.some selection) <?> "SelectionSet"
selectionSetOpt :: Parser Full.SelectionSetOpt
selectionSetOpt = listOptIn braces selection <?> "SelectionSet"
selection :: Parser Full.Selection
selection = Full.FieldSelection <$> field
<|> Full.FragmentSpreadSelection <$> try fragmentSpread
<|> Full.InlineFragmentSelection <$> inlineFragment
<?> "Selection"
field :: Parser Full.Field
field = label "Field" $ do
location <- getLocation
alias' <- optional alias
name' <- name
arguments' <- arguments
directives' <- directives
selectionSetOpt' <- selectionSetOpt
pure $ Full.Field alias' name' arguments' directives' selectionSetOpt' location
alias :: Parser Full.Name
alias = try (name <* colon) <?> "Alias"
arguments :: Parser [Full.Argument]
arguments = listOptIn parens argument <?> "Arguments"
argument :: Parser Full.Argument
argument = label "Argument" $ do
location <- getLocation
name' <- name
value' <- valueNode value
pure $ Full.Argument name' value' location
fragmentSpread :: Parser Full.FragmentSpread
fragmentSpread = label "FragmentSpread" $ do
location <- getLocation
_ <- spread
fragmentName' <- fragmentName
directives' <- directives
pure $ Full.FragmentSpread fragmentName' directives' location
inlineFragment :: Parser Full.InlineFragment
inlineFragment = label "InlineFragment" $ do
location <- getLocation
_ <- spread
typeCondition' <- optional typeCondition
directives' <- directives
selectionSet' <- selectionSet
pure $ Full.InlineFragment typeCondition' directives' selectionSet' location
fragmentDefinition :: Parser Full.FragmentDefinition
fragmentDefinition = label "FragmentDefinition" $ do
location <- getLocation
_ <- symbol "fragment"
fragmentName' <- name
typeCondition' <- typeCondition
directives' <- directives
selectionSet' <- selectionSet
pure $ Full.FragmentDefinition
fragmentName' typeCondition' directives' selectionSet' location
fragmentName :: Parser Full.Name
fragmentName = but (symbol "on") *> name <?> "FragmentName"
typeCondition :: Parser Full.TypeCondition
typeCondition = symbol "on" *> name <?> "TypeCondition"
valueNode :: forall a. Parser a -> Parser (Full.Node a)
valueNode valueParser = do
location <- getLocation
value' <- valueParser
pure $ Full.Node value' location
value :: Parser Full.Value
value = Full.Variable <$> variable
<|> Full.Float <$> try float
<|> Full.Int <$> integer
<|> Full.Boolean <$> booleanValue
<|> Full.Null <$ nullValue
<|> Full.String <$> stringValue
<|> Full.Enum <$> try enumValue
<|> Full.List <$> brackets (some $ valueNode value)
<|> Full.Object <$> braces (some $ objectField $ valueNode value)
<?> "Value"
constValue :: Parser Full.ConstValue
constValue = Full.ConstFloat <$> try float
<|> Full.ConstInt <$> integer
<|> Full.ConstBoolean <$> booleanValue
<|> Full.ConstNull <$ nullValue
<|> Full.ConstString <$> stringValue
<|> Full.ConstEnum <$> try enumValue
<|> Full.ConstList <$> brackets (many $ valueNode constValue)
<|> Full.ConstObject <$> braces (many $ objectField $ valueNode constValue)
<?> "Value"
booleanValue :: Parser Bool
booleanValue = True <$ symbol "true"
<|> False <$ symbol "false"
<?> "BooleanValue"
enumValue :: Parser Full.Name
enumValue = but (symbol "true")
*> but (symbol "false")
*> but (symbol "null")
*> name
<?> "EnumValue"
stringValue :: Parser Text
stringValue = blockString <|> string <?> "StringValue"
nullValue :: Parser Text
nullValue = symbol "null" <?> "NullValue"
objectField :: forall a. Parser (Full.Node a) -> Parser (Full.ObjectField a)
objectField valueParser = label "ObjectField" $ do
location <- getLocation
fieldName <- name
fieldValue <- valueParser
pure $ Full.ObjectField fieldName fieldValue location
variableDefinitions :: Parser [Full.VariableDefinition]
variableDefinitions = listOptIn parens variableDefinition
<?> "VariableDefinitions"
variableDefinition :: Parser Full.VariableDefinition
variableDefinition = label "VariableDefinition" $ do
location <- getLocation
variableName <- variable
variableType <- type'
variableValue <- defaultValue
pure $ Full.VariableDefinition variableName variableType variableValue location
variable :: Parser Full.Name
variable = dollar *> name <?> "Variable"
defaultValue :: Parser (Maybe (Full.Node Full.ConstValue))
defaultValue = optional (equals *> valueNode constValue) <?> "DefaultValue"
type' :: Parser Full.Type
type' = try (Full.TypeNonNull <$> nonNullType)
<|> Full.TypeList <$> brackets type'
<|> Full.TypeNamed <$> name
<?> "Type"
nonNullType :: Parser Full.NonNullType
nonNullType = Full.NonNullTypeNamed <$> name <* bang
<|> Full.NonNullTypeList <$> brackets type' <* bang
<?> "NonNullType"
directives :: Parser [Full.Directive]
directives = many directive <?> "Directives"
directive :: Parser Full.Directive
directive = label "Directive" $ do
location <- getLocation
directiveName <- name
directiveArguments <- arguments
pure $ Full.Directive directiveName directiveArguments location
listOptIn :: (Parser [a] -> Parser [a]) -> Parser a -> Parser [a]
listOptIn surround = option [] . surround . some
-- Hack to reverse parser success
but :: Parser a -> Parser ()
but pn = False <$ lookAhead pn <|> pure True >>= \case
False -> empty
True -> pure ()