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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | Types and functions used for input and result coercion.
module Language.GraphQL.Execute.Coerce
( VariableValue(..)
, coerceInputLiterals
) where
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as Text.Lazy
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as Text.Builder
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder.Int as Text.Builder
import Data.Scientific (toBoundedInteger, toRealFloat)
import Language.GraphQL.AST.Document (Name)
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.In as In
import Language.GraphQL.Schema
import Language.GraphQL.Type.Definition
-- | Since variables are passed separately from the query, in an independent
-- format, they should be first coerced to the internal representation used by
-- this implementation.
class VariableValue a where
-- | Only a basic, format-specific, coercion must be done here. Type
-- correctness or nullability shouldn't be validated here, they will be
-- validated later. The type information is provided only as a hint.
-- For example @GraphQL@ prohibits the coercion from a 't:Float' to an
-- 't:Int', but @JSON@ doesn't have integers, so whole numbers should be
-- coerced to 't:Int` when receiving variables as a JSON object. The same
-- holds for 't:Enum'. There are formats that support enumerations, @JSON@
-- doesn't, so the type information is given and 'coerceVariableValue' can
-- check that an 't:Enum' is expected and treat the given value
-- appropriately. Even checking whether this value is a proper member of the
-- corresponding 't:Enum' type isn't required here, since this can be
-- checked independently.
-- Another example is an @ID@. @GraphQL@ explicitly allows to coerce
-- integers and strings to @ID@s, so if an @ID@ is received as an integer,
-- it can be left as is and will be coerced later.
-- If a value cannot be coerced without losing information, 'Nothing' should
-- be returned, the coercion will fail then and the query won't be executed.
:: In.Type -- ^ Expected type (variable type given in the query).
-> a -- ^ Variable value being coerced.
-> Maybe In.Value -- ^ Coerced value on success, 'Nothing' otherwise.
instance VariableValue Aeson.Value where
coerceVariableValue _ Aeson.Null = Just In.Null
coerceVariableValue (In.ScalarBaseType scalarType) value
| (Aeson.String stringValue) <- value = Just $ In.String stringValue
| (Aeson.Bool booleanValue) <- value = Just $ In.Boolean booleanValue
| (Aeson.Number numberValue) <- value
, (ScalarType "Float" _) <- scalarType =
Just $ In.Float $ toRealFloat numberValue
| (Aeson.Number numberValue) <- value = -- ID or Int
In.Int <$> toBoundedInteger numberValue
coerceVariableValue (In.EnumBaseType _) (Aeson.String stringValue) =
Just $ In.Enum stringValue
coerceVariableValue (In.InputObjectBaseType objectType) value
| (Aeson.Object objectValue) <- value = do
let (In.InputObjectType _ _ inputFields) = objectType
(newObjectValue, resultMap) <- foldWithKey objectValue inputFields
if HashMap.null newObjectValue
then Just $ In.Object resultMap
else Nothing
foldWithKey objectValue = HashMap.foldrWithKey matchFieldValues
$ Just (objectValue, HashMap.empty)
matchFieldValues _ _ Nothing = Nothing
matchFieldValues fieldName inputField (Just (objectValue, resultMap)) =
let (In.InputField _ fieldType _) = inputField
insert = flip (HashMap.insert fieldName) resultMap
newObjectValue = HashMap.delete fieldName objectValue
in case HashMap.lookup fieldName objectValue of
Just variableValue -> do
coerced <- coerceVariableValue fieldType variableValue
pure (newObjectValue, insert coerced)
Nothing -> Just (objectValue, resultMap)
coerceVariableValue (In.ListBaseType listType) value
| (Aeson.Array arrayValue) <- value = In.List
<$> foldr foldVector (Just []) arrayValue
| otherwise = coerceVariableValue listType value
foldVector _ Nothing = Nothing
foldVector variableValue (Just list) = do
coerced <- coerceVariableValue listType variableValue
pure $ coerced : list
coerceVariableValue _ _ = Nothing
-- | Coerces operation arguments according to the input coercion rules for the
-- corresponding types.
:: HashMap Name In.Type
-> HashMap Name In.Value
-> Maybe Subs
coerceInputLiterals variableTypes variableValues =
foldWithKey operator variableTypes
operator variableName variableType resultMap =
HashMap.insert variableName
<$> (lookupVariable variableName >>= coerceInputLiteral variableType)
<*> resultMap
coerceInputLiteral (In.NamedScalarType type') value
| (In.String stringValue) <- value
, (ScalarType "String" _) <- type' = Just $ In.String stringValue
| (In.Boolean booleanValue) <- value
, (ScalarType "Boolean" _) <- type' = Just $ In.Boolean booleanValue
| (In.Int intValue) <- value
, (ScalarType "Int" _) <- type' = Just $ In.Int intValue
| (In.Float floatValue) <- value
, (ScalarType "Float" _) <- type' = Just $ In.Float floatValue
| (In.Int intValue) <- value
, (ScalarType "Float" _) <- type' =
Just $ In.Float $ fromIntegral intValue
| (In.String stringValue) <- value
, (ScalarType "ID" _) <- type' = Just $ In.String stringValue
| (In.Int intValue) <- value
, (ScalarType "ID" _) <- type' = Just $ decimal intValue
coerceInputLiteral (In.NamedEnumType type') (In.Enum enumValue)
| member enumValue type' = Just $ In.Enum enumValue
coerceInputLiteral (In.NamedInputObjectType type') (In.Object _) =
let (In.InputObjectType _ _ inputFields) = type'
in In.Object <$> foldWithKey matchFieldValues inputFields
coerceInputLiteral _ _ = Nothing
member value (EnumType _ _ members) = Set.member value members
matchFieldValues fieldName (In.InputField _ type' defaultValue) resultMap =
case lookupVariable fieldName of
Just In.Null
| In.isNonNullType type' -> Nothing
| otherwise ->
HashMap.insert fieldName In.Null <$> resultMap
Just variableValue -> HashMap.insert fieldName
<$> coerceInputLiteral type' variableValue
<*> resultMap
| Just value <- defaultValue ->
HashMap.insert fieldName value <$> resultMap
| Nothing <- defaultValue
, In.isNonNullType type' -> Nothing
| otherwise -> resultMap
lookupVariable = flip HashMap.lookup variableValues
foldWithKey f = HashMap.foldrWithKey f (Just HashMap.empty)
decimal = In.String
. Text.Lazy.toStrict
. Text.Builder.toLazyText
. Text.Builder.decimal