Tom Hunger 87c92e9d6e Parse number as scientific and interpret meaning separately.
The current parser will fail parsing floats because it parses an int,
and then stumbles on the dot.

To fix I interpret the value with the scientific library which already
is a dependency through attoparsec, so we're not introducing any extra
downloads or compiling.

I think this is still subtly wrong because "10.0" will be parsed as
ValueInt, but because input argument ints are allowed to be coerced
into doubles (according to the spec) this is probably acceptable.
2016-12-09 00:03:20 +00:00

337 lines
8.9 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | This module defines a parser for @GraphQL@ request documents.
module Data.GraphQL.Parser where
import Prelude hiding (takeWhile)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), empty, many, optional)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Char (isDigit, isSpace)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.Scientific (floatingOrInteger)
import Data.Text (Text, append)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text
( Parser
, (<?>)
, anyChar
, scientific
, endOfLine
, inClass
, many1
, manyTill
, option
, peekChar
, sepBy1
, takeWhile
, takeWhile1
import Data.GraphQL.AST
-- * Name
name :: Parser Name
name = tok $ append <$> takeWhile1 isA_z
<*> takeWhile ((||) <$> isDigit <*> isA_z)
-- `isAlpha` handles many more Unicode Chars
isA_z = inClass $ '_' : ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['a'..'z']
-- * Document
document :: Parser Document
document = whiteSpace
*> (Document <$> many1 definition)
-- Try SelectionSet when no definition
<|> (Document . pure
. DefinitionOperation
. Query
. Node mempty empty empty
<$> selectionSet)
<?> "document error!"
definition :: Parser Definition
definition = DefinitionOperation <$> operationDefinition
<|> DefinitionFragment <$> fragmentDefinition
<|> DefinitionType <$> typeDefinition
<?> "definition error!"
operationDefinition :: Parser OperationDefinition
operationDefinition =
Query <$ tok "query" <*> node
<|> Mutation <$ tok "mutation" <*> node
<?> "operationDefinition error!"
node :: Parser Node
node = Node <$> name
<*> optempty variableDefinitions
<*> optempty directives
<*> selectionSet
variableDefinitions :: Parser [VariableDefinition]
variableDefinitions = parens (many1 variableDefinition)
variableDefinition :: Parser VariableDefinition
variableDefinition =
VariableDefinition <$> variable
<* tok ":"
<*> type_
<*> optional defaultValue
defaultValue :: Parser DefaultValue
defaultValue = tok "=" *> value
variable :: Parser Variable
variable = Variable <$ tok "$" <*> name
selectionSet :: Parser SelectionSet
selectionSet = braces $ many1 selection
selection :: Parser Selection
selection = SelectionField <$> field
-- Inline first to catch `on` case
<|> SelectionInlineFragment <$> inlineFragment
<|> SelectionFragmentSpread <$> fragmentSpread
<?> "selection error!"
field :: Parser Field
field = Field <$> optempty alias
<*> name
<*> optempty arguments
<*> optempty directives
<*> optempty selectionSet
alias :: Parser Alias
alias = name <* tok ":"
arguments :: Parser [Argument]
arguments = parens $ many1 argument
argument :: Parser Argument
argument = Argument <$> name <* tok ":" <*> value
-- * Fragments
fragmentSpread :: Parser FragmentSpread
-- TODO: Make sure it fails when `... on`.
-- See
fragmentSpread = FragmentSpread
<$ tok "..."
<*> name
<*> optempty directives
-- InlineFragment tried first in order to guard against 'on' keyword
inlineFragment :: Parser InlineFragment
inlineFragment = InlineFragment
<$ tok "..."
<* tok "on"
<*> typeCondition
<*> optempty directives
<*> selectionSet
fragmentDefinition :: Parser FragmentDefinition
fragmentDefinition = FragmentDefinition
<$ tok "fragment"
<*> name
<* tok "on"
<*> typeCondition
<*> optempty directives
<*> selectionSet
typeCondition :: Parser TypeCondition
typeCondition = namedType
-- * Values
-- This will try to pick the first type it can parse. If you are working with
-- explicit types use the `typedValue` parser.
value :: Parser Value
value = ValueVariable <$> variable
<|> number
<|> ValueBoolean <$> booleanValue
<|> ValueString <$> stringValue
-- `true` and `false` have been tried before
<|> ValueEnum <$> name
<|> ValueList <$> listValue
<|> ValueObject <$> objectValue
<?> "value error!"
number = do
v <- scientific
case floatingOrInteger v of
Left r -> pure (ValueFloat r)
-- TODO: Handle maxBound, Int32 in spec.
Right i -> pure (ValueInt i)
booleanValue :: Parser Bool
booleanValue = True <$ tok "true"
<|> False <$ tok "false"
-- TODO: Escape characters. Look at `jsstring_` in aeson package.
stringValue :: Parser Text
stringValue = quotes (takeWhile (/= '"'))
-- Notice it can be empty
listValue :: Parser ListValue
listValue = ListValue <$> brackets (many value)
-- Notice it can be empty
objectValue :: Parser ObjectValue
objectValue = ObjectValue <$> braces (many objectField)
objectField :: Parser ObjectField
objectField = ObjectField <$> name <* tok ":" <*> value
-- * Directives
directives :: Parser [Directive]
directives = many1 directive
directive :: Parser Directive
directive = Directive
<$ tok "@"
<*> name
<*> optempty arguments
-- * Type Reference
type_ :: Parser Type
type_ = TypeList <$> listType
<|> TypeNonNull <$> nonNullType
<|> TypeNamed <$> namedType
<?> "type_ error!"
namedType :: Parser NamedType
namedType = NamedType <$> name
listType :: Parser ListType
listType = ListType <$> brackets type_
nonNullType :: Parser NonNullType
nonNullType = NonNullTypeNamed <$> namedType <* tok "!"
<|> NonNullTypeList <$> listType <* tok "!"
<?> "nonNullType error!"
-- * Type Definition
typeDefinition :: Parser TypeDefinition
typeDefinition =
TypeDefinitionObject <$> objectTypeDefinition
<|> TypeDefinitionInterface <$> interfaceTypeDefinition
<|> TypeDefinitionUnion <$> unionTypeDefinition
<|> TypeDefinitionScalar <$> scalarTypeDefinition
<|> TypeDefinitionEnum <$> enumTypeDefinition
<|> TypeDefinitionInputObject <$> inputObjectTypeDefinition
<|> TypeDefinitionTypeExtension <$> typeExtensionDefinition
<?> "typeDefinition error!"
objectTypeDefinition :: Parser ObjectTypeDefinition
objectTypeDefinition = ObjectTypeDefinition
<$ tok "type"
<*> name
<*> optempty interfaces
<*> fieldDefinitions
interfaces :: Parser Interfaces
interfaces = tok "implements" *> many1 namedType
fieldDefinitions :: Parser [FieldDefinition]
fieldDefinitions = braces $ many1 fieldDefinition
fieldDefinition :: Parser FieldDefinition
fieldDefinition = FieldDefinition
<$> name
<*> optempty argumentsDefinition
<* tok ":"
<*> type_
argumentsDefinition :: Parser ArgumentsDefinition
argumentsDefinition = parens $ many1 inputValueDefinition
interfaceTypeDefinition :: Parser InterfaceTypeDefinition
interfaceTypeDefinition = InterfaceTypeDefinition
<$ tok "interface"
<*> name
<*> fieldDefinitions
unionTypeDefinition :: Parser UnionTypeDefinition
unionTypeDefinition = UnionTypeDefinition
<$ tok "union"
<*> name
<* tok "="
<*> unionMembers
unionMembers :: Parser [NamedType]
unionMembers = namedType `sepBy1` tok "|"
scalarTypeDefinition :: Parser ScalarTypeDefinition
scalarTypeDefinition = ScalarTypeDefinition
<$ tok "scalar"
<*> name
enumTypeDefinition :: Parser EnumTypeDefinition
enumTypeDefinition = EnumTypeDefinition
<$ tok "enum"
<*> name
<*> enumValueDefinitions
enumValueDefinitions :: Parser [EnumValueDefinition]
enumValueDefinitions = braces $ many1 enumValueDefinition
enumValueDefinition :: Parser EnumValueDefinition
enumValueDefinition = EnumValueDefinition <$> name
inputObjectTypeDefinition :: Parser InputObjectTypeDefinition
inputObjectTypeDefinition = InputObjectTypeDefinition
<$ tok "input"
<*> name
<*> inputValueDefinitions
inputValueDefinitions :: Parser [InputValueDefinition]
inputValueDefinitions = braces $ many1 inputValueDefinition
inputValueDefinition :: Parser InputValueDefinition
inputValueDefinition = InputValueDefinition
<$> name
<* tok ":"
<*> type_
<*> optional defaultValue
typeExtensionDefinition :: Parser TypeExtensionDefinition
typeExtensionDefinition = TypeExtensionDefinition
<$ tok "extend"
<*> objectTypeDefinition
-- * Internal
tok :: Parser a -> Parser a
tok p = p <* whiteSpace
parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
parens = between "(" ")"
braces :: Parser a -> Parser a
braces = between "{" "}"
quotes :: Parser a -> Parser a
quotes = between "\"" "\""
brackets :: Parser a -> Parser a
brackets = between "[" "]"
between :: Parser Text -> Parser Text -> Parser a -> Parser a
between open close p = tok open *> p <* tok close
-- `empty` /= `pure mempty` for `Parser`.
optempty :: Monoid a => Parser a -> Parser a
optempty = option mempty
-- ** WhiteSpace
whiteSpace :: Parser ()
whiteSpace = peekChar >>= traverse_ (\c ->
if isSpace c || c == ','
then anyChar *> whiteSpace
else when (c == '#') $ manyTill anyChar endOfLine *> whiteSpace)