
75 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Test.StarWars.Schema
( character
, droid
, hero
, human
, schema
) where
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (throwE)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Schema as Schema
import Language.GraphQL.Trans
import Language.GraphQL.Type.Definition
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type as Type
import Language.GraphQL.Type.Schema
import Test.StarWars.Data
-- See
schema :: Schema Identity
schema = Schema { query = queryType, mutation = Nothing }
queryType = ObjectType "Query" Nothing $ HashMap.fromList
[ ("hero", Field Nothing (ScalarOutputType string) mempty hero)
, ("human", Field Nothing (ScalarOutputType string) mempty human)
, ("droid", Field Nothing (ScalarOutputType string) mempty droid)
hero :: FieldResolver Identity
hero = NestingResolver $ do
episode <- argument "episode"
pure $ character $ case episode of
Schema.Enum "NEWHOPE" -> getHero 4
Schema.Enum "EMPIRE" -> getHero 5
Schema.Enum "JEDI" -> getHero 6
_ -> artoo
human :: FieldResolver Identity
human = NestingResolver $ do
id' <- argument "id"
case id' of
Schema.String i -> do
humanCharacter <- lift $ return $ getHuman i >>= Just
case humanCharacter of
Nothing -> pure Type.Null
Just e -> pure $ character e
_ -> ActionT $ throwE "Invalid arguments."
droid :: FieldResolver Identity
droid = NestingResolver $ do
id' <- argument "id"
case id' of
Schema.String i -> getDroid i >>= pure . character
_ -> ActionT $ throwE "Invalid arguments."
character :: Character -> Type.Wrapping (FieldResolver Identity)
character char = Schema.object
[ Schema.wrappedObject "id" $ pure $ Type.S $ id_ char
, Schema.wrappedObject "name" $ pure $ Type.S $ name_ char
, Schema.wrappedObject "friends"
$ pure
$ Type.List
$ fmap character
$ getFriends char
, Schema.wrappedObject "appearsIn" $ pure
$ Type.List $ Type.E <$> catMaybes (getEpisode <$> appearsIn char)
, Schema.wrappedObject "secretBackstory" $ Type.S <$> secretBackstory char
, Schema.wrappedObject "homePlanet" $ pure $ Type.S $ either mempty homePlanet char
, Schema.wrappedObject "__typename" $ pure $ Type.S $ typeName char