2017-01-26 11:56:22 -03:00

239 lines
6.1 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | This module defines a parser for @GraphQL@ request documents.
module Data.GraphQL.Parser where
import Prelude hiding (takeWhile)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>), empty, many, optional)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Char (isDigit, isSpace)
import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
import Data.Scientific (floatingOrInteger)
import Data.Text (Text, append)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text
( Parser
, (<?>)
, anyChar
, scientific
, endOfLine
, inClass
, many1
, manyTill
, option
, peekChar
, takeWhile
, takeWhile1
import Data.GraphQL.AST
-- * Name
name :: Parser Name
name = tok $ append <$> takeWhile1 isA_z
<*> takeWhile ((||) <$> isDigit <*> isA_z)
-- `isAlpha` handles many more Unicode Chars
isA_z = inClass $ '_' : ['A'..'Z'] ++ ['a'..'z']
-- * Document
document :: Parser Document
document = whiteSpace
*> (Document <$> many1 definition)
-- Try SelectionSet when no definition
<|> (Document . pure
. DefinitionOperation
. Query
. Node mempty empty empty
<$> selectionSet)
<?> "document error!"
definition :: Parser Definition
definition = DefinitionOperation <$> operationDefinition
<|> DefinitionFragment <$> fragmentDefinition
<?> "definition error!"
operationDefinition :: Parser OperationDefinition
operationDefinition =
Query <$ tok "query" <*> node
<|> Mutation <$ tok "mutation" <*> node
<?> "operationDefinition error!"
node :: Parser Node
node = Node <$> name
<*> optempty variableDefinitions
<*> optempty directives
<*> selectionSet
variableDefinitions :: Parser [VariableDefinition]
variableDefinitions = parens (many1 variableDefinition)
variableDefinition :: Parser VariableDefinition
variableDefinition =
VariableDefinition <$> variable
<* tok ":"
<*> type_
<*> optional defaultValue
defaultValue :: Parser DefaultValue
defaultValue = tok "=" *> value
variable :: Parser Variable
variable = Variable <$ tok "$" <*> name
selectionSet :: Parser SelectionSet
selectionSet = braces $ many1 selection
selection :: Parser Selection
selection = SelectionField <$> field
-- Inline first to catch `on` case
<|> SelectionInlineFragment <$> inlineFragment
<|> SelectionFragmentSpread <$> fragmentSpread
<?> "selection error!"
field :: Parser Field
field = Field <$> optempty alias
<*> name
<*> optempty arguments
<*> optempty directives
<*> optempty selectionSet
alias :: Parser Alias
alias = name <* tok ":"
arguments :: Parser [Argument]
arguments = parens $ many1 argument
argument :: Parser Argument
argument = Argument <$> name <* tok ":" <*> value
-- * Fragments
fragmentSpread :: Parser FragmentSpread
-- TODO: Make sure it fails when `... on`.
-- See
fragmentSpread = FragmentSpread
<$ tok "..."
<*> name
<*> optempty directives
-- InlineFragment tried first in order to guard against 'on' keyword
inlineFragment :: Parser InlineFragment
inlineFragment = InlineFragment
<$ tok "..."
<* tok "on"
<*> typeCondition
<*> optempty directives
<*> selectionSet
fragmentDefinition :: Parser FragmentDefinition
fragmentDefinition = FragmentDefinition
<$ tok "fragment"
<*> name
<* tok "on"
<*> typeCondition
<*> optempty directives
<*> selectionSet
typeCondition :: Parser TypeCondition
typeCondition = namedType
-- * Values
-- This will try to pick the first type it can parse. If you are working with
-- explicit types use the `typedValue` parser.
value :: Parser Value
value = ValueVariable <$> variable
-- TODO: Handle maxBound, Int32 in spec.
<|> tok (either ValueFloat ValueInt . floatingOrInteger <$> scientific)
<|> ValueBoolean <$> booleanValue
<|> ValueString <$> stringValue
-- `true` and `false` have been tried before
<|> ValueEnum <$> name
<|> ValueList <$> listValue
<|> ValueObject <$> objectValue
<?> "value error!"
booleanValue :: Parser Bool
booleanValue = True <$ tok "true"
<|> False <$ tok "false"
-- TODO: Escape characters. Look at `jsstring_` in aeson package.
stringValue :: Parser Text
stringValue = quotes (takeWhile (/= '"'))
-- Notice it can be empty
listValue :: Parser ListValue
listValue = ListValue <$> brackets (many value)
-- Notice it can be empty
objectValue :: Parser ObjectValue
objectValue = ObjectValue <$> braces (many objectField)
objectField :: Parser ObjectField
objectField = ObjectField <$> name <* tok ":" <*> value
-- * Directives
directives :: Parser [Directive]
directives = many1 directive
directive :: Parser Directive
directive = Directive
<$ tok "@"
<*> name
<*> optempty arguments
-- * Type Reference
type_ :: Parser Type
type_ = TypeList <$> listType
<|> TypeNonNull <$> nonNullType
<|> TypeNamed <$> namedType
<?> "type_ error!"
namedType :: Parser NamedType
namedType = NamedType <$> name
listType :: Parser ListType
listType = ListType <$> brackets type_
nonNullType :: Parser NonNullType
nonNullType = NonNullTypeNamed <$> namedType <* tok "!"
<|> NonNullTypeList <$> listType <* tok "!"
<?> "nonNullType error!"
-- * Internal
tok :: Parser a -> Parser a
tok p = p <* whiteSpace
parens :: Parser a -> Parser a
parens = between "(" ")"
braces :: Parser a -> Parser a
braces = between "{" "}"
quotes :: Parser a -> Parser a
quotes = between "\"" "\""
brackets :: Parser a -> Parser a
brackets = between "[" "]"
between :: Parser Text -> Parser Text -> Parser a -> Parser a
between open close p = tok open *> p <* tok close
-- `empty` /= `pure mempty` for `Parser`.
optempty :: Monoid a => Parser a -> Parser a
optempty = option mempty
-- ** WhiteSpace
whiteSpace :: Parser ()
whiteSpace = peekChar >>= traverse_ (\c ->
if isSpace c || c == ','
then anyChar *> whiteSpace
else when (c == '#') $ manyTill anyChar endOfLine *> whiteSpace)