{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} module Language.GraphQL.AST.ParserSpec ( spec ) where import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Language.GraphQL.AST.Document import qualified Language.GraphQL.AST.DirectiveLocation as DirLoc import Language.GraphQL.AST.Parser import Language.GraphQL.TH import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, context) import Test.Hspec.Megaparsec ( shouldParse , shouldFailOn , parseSatisfies , shouldSucceedOn ) import Text.Megaparsec (parse) import Test.QuickCheck (property, NonEmptyList (..), mapSize) import Language.GraphQL.AST.Arbitrary spec :: Spec spec = describe "Parser" $ do it "accepts BOM header" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` "\xfeff{foo}" context "Arguments" $ do it "accepts block strings as argument" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql|{ hello(text: """Argument""") }|] it "accepts strings as argument" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql|{ hello(text: "Argument") }|] it "accepts int as argument1" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql|{ user(id: 4) }|] it "accepts boolean as argument" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql|{ hello(flag: true) { field1 } }|] it "accepts float as argument" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql|{ body(height: 172.5) { height } }|] it "accepts empty list as argument" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql|{ query(list: []) { field1 } }|] it "accepts two required arguments" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql| mutation auth($username: String!, $password: String!){ test }|] it "accepts two string arguments" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql| mutation auth{ test(username: "username", password: "password") }|] it "accepts two block string arguments" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql| mutation auth{ test(username: """username""", password: """password""") }|] it "fails to parse an empty argument list in parens" $ parse document "" `shouldFailOn` "{ test() }" it "accepts any arguments" $ mapSize (const 10) $ property $ \xs -> let query' :: Text arguments' = map printArgument $ getNonEmpty (xs :: NonEmptyList (AnyArgument AnyValue)) query' = "query(" <> Text.intercalate ", " arguments' <> ")" in parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` ("{ " <> query' <> " }") it "parses minimal schema definition" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql|schema { query: Query }|] it "parses minimal scalar definition" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql|scalar Time|] it "parses ImplementsInterfaces" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql| type Person implements NamedEntity & ValuedEntity { name: String } |] it "parses a type without ImplementsInterfaces" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql| type Person { name: String } |] it "parses ArgumentsDefinition in an ObjectDefinition" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql| type Person { name(first: String, last: String): String } |] it "parses minimal union type definition" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql| union SearchResult = Photo | Person |] it "parses minimal interface type definition" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql| interface NamedEntity { name: String } |] it "parses minimal enum type definition" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql| enum Direction { NORTH EAST SOUTH WEST } |] it "parses minimal input object type definition" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql| input Point2D { x: Float y: Float } |] it "parses minimal input enum definition with an optional pipe" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql| directive @example on | FIELD | FRAGMENT_SPREAD |] it "parses two minimal directive definitions" $ let directive name' loc = TypeSystemDefinition $ DirectiveDefinition (Description Nothing) name' (ArgumentsDefinition []) False (loc :| []) example1 = directive "example1" (DirLoc.TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirLoc.FieldDefinition) (Location {line = 1, column = 1}) example2 = directive "example2" (DirLoc.ExecutableDirectiveLocation DirLoc.Field) (Location {line = 2, column = 1}) testSchemaExtension = example1 :| [example2] query = [gql| directive @example1 on FIELD_DEFINITION directive @example2 on FIELD |] in parse document "" query `shouldParse` testSchemaExtension it "parses a directive definition with a default empty list argument" $ let argumentValue = Just $ Node (ConstList []) $ Location{ line = 1, column = 33 } loc = DirLoc.TypeSystemDirectiveLocation DirLoc.FieldDefinition argumentValueDefinition = InputValueDefinition (Description Nothing) "foo" (TypeList (TypeNamed "String")) argumentValue [] definition = DirectiveDefinition (Description Nothing) "test" (ArgumentsDefinition [argumentValueDefinition] ) False (loc :| []) directive = TypeSystemDefinition definition $ Location{ line = 1, column = 1 } query = [gql|directive @test(foo: [String] = []) on FIELD_DEFINITION|] in parse document "" query `shouldParse` (directive :| []) it "parses schema extension with a new directive" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn`[gql| extend schema @newDirective |] it "parses schema extension with an operation type definition" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql|extend schema { query: Query }|] it "parses schema extension with an operation type and directive" $ let newDirective = Directive "newDirective" [] $ Location 1 15 schemaExtension = SchemaExtension $ SchemaOperationExtension [newDirective] $ OperationTypeDefinition Query "Query" :| [] testSchemaExtension = TypeSystemExtension schemaExtension $ Location 1 1 query = [gql|extend schema @newDirective { query: Query }|] in parse document "" query `shouldParse` (testSchemaExtension :| []) it "parses a repeatable directive definition" $ let given = [gql|directive @test repeatable on FIELD_DEFINITION|] isRepeatable (TypeSystemDefinition definition' _ :| []) | DirectiveDefinition _ _ _ repeatable _ <- definition' = repeatable isRepeatable _ = False in parse document "" given `parseSatisfies` isRepeatable it "parses an object extension" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql| extend type Story { isHiddenLocally: Boolean } |] it "rejects variables in DefaultValue" $ parse document "" `shouldFailOn` [gql| query ($book: String = "Zarathustra", $author: String = $book) { title } |] it "rejects empty selection set" $ parse document "" `shouldFailOn` [gql| query { innerField {} } |] it "parses documents beginning with a comment" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql| """ Query """ type Query { queryField: String } |] it "parses subscriptions" $ parse document "" `shouldSucceedOn` [gql| subscription NewMessages { newMessage(roomId: 123) { sender } } |]