{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-} -- | After the document is parsed, before getting executed the AST is -- transformed into a similar, simpler AST. This module is responsible for -- this transformation. module Language.GraphQL.AST.Transform ( document ) where import Control.Arrow (first) import Control.Monad (foldM, unless) import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT, ask, runReaderT) import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT, evalStateT, gets, modify) import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty import Data.Sequence (Seq, (<|), (><)) import qualified Data.Sequence as Sequence import qualified Language.GraphQL.AST as Full import qualified Language.GraphQL.AST.Core as Core import qualified Language.GraphQL.Schema as Schema -- | Associates a fragment name with a list of 'Core.Field's. data Replacement = Replacement { fragments :: HashMap Core.Name (Seq Core.Selection) , fragmentDefinitions :: HashMap Full.Name Full.FragmentDefinition } type TransformT a = StateT Replacement (ReaderT Schema.Subs Maybe) a -- | Rewrites the original syntax tree into an intermediate representation used -- for query execution. document :: Schema.Subs -> Full.Document -> Maybe Core.Document document subs document' = flip runReaderT subs $ evalStateT (collectFragments >> operations operationDefinitions) $ Replacement HashMap.empty fragmentTable where (fragmentTable, operationDefinitions) = foldr defragment mempty document' defragment (Full.DefinitionOperation definition) acc = (definition :) <$> acc defragment (Full.DefinitionFragment definition) acc = let (Full.FragmentDefinition name _ _ _) = definition in first (HashMap.insert name definition) acc -- * Operation -- TODO: Replace Maybe by MonadThrow CustomError operations :: [Full.OperationDefinition] -> TransformT Core.Document operations operations' = do coreOperations <- traverse operation operations' lift . lift $ NonEmpty.nonEmpty coreOperations operation :: Full.OperationDefinition -> TransformT Core.Operation operation (Full.OperationSelectionSet sels) = operation $ Full.OperationDefinition Full.Query mempty mempty mempty sels -- TODO: Validate Variable definitions with substituter operation (Full.OperationDefinition Full.Query name _vars _dirs sels) = Core.Query name <$> appendSelection sels operation (Full.OperationDefinition Full.Mutation name _vars _dirs sels) = Core.Mutation name <$> appendSelection sels selection :: Full.Selection -> TransformT (Either (Seq Core.Selection) Core.Selection) selection (Full.SelectionField fld) = Right . Core.SelectionField <$> field fld selection (Full.SelectionFragmentSpread (Full.FragmentSpread name _)) = do fragments' <- gets fragments Left <$> maybe lookupDefinition liftJust (HashMap.lookup name fragments') where lookupDefinition :: TransformT (Seq Core.Selection) lookupDefinition = do fragmentDefinitions' <- gets fragmentDefinitions found <- lift . lift $ HashMap.lookup name fragmentDefinitions' fragmentDefinition found selection (Full.SelectionInlineFragment fragment) | (Full.InlineFragment (Just typeCondition) _ selectionSet) <- fragment = Right . Core.SelectionFragment . Core.Fragment typeCondition <$> appendSelection selectionSet | (Full.InlineFragment Nothing _ selectionSet) <- fragment = Left <$> appendSelection selectionSet -- * Fragment replacement -- | Extract fragment definitions into a single 'HashMap'. collectFragments :: TransformT () collectFragments = do fragDefs <- gets fragmentDefinitions let nextValue = head $ HashMap.elems fragDefs unless (HashMap.null fragDefs) $ do _ <- fragmentDefinition nextValue collectFragments fragmentDefinition :: Full.FragmentDefinition -> TransformT (Seq Core.Selection) fragmentDefinition (Full.FragmentDefinition name _tc _dirs sels) = do modify deleteFragmentDefinition selections <- traverse selection sels let newValue = either id pure =<< Sequence.fromList (toList selections) modify $ insertFragment newValue liftJust newValue where deleteFragmentDefinition (Replacement fragments' fragmentDefinitions') = Replacement fragments' $ HashMap.delete name fragmentDefinitions' insertFragment newValue (Replacement fragments' fragmentDefinitions') = let newFragments = HashMap.insert name newValue fragments' in Replacement newFragments fragmentDefinitions' field :: Full.Field -> TransformT Core.Field field (Full.Field a n args _dirs sels) = do arguments <- traverse argument args selection' <- appendSelection sels return $ Core.Field a n arguments selection' argument :: Full.Argument -> TransformT Core.Argument argument (Full.Argument n v) = Core.Argument n <$> value v value :: Full.Value -> TransformT Core.Value value (Full.Variable n) = do substitute' <- lift ask lift . lift $ substitute' n value (Full.Int i) = pure $ Core.Int i value (Full.Float f) = pure $ Core.Float f value (Full.String x) = pure $ Core.String x value (Full.Boolean b) = pure $ Core.Boolean b value Full.Null = pure Core.Null value (Full.Enum e) = pure $ Core.Enum e value (Full.List l) = Core.List <$> traverse value l value (Full.Object o) = Core.Object . HashMap.fromList <$> traverse objectField o objectField :: Full.ObjectField -> TransformT (Core.Name, Core.Value) objectField (Full.ObjectField n v) = (n,) <$> value v appendSelection :: Traversable t => t Full.Selection -> TransformT (Seq Core.Selection) appendSelection = foldM go mempty where go acc sel = append acc <$> selection sel append acc (Left list) = list >< acc append acc (Right one) = one <| acc liftJust :: forall a. a -> TransformT a liftJust = lift . lift . Just