{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Language.GraphQL.Lexer ( Parser , amp , at , bang , blockString , braces , brackets , colon , dollar , comment , equals , integer , float , lexeme , name , parens , pipe , spaceConsumer , spread , string , symbol ) where import Control.Applicative ( Alternative(..) , liftA2 ) import Data.Char ( chr , digitToInt , isAsciiLower , isAsciiUpper , ord ) import Data.Foldable (foldl') import Data.List (dropWhileEnd) import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..)) import Data.Void (Void) import Text.Megaparsec ( Parsec , MonadParsec , Token , between , chunk , chunkToTokens , lookAhead , notFollowedBy , oneOf , option , satisfy , sepBy , skipSome , takeP , takeWhile1P , try ) import Text.Megaparsec.Char ( char , digitChar , space1 ) import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as Lexer import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL -- | Standard parser. -- Accepts the type of the parsed token. type Parser = Parsec Void T.Text ignoredCharacters :: Parser () ignoredCharacters = space1 <|> skipSome (char ',') spaceConsumer :: Parser () spaceConsumer = Lexer.space ignoredCharacters comment empty -- | Parser for comments. comment :: Parser () comment = Lexer.skipLineComment "#" lexeme :: forall a. Parser a -> Parser a lexeme = Lexer.lexeme spaceConsumer symbol :: T.Text -> Parser T.Text symbol = Lexer.symbol spaceConsumer -- | Parser for "!". bang :: Parser Char bang = char '!' -- | Parser for "$". dollar :: Parser Char dollar = char '$' -- | Parser for "@". at :: Parser Char at = char '@' -- | Parser for "&". amp :: Parser T.Text amp = symbol "&" -- | Parser for ":". colon :: Parser T.Text colon = symbol ":" -- | Parser for "=". equals :: Parser T.Text equals = symbol "=" -- | Parser for the spread operator (...). spread :: Parser T.Text spread = symbol "..." -- | Parser for "|". pipe :: Parser T.Text pipe = symbol "|" -- | Parser for an expression between "(" and ")". parens :: forall a. Parser a -> Parser a parens = between (symbol "(") (symbol ")") -- | Parser for an expression between "[" and "]". brackets :: forall a. Parser a -> Parser a brackets = between (symbol "[") (symbol "]") -- | Parser for an expression between "{" and "}". braces :: forall a. Parser a -> Parser a braces = between (symbol "{") (symbol "}") -- | Parser for strings. string :: Parser T.Text string = between "\"" "\"" stringValue where stringValue = T.pack <$> many stringCharacter stringCharacter = satisfy isStringCharacter1 <|> escapeSequence isStringCharacter1 = liftA2 (&&) isSourceCharacter isChunkDelimiter -- | Parser for block strings. blockString :: Parser T.Text blockString = between "\"\"\"" "\"\"\"" stringValue where stringValue = do byLine <- sepBy (many blockStringCharacter) lineTerminator let indentSize = foldr countIndent 0 $ tail byLine withoutIndent = head byLine : (removeIndent indentSize <$> tail byLine) withoutEmptyLines = liftA2 (.) dropWhile dropWhileEnd removeEmptyLine withoutIndent return $ T.intercalate "\n" $ T.concat <$> withoutEmptyLines removeEmptyLine [] = True removeEmptyLine [x] = T.null x || isWhiteSpace (T.head x) removeEmptyLine _ = False blockStringCharacter = takeWhile1P Nothing isWhiteSpace <|> takeWhile1P Nothing isBlockStringCharacter1 <|> escapeTripleQuote <|> try (chunk "\"" <* notFollowedBy (chunk "\"\"")) escapeTripleQuote = chunk "\\" >>= flip option (chunk "\"\"") isBlockStringCharacter1 = liftA2 (&&) isSourceCharacter isChunkDelimiter countIndent [] acc = acc countIndent (x:_) acc | T.null x = acc | not (isWhiteSpace $ T.head x) = acc | acc == 0 = T.length x | otherwise = min acc $ T.length x removeIndent n [] = [] removeIndent n (x:chunks) = T.drop n x : chunks -- | Parser for integers. integer :: Integral a => Parser a integer = Lexer.signed (pure ()) $ lexeme Lexer.decimal -- | Parser for floating-point numbers. float :: Parser Double float = Lexer.signed (pure ()) $ lexeme Lexer.float -- | Parser for names (/[_A-Za-z][_0-9A-Za-z]*/). name :: Parser T.Text name = do firstLetter <- nameFirstLetter rest <- many $ nameFirstLetter <|> digitChar _ <- spaceConsumer return $ TL.toStrict $ TL.cons firstLetter $ TL.pack rest where nameFirstLetter = satisfy isAsciiUpper <|> satisfy isAsciiLower <|> char '_' isChunkDelimiter :: Char -> Bool isChunkDelimiter = flip notElem ['"', '\\', '\n', '\r'] isWhiteSpace :: Char -> Bool isWhiteSpace = liftA2 (||) (== ' ') (== '\t') lineTerminator :: Parser T.Text lineTerminator = chunk "\r\n" <|> chunk "\n" <|> chunk "\r" isSourceCharacter :: Char -> Bool isSourceCharacter = isSourceCharacter' . ord where isSourceCharacter' code = code >= 0x0020 || code == 0x0009 || code == 0x000a || code == 0x000d escapeSequence :: Parser Char escapeSequence = do _ <- char '\\' escaped <- oneOf ['"', '\\', '/', 'b', 'f', 'n', 'r', 't', 'u'] case escaped of 'b' -> return '\b' 'f' -> return '\f' 'n' -> return '\n' 'r' -> return '\r' 't' -> return '\t' 'u' -> chr . foldl' step 0 . chunkToTokens (Proxy :: Proxy T.Text) <$> takeP Nothing 4 _ -> return escaped where step accumulator = (accumulator * 16 +) . digitToInt