{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Language.GraphQL.Execute.CoerceSpec ( spec ) where import Data.Aeson as Aeson ((.=)) import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Data.Maybe (isNothing) import Data.Scientific (scientific) import qualified Data.Set as Set import Language.GraphQL.Execute.Coerce import Language.GraphQL.Type.Definition import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.In as In import Prelude hiding (id) import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it, shouldBe, shouldSatisfy) direction :: EnumType direction = EnumType "Direction" Nothing $ Set.fromList ["NORTH", "EAST", "SOUTH", "WEST"] singletonInputObject :: In.Type singletonInputObject = In.NamedInputObjectType type' where type' = In.InputObjectType "ObjectName" Nothing inputFields inputFields = HashMap.singleton "field" field field = In.InputField Nothing (In.NamedScalarType string) Nothing spec :: Spec spec = do describe "VariableValue Aeson" $ do it "coerces strings" $ let expected = Just (String "asdf") actual = coerceVariableValue (In.NamedScalarType string) (Aeson.String "asdf") in actual `shouldBe` expected it "coerces non-null strings" $ let expected = Just (String "asdf") actual = coerceVariableValue (In.NonNullScalarType string) (Aeson.String "asdf") in actual `shouldBe` expected it "coerces booleans" $ let expected = Just (Boolean True) actual = coerceVariableValue (In.NamedScalarType boolean) (Aeson.Bool True) in actual `shouldBe` expected it "coerces zero to an integer" $ let expected = Just (Int 0) actual = coerceVariableValue (In.NamedScalarType int) (Aeson.Number 0) in actual `shouldBe` expected it "rejects fractional if an integer is expected" $ let actual = coerceVariableValue (In.NamedScalarType int) (Aeson.Number $ scientific 14 (-1)) in actual `shouldSatisfy` isNothing it "coerces float numbers" $ let expected = Just (Float 1.4) actual = coerceVariableValue (In.NamedScalarType float) (Aeson.Number $ scientific 14 (-1)) in actual `shouldBe` expected it "coerces IDs" $ let expected = Just (String "1234") actual = coerceVariableValue (In.NamedScalarType id) (Aeson.String "1234") in actual `shouldBe` expected it "coerces input objects" $ let actual = coerceVariableValue singletonInputObject $ Aeson.object ["field" .= ("asdf" :: Aeson.Value)] expected = Just $ Object $ HashMap.singleton "field" "asdf" in actual `shouldBe` expected it "skips the field if it is missing in the variables" $ let actual = coerceVariableValue singletonInputObject Aeson.emptyObject expected = Just $ Object HashMap.empty in actual `shouldBe` expected it "fails if input object value contains extra fields" $ let actual = coerceVariableValue singletonInputObject $ Aeson.object variableFields variableFields = [ "field" .= ("asdf" :: Aeson.Value) , "extra" .= ("qwer" :: Aeson.Value) ] in actual `shouldSatisfy` isNothing it "preserves null" $ let actual = coerceVariableValue (In.NamedScalarType id) Aeson.Null in actual `shouldBe` Just Null it "preserves list order" $ let list = Aeson.toJSONList ["asdf" :: Aeson.Value, "qwer"] listType = (In.ListType $ In.NamedScalarType string) actual = coerceVariableValue listType list expected = Just $ List [String "asdf", String "qwer"] in actual `shouldBe` expected describe "coerceInputLiterals" $ do it "coerces enums" $ let expected = Just (Enum "NORTH") actual = coerceInputLiteral (In.NamedEnumType direction) (Enum "NORTH") in actual `shouldBe` expected it "fails with non-existing enum value" $ let actual = coerceInputLiteral (In.NamedEnumType direction) (Enum "NORTH_EAST") in actual `shouldSatisfy` isNothing it "coerces integers to IDs" $ let expected = Just (String "1234") actual = coerceInputLiteral (In.NamedScalarType id) (Int 1234) in actual `shouldBe` expected