{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-} {-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | Error handling. module Language.GraphQL.Error ( CollectErrsT , Error(..) , Path(..) , Resolution(..) , ResolverException(..) , Response(..) , ResponseEventStream , addErr , addErrMsg , parseError , runCollectErrs , singleError ) where import Conduit import Control.Exception (Exception(..)) import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT, modify, runStateT) import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import Data.Sequence (Seq(..), (|>)) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Language.GraphQL.AST (Location(..), Name) import Language.GraphQL.Execute.Coerce import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.Schema as Schema import Prelude hiding (null) import Text.Megaparsec ( ParseErrorBundle(..) , PosState(..) , SourcePos(..) , errorOffset , parseErrorTextPretty , reachOffset , unPos ) -- | Executor context. data Resolution m = Resolution { errors :: Seq Error , types :: HashMap Name (Schema.Type m) } -- | Wraps a parse error into a list of errors. parseError :: (Applicative f, Serialize a) => ParseErrorBundle Text Void -> f (Response a) parseError ParseErrorBundle{..} = pure $ Response null $ fst $ foldl go (Seq.empty, bundlePosState) bundleErrors where errorObject s SourcePos{..} = Error { message = Text.pack $ init $ parseErrorTextPretty s , locations = [Location (unPos' sourceLine) (unPos' sourceColumn)] , path = [] } unPos' = fromIntegral . unPos go (result, state) x = let (_, newState) = reachOffset (errorOffset x) state sourcePosition = pstateSourcePos newState in (result |> errorObject x sourcePosition, newState) -- | A wrapper to pass error messages around. type CollectErrsT m = StateT (Resolution m) m -- | Adds an error to the list of errors. addErr :: Monad m => Error -> CollectErrsT m () addErr v = modify appender where appender :: Monad m => Resolution m -> Resolution m appender resolution@Resolution{..} = resolution{ errors = errors |> v } makeErrorMessage :: Text -> Error makeErrorMessage s = Error s [] [] -- | Constructs a response object containing only the error with the given -- message. singleError :: Serialize a => Text -> Response a singleError message = Response null $ Seq.singleton $ makeErrorMessage message -- | Convenience function for just wrapping an error message. addErrMsg :: (Monad m, Serialize a) => Text -> CollectErrsT m a addErrMsg errorMessage = (addErr . makeErrorMessage) errorMessage >> pure null -- | If an error can be associated to a particular field in the GraphQL result, -- it must contain an entry with the key path that details the path of the -- response field which experienced the error. This allows clients to identify -- whether a null result is intentional or caused by a runtime error. data Path = Segment Text -- ^ Field name. | Index Int -- ^ List index if a field returned a list. deriving (Eq, Show) -- | @GraphQL@ error. data Error = Error { message :: Text , locations :: [Location] , path :: [Path] } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | The server\'s response describes the result of executing the requested -- operation if successful, and describes any errors encountered during the -- request. data Response a = Response { data' :: a , errors :: Seq Error } deriving (Eq, Show) -- | Each event in the underlying Source Stream triggers execution of the -- subscription selection set. The results of the execution generate a Response -- Stream. type ResponseEventStream m a = ConduitT () (Response a) m () -- | Only exceptions that inherit from 'ResolverException' a cought by the -- executor. data ResolverException = forall e. Exception e => ResolverException e instance Show ResolverException where show (ResolverException e) = show e instance Exception ResolverException -- | Runs the given query computation, but collects the errors into an error -- list, which is then sent back with the data. runCollectErrs :: (Monad m, Serialize a) => HashMap Name (Schema.Type m) -> CollectErrsT m a -> m (Response a) runCollectErrs types' res = do (dat, Resolution{..}) <- runStateT res $ Resolution{ errors = Seq.empty, types = types' } pure $ Response dat errors