Rewrite the executor tree
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,7 +12,6 @@ module Language.GraphQL.Executor
, QueryError(..)
, Response(..)
, Segment(..)
, coerceVariableValues
, executeRequest
) where
@ -21,10 +20,14 @@ import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Foldable (find)
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Execute.Coerce as Coerce
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type as Type
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.Internal as Type.Internal
import Language.GraphQL.Type.Schema (Schema)
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.Schema as Schema
data Segment = Segment String | Index Int
@ -83,59 +86,198 @@ data Operation = Operation
(Maybe String)
document :: Full.Document -> [Operation]
type SelectionSet = NonEmpty Selection
data Selection
= FieldSelection Field
| FragmentSpreadSelection FragmentSpread
| InlineFragmentSelection InlineFragment
type SelectionSetOpt = [Selection]
data Argument = Argument Full.Name (Full.Node Value) Full.Location
data Field =
Field (Maybe Full.Name) Full.Name [Argument] [Directive] SelectionSetOpt Full.Location
data InlineFragment = InlineFragment
(Maybe Full.TypeCondition) [Directive] SelectionSet Full.Location
data FragmentSpread = FragmentSpread Full.Name [Directive] Full.Location
data Value
= Variable Full.Name
| Int Int32
| Float Double
| String Text
| Boolean Bool
| Null
| Enum Full.Name
| List [Full.Node Value]
| Object [ObjectField]
data ObjectField = ObjectField
{ name :: Full.Name
, value :: Full.Node Value
, location :: Full.Location
data Directive = Directive Full.Name [Argument] Full.Location
document :: Full.Document -> [Full.OperationDefinition]
document = foldr filterOperation []
filterOperation (Full.ExecutableDefinition executableDefinition) accumulator
| Full.DefinitionOperation operationDefinition' <- executableDefinition =
operationDefinition operationDefinition' : accumulator
operationDefinition' : accumulator
filterOperation _ accumulator = accumulator -- Fragment.
operationDefinition :: Full.OperationDefinition -> Operation
operationDefinition = \case
Full.OperationDefinition operationType operationName variables _ selectionSet operationLocation ->
Full.OperationDefinition operationType operationName variables _ selectionSet' operationLocation ->
let maybeOperationName = Text.unpack <$> operationName
in Operation operationType maybeOperationName variables selectionSet operationLocation
Full.SelectionSet selectionSet operationLocation ->
Operation Full.Query Nothing [] selectionSet operationLocation
in Operation
(selectionSet selectionSet')
Full.SelectionSet selectionSet' operationLocation ->
Operation Full.Query Nothing [] (selectionSet selectionSet') operationLocation
executeRequest :: Type.Internal.Schema IO
selectionSet :: Full.SelectionSet -> SelectionSet
selectionSet = fmap selection
selectionSetOpt :: Full.SelectionSetOpt -> SelectionSetOpt
selectionSetOpt = fmap selection
selection :: Full.Selection -> Selection
selection (Full.FieldSelection field') = FieldSelection $ field field'
selection (Full.FragmentSpreadSelection fragmentSpread') =
FragmentSpreadSelection $ fragmentSpread fragmentSpread'
selection (Full.InlineFragmentSelection inlineFragment') =
InlineFragmentSelection $ inlineFragment inlineFragment'
inlineFragment :: Full.InlineFragment -> InlineFragment
inlineFragment (Full.InlineFragment typeCondition directives selectionSet' location) =
(directive <$> directives)
(selectionSet selectionSet')
fragmentSpread :: Full.FragmentSpread -> FragmentSpread
fragmentSpread (Full.FragmentSpread name' directives location) =
FragmentSpread name' (directive <$> directives) location
field :: Full.Field -> Field
field (Full.Field alias' name' arguments' directives' selectionSet' location') =
(argument <$> arguments')
(directive <$> directives')
(selectionSetOpt selectionSet')
argument :: Full.Argument -> Argument
argument (Full.Argument name' valueNode location') =
Argument name' (node valueNode) location'
directive :: Full.Directive -> Directive
directive (Full.Directive name' arguments location') =
Directive name' (argument <$> arguments) location'
variableValue :: Full.Value -> Value
variableValue (Full.Variable name') = Variable name'
variableValue (Full.Int integer) = Int integer
variableValue (Full.Float double) = Float double
variableValue (Full.String string) = String string
variableValue (Full.Boolean boolean) = Boolean boolean
variableValue Full.Null = Null
variableValue (Full.Enum enum) = Enum enum
variableValue (Full.List list) = List $ node <$> list
variableValue (Full.Object objectFields) = Object $ objectField <$> objectFields
node :: Full.Node Full.Value -> Full.Node Value
node Full.Node{node = node', ..} = Full.Node (variableValue node') location
objectField :: Full.ObjectField Full.Value -> ObjectField
objectField Full.ObjectField{..} = ObjectField
{ name = name
, value = node value
, location = location
executeRequest :: Schema IO
-> Full.Document
-> Maybe String
-> Aeson.Object
-> Aeson.Object
-> IO Response
executeRequest _schema sourceDocument operationName _variableValues _initialValue =
let transformedDocument = document sourceDocument
operation = getOperation transformedDocument operationName
in case operation of
executeRequest schema sourceDocument operationName variableValues initialValue =
case operationAndVariables of
Left queryError' -> pure $ respondWithQueryError queryError'
Right (Operation Full.Query _ _ _ _) -> executeQuery
Right (Operation Full.Mutation _ _ _ _) -> executeMutation
Right (Operation Full.Subscription _ _ _ _) -> subscribe
Right (operation, coercedVariableValues')
| Operation Full.Query _ _ _ _ <- operation ->
executeQuery operation schema coercedVariableValues' initialValue
| Operation Full.Mutation _ _ _ _ <- operation ->
executeMutation operation schema coercedVariableValues' initialValue
| Operation Full.Subscription _ _ _ _ <- operation ->
subscribe operation schema coercedVariableValues' initialValue
schemaTypes = Schema.types schema
transformedDocument = document sourceDocument
operationAndVariables = do
operation <- operationDefinition
<$> getOperation transformedDocument operationName
coercedVariableValues <- coerceVariableValues
pure (operation, coercedVariableValues)
getOperation :: [Operation] -> Maybe String -> Either QueryError Operation
getOperation :: [Full.OperationDefinition] -> Maybe String -> Either QueryError Full.OperationDefinition
getOperation [operation] Nothing = Right operation
getOperation operations (Just givenOperationName)
= maybe (Left $ OperationNotFound givenOperationName) Right
$ find findOperationByName operations
findOperationByName (Operation _ (Just operationName) _ _ _) =
givenOperationName == operationName
findOperationByName (Full.OperationDefinition _ (Just operationName) _ _ _ _) =
givenOperationName == Text.unpack operationName
findOperationByName _ = False
getOperation _ _ = Left OperationNameRequired
executeQuery :: IO Response
executeQuery = pure $ Response mempty mempty
executeQuery :: forall m
. Operation
-> Schema m
-> Type.Subs
-> Aeson.Object
-> IO Response
executeQuery _operation schema _coercedVariableValues _initialValue =
let _queryType = Schema.query schema
in pure $ Response mempty mempty
executeMutation :: IO Response
executeMutation = pure $ Response mempty mempty
executeMutation :: forall m
. Operation
-> Schema m
-> Type.Subs
-> Aeson.Object
-> IO Response
executeMutation _operation _schema _coercedVariableValues _initialValue =
pure $ Response mempty mempty
subscribe :: IO Response
subscribe = pure $ Response mempty mempty
subscribe :: forall m
. Operation
-> Schema m
-> Type.Subs
-> Aeson.Object
-> IO Response
subscribe _operation _schema _coercedVariableValues _initialValue =
pure $ Response mempty mempty
coerceVariableValues :: Coerce.VariableValue a
=> forall m
Reference in New Issue
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