Validate directives are defined
This commit is contained in:
@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ and this project adheres to
- `fieldsOnCorrectTypeRule`
- `scalarLeafsRule`
- `knownArgumentNamesRule`
- `knownDirectiveNamesRule`
- `AST.Document.Field`.
- `AST.Document.FragmentSpread`.
- `AST.Document.InlineFragment`.
@ -65,7 +65,6 @@ To be able to work with this schema, we are going to implement it in Haskell.
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Control.Exception (SomeException)
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as ByteString.Lazy.Char8
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
@ -75,9 +74,8 @@ import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.Out as Out
-- GraphQL supports 3 kinds of operations: queries, mutations and subscriptions.
-- Our first schema supports only queries.
schema :: Schema IO
schema = Schema
{ query = queryType, mutation = Nothing, subscription = Nothing }
citeSchema :: Schema IO
citeSchema = schema queryType
-- GraphQL distinguishes between input and output types. Input types are field
-- argument types and they are defined in Language.GraphQL.Type.In. Output types
@ -99,6 +97,7 @@ queryType = Out.ObjectType "Query" (Just "Root Query type.") []
-- Our resolver just returns a constant value.
citeResolver = ValueResolver citeField
$ pure "Piscis primum a capite foetat"
-- The first argument is an optional field description. The second one is
-- the field type and the third one is for arguments (we have none in this
-- example).
@ -116,7 +115,7 @@ queryType = Out.ObjectType "Query" (Just "Root Query type.") []
-- mutations.
main :: IO ()
main = do
Right result <- graphql schema "{ cite }"
Right result <- graphql citeSchema "{ cite }"
ByteString.Lazy.Char8.putStrLn $ Aeson.encode result
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as ByteString.Lazy.Char8
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import Language.GraphQL
import Language.GraphQL.Type
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.Out as Out
-- GraphQL supports 3 kinds of operations: queries, mutations and subscriptions.
-- Our first schema supports only queries.
citeSchema :: Schema IO
citeSchema = schema queryType
-- GraphQL distinguishes between input and output types. Input types are field
-- argument types and they are defined in Language.GraphQL.Type.In. Output types
-- are result types, they are defined in Language.GraphQL.Type.Out. Root types
-- are always object types.
-- Here we define a type "Query". The second argument is an optional
-- description, the third one is the list of interfaces implemented by the
-- object type. The last argument is a field map. Keys are field names, values
-- are field definitions and resolvers. Resolvers are the functions, where the
-- actual logic lives, they return values for the respective fields.
queryType :: Out.ObjectType IO
queryType = Out.ObjectType "Query" (Just "Root Query type.") []
$ HashMap.singleton "cite" citeResolver
-- 'ValueResolver' is a 'Resolver' data constructor, it combines a field
-- definition with its resolver function. This function resolves a value for
-- a field (as opposed to the 'EventStreamResolver' used by subscriptions).
-- Our resolver just returns a constant value.
citeResolver = ValueResolver citeField
$ pure "Piscis primum a capite foetat"
-- The first argument is an optional field description. The second one is
-- the field type and the third one is for arguments (we have none in this
-- example).
-- GraphQL has named and wrapping types. String is a scalar, named type.
-- Named types are nullable by default. To make our "cite" field
-- non-nullable, we wrap it in the wrapping type, Non-Null.
citeField = Out.Field
(Just "Provides a cite.") (Out.NonNullScalarType string) HashMap.empty
-- Now we can execute a query. Since our schema defines only one field,
-- everything we can do is to ask to resolve it and give back the result.
-- Since subscriptions don't return plain values, the 'graphql' function returns
-- an 'Either'. 'Left' is for subscriptions, 'Right' is for queries and
-- mutations.
main :: IO ()
main = do
Right result <- graphql citeSchema "{ cite }"
ByteString.Lazy.Char8.putStrLn $ Aeson.encode result
@ -39,8 +39,7 @@ Now, as our first example, we are going to look at the example from
First we build a GraphQL schema.
> schema1 :: Schema IO
> schema1 = Schema
> { query = queryType , mutation = Nothing , subscription = Nothing }
> schema1 = schema queryType
> queryType :: ObjectType IO
> queryType = ObjectType "Query" Nothing []
@ -77,8 +76,7 @@ This runs the query by fetching the one field defined, returning
For this example, we're going to be using time.
> schema2 :: Schema IO
> schema2 = Schema
> { query = queryType2, mutation = Nothing, subscription = Nothing }
> schema2 = schema queryType2
> queryType2 :: ObjectType IO
> queryType2 = ObjectType "Query" Nothing []
@ -115,8 +113,7 @@ This runs the query, returning the current time
Now that we have two resolvers, we can define a schema which uses them both.
> schema3 :: Schema IO
> schema3 = Schema
> { query = queryType3, mutation = Nothing, subscription = Nothing }
> schema3 = schema queryType3
> queryType3 :: ObjectType IO
> queryType3 = ObjectType "Query" Nothing [] $ HashMap.fromList
@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ module Language.GraphQL.Validate.Rules
, fragmentSpreadTypeExistenceRule
, loneAnonymousOperationRule
, knownArgumentNamesRule
, knownDirectiveNamesRule
, noFragmentCyclesRule
, noUndefinedVariablesRule
, noUnusedFragmentsRule
@ -84,6 +85,7 @@ specifiedRules =
-- Values
, uniqueInputFieldNamesRule
-- Directives.
, knownDirectiveNamesRule
, uniqueDirectiveNamesRule
-- Variables.
, uniqueVariableNamesRule
@ -812,3 +814,27 @@ knownArgumentNamesRule = ArgumentsRule fieldRule directiveRule
, Text.unpack directiveName
, "\"."
-- | GraphQL servers define what directives they support. For each usage of a
-- directive, the directive must be available on that server.
knownDirectiveNamesRule :: Rule m
knownDirectiveNamesRule = DirectivesRule $ \directives' -> do
definitions' <- asks directives
let directiveSet = HashSet.fromList $ fmap directiveName directives'
let definitionSet = HashSet.fromList $ HashMap.keys definitions'
let difference = HashSet.difference directiveSet definitionSet
let undefined' = filter (definitionFilter difference) directives'
lift $ Seq.fromList $ makeError <$> undefined'
definitionFilter difference = flip HashSet.member difference
. directiveName
directiveName (Directive directiveName' _ _) = directiveName'
makeError (Directive directiveName' _ location) = Error
{ message = errorMessage directiveName'
, locations = [location]
errorMessage directiveName' = concat
[ "Unknown directive \"@"
, Text.unpack directiveName'
, "\"."
@ -576,3 +576,17 @@ spec =
, locations = [AST.Location 4 63]
in validate queryString `shouldBe` [expected]
it "rejects undefined directives" $
let queryString = [r|
dog {
isHousetrained(atOtherHomes: true) @ignore(if: true)
expected = Error
{ message = "Unknown directive \"@ignore\"."
, locations = [AST.Location 4 54]
in validate queryString `shouldBe` [expected]
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