Test fixtures for Schema toplevel
This includes simplications to the Schema data types.
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,38 +3,29 @@ module Data.GraphQL.Schema where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)
data Schema = Schema QueryRoot MutationRoot
data Schema f = Schema (QueryRoot f) (Maybe (MutationRoot f))
type QueryRoot = ObjectOutput
type QueryRoot f = Object f
type MutationRoot = ObjectOutput
type MutationRoot f = Object f
type ObjectOutput = HashMap Text Output
type Object f = HashMap Text (Input -> f Output)
type ObjectInput = HashMap Text Input
data Type = TypeScalar Scalar
| TypeOutputObject ObjectOutput
| TypeInterface Interface
| TypeUnion Union
| TypeEnum Scalar
| TypeInputObject ObjectInput
| TypeList List
| TypeNonNull NonNull
data Output = OutputScalar Scalar
| OutputObject ObjectOutput
| OutputInterface Interface
| OutputUnion Union
| OutputObject (HashMap Text Output)
| OutputUnion [Output]
| OutputEnum Scalar
| OutputList List
| OutputNonNull NonNull
| OutputList [Output]
| OutputNonNull Output
| InputError
data Input = InputScalar Scalar
| InputObject ObjectInput
| InputEnum Scalar
| InputList List
| InputNonNull NonNull
| InputList [Output]
| InputNonNull Input
data Scalar = ScalarInt Int
| ScalarFloat Double
@ -42,10 +33,4 @@ data Scalar = ScalarInt Int
| ScalarBool Bool
| ScalarID Text
newtype Interface = Interface (HashMap Text Output)
newtype Union = Union [ObjectOutput]
type List = [Type]
type NonNull = Type
newtype Interface f = Interface (Object f)
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ test-suite tasty
main-is: tasty.hs
ghc-options: -Wall
other-modules: Paths_graphql
build-depends: base >=4.6 && <5,
text >=,
attoparsec >=,
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Test.StarWars where
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.HashMap.Lazy (HashMap)
import Data.GraphQL.Schema
type ID = Text
schema :: Applicative f => Schema f
schema = Schema query Nothing
query :: Applicative f => QueryRoot f
query = [ ("hero", hero)
, ("human", human)
, ("droid", droid)
hero :: Applicative f => Input -> f Output
hero (InputScalar (ScalarInt ep)) = OutputObject <$> getHeroF ep
hero _ = pure InputError
human :: Applicative f => Input -> f Output
human (InputScalar (ScalarString id_)) = OutputScalar . ScalarString <$> getHumanF id_
human _ = pure InputError
droid :: Applicative f => Input -> f Output
droid (InputScalar (ScalarString id_)) = OutputScalar . ScalarString <$> getDroidF id_
droid _ = pure InputError
-- * Data
-- ** Characters
data Character = Character
{ id_ :: ID
, name :: Text
, friends :: [ID]
, appearsIn :: [Int]
, homePlanet :: Text
luke :: Character
luke = Character
{ id_ = "1000"
, name = "Luke Skywalker"
, friends = ["1002","1003","2000","2001"]
, appearsIn = [4,5,6]
, homePlanet = "Tatoonie"
artoo :: Character
artoo = Character
{ id_ = "2001"
, name = "R2-D2"
, friends = ["1000","1002","1003"]
, appearsIn = [4,5,6]
, homePlanet = "Astrometch"
type CharacterObject = HashMap Text Output
character :: Character -> CharacterObject
character (Character{..}) =
[ ("id_", OutputScalar $ ScalarID id_)
, ("name", OutputScalar $ ScalarString name)
, ("friends", OutputList $ OutputScalar . ScalarID <$> friends)
, ("appearsIn", OutputList $ OutputScalar . ScalarInt <$> appearsIn)
, ("homePlanet", OutputScalar $ ScalarString homePlanet)
-- ** Hero
getHero :: Int -> CharacterObject
getHero 5 = character luke
getHero _ = character artoo
getHeroF :: Applicative f => Int -> f CharacterObject
getHeroF = pure . getHero
-- ** Human
getHuman :: ID -> Text
getHuman "1000" = "luke"
getHuman "1001" = "vader"
getHuman "1002" = "han"
getHuman "1003" = "leia"
getHuman "1004" = "tarkin"
getHuman _ = ""
getHumanF :: Applicative f => ID -> f Text
getHumanF = pure . getHuman
getHumanIO :: ID -> IO Text
getHumanIO = getHumanF
-- ** Droid
getDroid :: ID -> Text
getDroid "2000" = "threepio"
getDroid "2001" = "artoo"
getDroid _ = ""
getDroidF :: Applicative f => ID -> f Text
getDroidF = pure . getDroid
getDroidIO :: ID -> IO Text
getDroidIO = getDroidF
Reference in New Issue
Block a user