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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
-- | This module defines a printer for the @GraphQL@ language.
2019-07-14 05:58:05 +02:00
module Language.GraphQL.Encoder
2019-08-03 23:57:27 +02:00
( Formatter
, definition
, document
2019-08-03 23:57:27 +02:00
, minified
, pretty
2019-07-14 05:58:05 +02:00
) where
import Data.Foldable (fold)
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty (toList)
import Data.Text (Text, pack)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Language.GraphQL.AST
-- | Instructs the encoder whether a GraphQL should be minified or pretty
-- printed.
2019-08-03 23:57:27 +02:00
-- Use 'pretty' and 'minified' to construct the formatter.
data Formatter
= Minified
2019-08-03 23:57:27 +02:00
| Pretty Word
-- Constructs a formatter for pretty printing.
pretty :: Formatter
pretty = Pretty 0
-- Constructs a formatter for minifying.
minified :: Formatter
minified = Minified
-- | Converts a 'Document' into a string.
document :: Formatter -> Document -> Text
document formatter defs
| Pretty _ <- formatter = Text.intercalate "\n" encodeDocument
| Minified <-formatter = Text.snoc (mconcat encodeDocument) '\n'
encodeDocument = NonEmpty.toList $ definition formatter <$> defs
-- | Converts a 'Definition' into a string.
definition :: Formatter -> Definition -> Text
definition formatter x
| Pretty _ <- formatter = Text.snoc (encodeDefinition x) '\n'
| Minified <- formatter = encodeDefinition x
encodeDefinition (DefinitionOperation operation)
= operationDefinition formatter operation
encodeDefinition (DefinitionFragment fragment)
= fragmentDefinition formatter fragment
operationDefinition :: Formatter -> OperationDefinition -> Text
operationDefinition formatter (OperationSelectionSet sels)
= selectionSet formatter sels
operationDefinition formatter (OperationDefinition Query name vars dirs sels)
= "query " <> node formatter name vars dirs sels
operationDefinition formatter (OperationDefinition Mutation name vars dirs sels)
= "mutation " <> node formatter name vars dirs sels
node :: Formatter
-> Maybe Name
-> VariableDefinitions
-> Directives
-> SelectionSet
-> Text
node formatter name vars dirs sels
= fold name
<> optempty (variableDefinitions formatter) vars
<> optempty (directives formatter) dirs
<> eitherFormat formatter " " mempty
<> selectionSet formatter sels
variableDefinitions :: Formatter -> [VariableDefinition] -> Text
variableDefinitions formatter
= parensCommas formatter $ variableDefinition formatter
variableDefinition :: Formatter -> VariableDefinition -> Text
variableDefinition formatter (VariableDefinition var ty dv)
= variable var
<> eitherFormat formatter ": " ":"
<> type_ ty
<> maybe mempty (defaultValue formatter) dv
defaultValue :: Formatter -> Value -> Text
defaultValue formatter val
= eitherFormat formatter " = " "="
<> value formatter val
2019-07-18 05:10:02 +02:00
variable :: Name -> Text
variable var = "$" <> var
selectionSet :: Formatter -> SelectionSet -> Text
2019-08-03 23:57:27 +02:00
selectionSet formatter
= bracesList formatter (selection formatter)
. NonEmpty.toList
selectionSetOpt :: Formatter -> SelectionSetOpt -> Text
2019-08-03 23:57:27 +02:00
selectionSetOpt formatter = bracesList formatter $ selection formatter
selection :: Formatter -> Selection -> Text
2019-08-03 23:57:27 +02:00
selection formatter = Text.append indent . f
f (SelectionField x) = field incrementIndent x
f (SelectionInlineFragment x) = inlineFragment incrementIndent x
f (SelectionFragmentSpread x) = fragmentSpread incrementIndent x
| Pretty n <- formatter = Pretty $ n + 1
| otherwise = Minified
| Pretty n <- formatter = Text.replicate (fromIntegral $ n + 1) " "
| otherwise = mempty
field :: Formatter -> Field -> Text
field formatter (Field alias name args dirs selso)
= optempty (`Text.append` colon) (fold alias)
<> name
<> optempty (arguments formatter) args
<> optempty (directives formatter) dirs
<> selectionSetOpt'
colon = eitherFormat formatter ": " ":"
| null selso = mempty
| otherwise = eitherFormat formatter " " mempty <> selectionSetOpt formatter selso
arguments :: Formatter -> [Argument] -> Text
arguments formatter = parensCommas formatter $ argument formatter
argument :: Formatter -> Argument -> Text
argument formatter (Argument name v)
= name
<> eitherFormat formatter ": " ":"
<> value formatter v
-- * Fragments
fragmentSpread :: Formatter -> FragmentSpread -> Text
2019-08-03 23:57:27 +02:00
fragmentSpread formatter (FragmentSpread name ds)
= "..." <> name <> optempty (directives formatter) ds
inlineFragment :: Formatter -> InlineFragment -> Text
inlineFragment formatter (InlineFragment tc dirs sels)
= "... on " <> fold tc
<> directives formatter dirs
<> eitherFormat formatter " " mempty
<> selectionSet formatter sels
fragmentDefinition :: Formatter -> FragmentDefinition -> Text
fragmentDefinition formatter (FragmentDefinition name tc dirs sels)
= "fragment " <> name <> " on " <> tc
<> optempty (directives formatter) dirs
<> eitherFormat formatter " " mempty
<> selectionSet formatter sels
-- * Values
value :: Formatter -> Value -> Text
value _ (ValueVariable x) = variable x
-- TODO: This will be replaced with `decimal` Builder
value _ (ValueInt x) = pack $ show x
-- TODO: This will be replaced with `decimal` Builder
value _ (ValueFloat x) = pack $ show x
value _ (ValueBoolean x) = booleanValue x
value _ ValueNull = mempty
value _ (ValueString x) = stringValue x
value _ (ValueEnum x) = x
value formatter (ValueList x) = listValue formatter x
value formatter (ValueObject x) = objectValue formatter x
booleanValue :: Bool -> Text
booleanValue True = "true"
booleanValue False = "false"
-- TODO: Escape characters
2016-02-22 13:59:38 +01:00
stringValue :: Text -> Text
stringValue = quotes
listValue :: Formatter -> [Value] -> Text
listValue formatter = bracketsCommas formatter $ value formatter
objectValue :: Formatter -> [ObjectField] -> Text
2019-08-03 23:57:27 +02:00
objectValue formatter = intercalate $ objectField formatter
intercalate f
= braces
. Text.intercalate (eitherFormat formatter ", " ",")
. fmap f
objectField :: Formatter -> ObjectField -> Text
objectField formatter (ObjectField name v) = name <> colon <> value formatter v
| Pretty _ <- formatter = ": "
| Minified <- formatter = ":"
-- * Directives
directives :: Formatter -> [Directive] -> Text
directives formatter@(Pretty _) = Text.cons ' ' . spaces (directive formatter)
directives Minified = spaces (directive Minified)
directive :: Formatter -> Directive -> Text
directive formatter (Directive name args)
= "@" <> name <> optempty (arguments formatter) args
-- * Type Reference
type_ :: Type -> Text
type_ (TypeNamed x) = x
type_ (TypeList x) = listType x
type_ (TypeNonNull x) = nonNullType x
listType :: Type -> Text
listType x = brackets (type_ x)
nonNullType :: NonNullType -> Text
nonNullType (NonNullTypeNamed x) = x <> "!"
nonNullType (NonNullTypeList x) = listType x <> "!"
-- * Internal
between :: Char -> Char -> Text -> Text
between open close = Text.cons open . (`Text.snoc` close)
parens :: Text -> Text
parens = between '(' ')'
brackets :: Text -> Text
brackets = between '[' ']'
braces :: Text -> Text
braces = between '{' '}'
quotes :: Text -> Text
quotes = between '"' '"'
spaces :: forall a. (a -> Text) -> [a] -> Text
spaces f = Text.intercalate "\SP" . fmap f
parensCommas :: forall a. Formatter -> (a -> Text) -> [a] -> Text
parensCommas formatter f
= parens
. Text.intercalate (eitherFormat formatter ", " ",")
. fmap f
bracketsCommas :: Formatter -> (a -> Text) -> [a] -> Text
bracketsCommas formatter f
= brackets
. Text.intercalate (eitherFormat formatter ", " ",")
. fmap f
2019-08-03 23:57:27 +02:00
bracesList :: forall a. Formatter -> (a -> Text) -> [a] -> Text
bracesList (Pretty intendation) f xs
= Text.snoc (Text.intercalate "\n" content) '\n'
<> (Text.snoc $ Text.replicate (fromIntegral intendation) " ") '}'
content = "{" : fmap f xs
bracesList Minified f xs = braces $ Text.intercalate "," $ fmap f xs
optempty :: (Eq a, Monoid a, Monoid b) => (a -> b) -> a -> b
optempty f xs = if xs == mempty then mempty else f xs
eitherFormat :: forall a. Formatter -> a -> a -> a
2019-08-03 23:57:27 +02:00
eitherFormat (Pretty _) x _ = x
eitherFormat Minified _ x = x