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2020-07-20 21:29:12 +02:00
{- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
2020-07-24 21:34:31 +02:00
-- | This module contains default rules defined in the GraphQL specification.
2020-07-20 21:29:12 +02:00
module Language.GraphQL.Validate.Rules
( executableDefinitionsRule
, loneAnonymousOperationRule
, singleFieldSubscriptionsRule
2020-07-20 21:29:12 +02:00
, specifiedRules
2020-08-28 08:32:21 +02:00
, uniqueFragmentNamesRule
, uniqueOperationNamesRule
2020-07-20 21:29:12 +02:00
) where
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (MonadTrans(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (asks)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (evalStateT, gets, modify)
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import qualified Data.Text as Text
2020-07-20 21:29:12 +02:00
import Language.GraphQL.AST.Document
import Language.GraphQL.Type.Internal
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.Schema as Schema
import Language.GraphQL.Validate.Validation
2020-07-20 21:29:12 +02:00
-- | Default rules given in the specification.
specifiedRules :: forall m. [Rule m]
2020-07-20 21:29:12 +02:00
specifiedRules =
[ executableDefinitionsRule
, singleFieldSubscriptionsRule
, loneAnonymousOperationRule
, uniqueOperationNamesRule
2020-08-28 08:32:21 +02:00
, uniqueFragmentNamesRule
2020-07-20 21:29:12 +02:00
2020-07-24 21:34:31 +02:00
-- | Definition must be OperationDefinition or FragmentDefinition.
executableDefinitionsRule :: forall m. Rule m
executableDefinitionsRule = DefinitionRule $ \case
ExecutableDefinition _ -> lift Nothing
TypeSystemDefinition _ location -> pure $ error' location
TypeSystemExtension _ location -> pure $ error' location
error' location = Error
{ message =
"Definition must be OperationDefinition or FragmentDefinition."
, locations = [location]
, path = []
-- | Subscription operations must have exactly one root field.
singleFieldSubscriptionsRule :: forall m. Rule m
singleFieldSubscriptionsRule = OperationDefinitionRule $ \case
OperationDefinition Subscription name' _ _ rootFields location -> do
groupedFieldSet <- evalStateT (collectFields rootFields) HashSet.empty
case HashSet.size groupedFieldSet of
1 -> lift Nothing
| Just name <- name' -> pure $ Error
{ message = unwords
[ "Subscription"
, Text.unpack name
, "must select only one top level field."
, locations = [location]
, path = []
| otherwise -> pure $ Error
{ message = errorMessage
, locations = [location]
, path = []
_ -> lift Nothing
errorMessage =
"Anonymous Subscription must select only one top level field."
collectFields selectionSet = foldM forEach HashSet.empty selectionSet
forEach accumulator (Field alias name _ directives _)
| any skip directives = pure accumulator
| Just aliasedName <- alias = pure
$ HashSet.insert aliasedName accumulator
| otherwise = pure $ HashSet.insert name accumulator
forEach accumulator (FragmentSpread fragmentName directives)
| any skip directives = pure accumulator
| otherwise = do
inVisitetFragments <- gets $ HashSet.member fragmentName
if inVisitetFragments
then pure accumulator
else collectFromSpread fragmentName accumulator
forEach accumulator (InlineFragment typeCondition' directives selectionSet)
| any skip directives = pure accumulator
| Just typeCondition <- typeCondition' =
collectFromFragment typeCondition selectionSet accumulator
| otherwise = HashSet.union accumulator
<$> collectFields selectionSet
skip (Directive "skip" [Argument "if" (Boolean True)]) = True
skip (Directive "include" [Argument "if" (Boolean False)]) = True
skip _ = False
findFragmentDefinition (ExecutableDefinition executableDefinition) Nothing
| DefinitionFragment fragmentDefinition <- executableDefinition =
Just fragmentDefinition
findFragmentDefinition _ accumulator = accumulator
collectFromFragment typeCondition selectionSet accumulator = do
types' <- lift $ asks types
schema' <- lift $ asks schema
case lookupTypeCondition typeCondition types' of
Nothing -> pure accumulator
Just compositeType
| Just objectType <- Schema.subscription schema'
, True <- doesFragmentTypeApply compositeType objectType ->
HashSet.union accumulator<$> collectFields selectionSet
| otherwise -> pure accumulator
collectFromSpread fragmentName accumulator = do
modify $ HashSet.insert fragmentName
ast' <- lift $ asks ast
case foldr findFragmentDefinition Nothing ast' of
Nothing -> pure accumulator
Just (FragmentDefinition _ typeCondition _ selectionSet _) ->
collectFromFragment typeCondition selectionSet accumulator
-- | GraphQL allows a shorthand form for defining query operations when only
-- that one operation exists in the document.
loneAnonymousOperationRule :: forall m. Rule m
loneAnonymousOperationRule = OperationDefinitionRule $ \case
SelectionSet _ thisLocation -> check thisLocation
OperationDefinition _ Nothing _ _ _ thisLocation -> check thisLocation
_ -> lift Nothing
check thisLocation = asks ast
>>= lift . foldr (filterAnonymousOperations thisLocation) Nothing
filterAnonymousOperations thisLocation definition Nothing
| (viewOperation -> Just operationDefinition) <- definition =
compareAnonymousOperations thisLocation operationDefinition
filterAnonymousOperations _ _ accumulator = accumulator
compareAnonymousOperations thisLocation = \case
OperationDefinition _ _ _ _ _ thatLocation
| thisLocation /= thatLocation -> pure $ error' thisLocation
SelectionSet _ thatLocation
| thisLocation /= thatLocation -> pure $ error' thisLocation
_ -> Nothing
error' location = Error
{ message =
"This anonymous operation must be the only defined operation."
, locations = [location]
, path = []
-- | Each named operation definition must be unique within a document when
-- referred to by its name.
uniqueOperationNamesRule :: forall m. Rule m
uniqueOperationNamesRule = OperationDefinitionRule $ \case
2020-08-28 08:32:21 +02:00
OperationDefinition _ (Just thisName) _ _ _ thisLocation ->
findDuplicates (filterByName thisName) thisLocation (error' thisName)
_ -> lift Nothing
2020-08-28 08:32:21 +02:00
error' operationName = concat
[ "There can be only one operation named \""
, Text.unpack operationName
, "\"."
filterByName thisName definition' accumulator
| (viewOperation -> Just operationDefinition) <- definition'
, OperationDefinition _ (Just thatName) _ _ _ thatLocation <- operationDefinition
, thisName == thatName = thatLocation : accumulator
| otherwise = accumulator
2020-08-28 08:32:21 +02:00
findDuplicates :: (Definition -> [Location] -> [Location])
-> Location
-> String
-> RuleT m
findDuplicates filterByName thisLocation errorMessage = do
ast' <- asks ast
let locations' = foldr filterByName [] ast'
if length locations' > 1 && head locations' == thisLocation
then pure $ error' locations'
else lift Nothing
error' locations' = Error
{ message = errorMessage
, locations = locations'
, path = []
viewOperation :: Definition -> Maybe OperationDefinition
viewOperation definition
| ExecutableDefinition executableDefinition <- definition
, DefinitionOperation operationDefinition <- executableDefinition =
Just operationDefinition
viewOperation _ = Nothing
2020-08-28 08:32:21 +02:00
-- | Fragment definitions are referenced in fragment spreads by name. To avoid
-- ambiguity, each fragments name must be unique within a document.
-- Inline fragments are not considered fragment definitions, and are unaffected
-- by this validation rule.
uniqueFragmentNamesRule :: forall m. Rule m
uniqueFragmentNamesRule = FragmentDefinitionRule $ \case
FragmentDefinition thisName _ _ _ thisLocation ->
findDuplicates (filterByName thisName) thisLocation (error' thisName)
error' fragmentName = concat
[ "There can be only one fragment named \""
, Text.unpack fragmentName
, "\"."
filterByName thisName definition accumulator
| ExecutableDefinition executableDefinition <- definition
, DefinitionFragment fragmentDefinition <- executableDefinition
, FragmentDefinition thatName _ _ _ thatLocation <- fragmentDefinition
, thisName == thatName = thatLocation : accumulator
| otherwise = accumulator