prescientmoon 8aa2e521c4
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{- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
obtain one at -}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-- | ToGraphQL and FromGraphQL typeclasses used for user-defined type
-- conversion.
module Language.GraphQL.Class
( FromGraphQL(..)
, ToGraphQL(..)
, deriveFromGraphQL
, deriveToGraphQL
, gql
) where
import Data.Int (Int8, Int16, Int32, Int64)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Word (Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import qualified Data.Text.Read as Text.Read
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import Data.Scientific (Scientific, toRealFloat)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Data.Time
( Day
, DiffTime
, LocalTime(..)
, NominalDiffTime
, TimeOfDay(..)
, UTCTime(..)
, showGregorian
, secondsToNominalDiffTime
, secondsToDiffTime
import Data.Time.Format.ISO8601
( ISO8601(..)
, formatParseM
, iso8601Format
, iso8601Show
import Language.Haskell.TH
( Con(..)
, Dec(..)
, Exp(..)
, Info(..)
, Lit(..)
, Quote(..)
, Name
, Q
, VarBangType
, appT
, conP
, conT
, instanceD
, recP
, reify
, nameBase
, listE
, stringL
, tupE
, litE
, varE
, varP
, funD
, clause
, normalB
, appE
, mkName
, conE
, integerL
, litP
, wildP
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote (QuasiQuoter(..))
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type as Type
import Prelude hiding (id)
fromGraphQLToIntegral :: Integral a => Type.Value -> Maybe a
fromGraphQLToIntegral (Type.Int value) = Just $ fromIntegral value
fromGraphQLToIntegral (Type.String value) =
case Text.Read.decimal value of
Right (converted, "") -> Just converted
_conversionError -> Nothing
fromGraphQLToIntegral _ = Nothing
iso8601ToGraphQL :: ISO8601 t => t -> Type.Value
iso8601ToGraphQL = Type.String . Text.pack . iso8601Show
fromGraphQLToISO8601 :: ISO8601 t => Type.Value -> Maybe t
fromGraphQLToISO8601 (Type.String value') = formatParseM iso8601Format $ Text.unpack value'
fromGraphQLToISO8601 _ = Nothing
-- | Instances of this typeclass can be converted to GraphQL internal
-- representation.
class ToGraphQL a
toGraphQL :: a -> Type.Value
instance ToGraphQL Type.Value
toGraphQL a = a
instance ToGraphQL Text
toGraphQL = Type.String
instance ToGraphQL Int
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Int8
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Int16
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Int32
toGraphQL = Type.Int
instance ToGraphQL Int64
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Word
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Word8
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Word16
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Word32
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL Word64
toGraphQL = Type.Int . fromIntegral
instance ToGraphQL a => ToGraphQL [a]
toGraphQL = Type.List . fmap toGraphQL
instance ToGraphQL a => ToGraphQL (Vector a)
toGraphQL = Type.List . toList . fmap toGraphQL
instance ToGraphQL a => ToGraphQL (Maybe a)
toGraphQL (Just justValue) = toGraphQL justValue
toGraphQL Nothing = Type.Null
instance ToGraphQL Bool
toGraphQL = Type.Boolean
instance ToGraphQL Float
toGraphQL = Type.Float . realToFrac
instance ToGraphQL Double
toGraphQL = Type.Float
instance ToGraphQL Scientific
toGraphQL = Type.Float . toRealFloat
instance ToGraphQL Day
toGraphQL = Type.String . Text.pack . showGregorian
instance ToGraphQL DiffTime
toGraphQL = Type.Int . truncate . (realToFrac :: DiffTime -> Double)
instance ToGraphQL NominalDiffTime
toGraphQL = Type.Int . truncate . (realToFrac :: NominalDiffTime -> Double)
instance ToGraphQL UTCTime
toGraphQL = iso8601ToGraphQL
instance ToGraphQL TimeOfDay
toGraphQL = iso8601ToGraphQL
instance ToGraphQL LocalTime
toGraphQL = iso8601ToGraphQL
instance ToGraphQL a => ToGraphQL (HashMap.HashMap Text a)
toGraphQL = Type.Object . fmap toGraphQL
-- | Instances of this typeclass can be used to convert GraphQL internal
-- representation to user-defined type.
class FromGraphQL a
fromGraphQL :: Type.Value -> Maybe a
instance FromGraphQL Type.Value
fromGraphQL = Just
instance FromGraphQL Text
fromGraphQL (Type.String value) = Just value
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing
instance FromGraphQL Int
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Int8
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Int16
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Int32
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Int64
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Word
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Word8
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Word16
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Word32
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL Word64
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToIntegral
instance FromGraphQL a => FromGraphQL [a]
fromGraphQL (Type.List value) = traverse fromGraphQL value
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing
instance FromGraphQL a => FromGraphQL (Vector a)
fromGraphQL (Type.List value) = Vector.fromList
<$> traverse fromGraphQL value
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing
instance FromGraphQL a => FromGraphQL (Maybe a)
fromGraphQL Type.Null = Just Nothing
fromGraphQL value = Just <$> fromGraphQL value
instance FromGraphQL Bool
fromGraphQL (Type.Boolean value) = Just value
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing
instance FromGraphQL Float
fromGraphQL (Type.Float value) = Just $ realToFrac value
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing
instance FromGraphQL Double
fromGraphQL (Type.Float value) = Just value
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing
instance FromGraphQL Scientific
fromGraphQL (Type.Float value) = Just $ realToFrac value
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing
instance FromGraphQL Day
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToISO8601
instance FromGraphQL DiffTime
fromGraphQL (Type.Int value') = Just $ secondsToDiffTime $ fromIntegral value'
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing
instance FromGraphQL NominalDiffTime
fromGraphQL (Type.Int value') = Just $ secondsToNominalDiffTime $ fromIntegral value'
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing
instance FromGraphQL UTCTime
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToISO8601
instance FromGraphQL TimeOfDay
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToISO8601
instance FromGraphQL LocalTime
fromGraphQL = fromGraphQLToISO8601
instance FromGraphQL a => FromGraphQL (HashMap.HashMap Text a)
fromGraphQL (Type.Object hm) = traverse fromGraphQL hm
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing
stringLE :: Name -> Q Exp
stringLE = litE . stringL . nameBase
-- | Given a type derives a 'FromGraphQL' instance for it.
-- The derivation can only work when all nested types already have 'FromGraphQL'
-- instances.
-- The following cases are supported:
-- * Records encode input objects.
-- * Sum types with all data constructors without parameters encode Enums.
deriveFromGraphQL :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveFromGraphQL typeName = do
TyConI plainConstructor <- reify typeName
case plainConstructor of
DataD _ _ _ _ [cons'] _
| RecC dataConName varBangTypes <- cons' ->
withRecordConstructor dataConName varBangTypes
DataD _ _ _ _ cons' _ -> pure <$> generateEnumInstance cons'
NewtypeD _ _ _ _ cons' _
| RecC dataConName varBangTypes <- cons' ->
withRecordConstructor dataConName varBangTypes
_ -> error "Only input objects and enums are supported if all member types have a FromGraphQL instance"
enumMemberPattern (NormalC normalName []) =
let fromGraphQLF = conP (mkName "Type.Enum") [litP $ stringL $ nameBase normalName]
in flip (clause [fromGraphQLF]) []
$ normalB [|Just $(conE normalName)|]
enumMemberPattern _ =
error "Enum member should be a normal constructor without parameters"
generateEnumInstance :: [Con] -> Q Dec
generateEnumInstance cons'
= instanceD mempty (appT (conT ''FromGraphQL) conTName)
$ pure $ funD 'fromGraphQL
$ (enumMemberPattern <$> cons')
<> [clause [wildP] (normalB [|Nothing|]) []]
hashMapLookup fieldName objectName =
[|HashMap.lookup $(stringLE fieldName) $objectName >>= fromGraphQL|]
addRecordField objectName accumulator (name', _, _)
= appE (appE (varE $ mkName "<*>") accumulator)
$ hashMapLookup name' objectName
withRecordConstructor dataConName varBangTypes = do
valueName <- newName "value"
let objectName = varE valueName
toGraphQLF = conP (mkName "Type.Object") [varP valueName]
fBody = makeRecordBody (conE dataConName) objectName varBangTypes
recordSize = litE $ integerL $ fromIntegral $ length varBangTypes
instance FromGraphQL $conTName
fromGraphQL $toGraphQLF
| HashMap.size $objectName == $recordSize = $fBody
| otherwise = Nothing
fromGraphQL _ = Nothing
makeRecordBody dataConE objectName ((headName, _, _) : varBangTypes') =
let initialExpression = appE (appE (varE $ mkName "<$>") dataConE)
$ hashMapLookup headName objectName
in foldl' (addRecordField objectName) initialExpression varBangTypes'
makeRecordBody dataConE _ [] = dataConE
conTName = conT typeName
-- | Given a type derives a 'ToGraphQL' instance for it.
-- The derivation can only work when all nested types already have 'ToGraphQL'
-- instances.
-- The following cases are supported:
-- * Records are decoded as objects.
-- * Sum types with all data constructors without parameters are decoded as Enums.
-- * Sum types whose data constructors have exactly one parameter are decoded as Unions.
deriveToGraphQL :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveToGraphQL typeName = do
TyConI plainConstructor <- reify typeName
case plainConstructor of
DataD _ _ _ _ [cons'] _
| RecC dataConName varBangTypes <- cons' ->
withRecordConstructor dataConName varBangTypes
DataD _ _ _ _ cons' _ -> fmap pure
$ instanceD mempty (appT (conT ''ToGraphQL) conTName)
$ pure $ funD 'toGraphQL
$ generateSumTypeInstance cons'
NewtypeD _ _ _ _ cons' _
| RecC dataConName varBangTypes <- cons' ->
withRecordConstructor dataConName varBangTypes
_ -> error "Only objects, unions and enums are supported if all member types have a ToGraphQL instance"
conTName = conT typeName
collectEnumMemberNames (NormalC normalName []) = Just normalName
collectEnumMemberNames _ = Nothing
collectUnionMembers (NormalC normalName [_]) = Just normalName
collectUnionMembers _ = Nothing
enumMemberPattern normalName
= flip (clause [conP normalName mempty]) []
$ normalB [|Type.Enum $(stringLE normalName)|]
unionMemberPattern normalName = do
dataName <- newName "member"
flip (clause [conP normalName [varP dataName]]) []
$ normalB
$ appE (varE $ mkName "toGraphQL")
$ varE dataName
generateSumTypeInstance cons'
| Just enumMemberNames <- traverse collectEnumMemberNames cons' =
enumMemberPattern <$> enumMemberNames
| Just unionMembers <- traverse collectUnionMembers cons' =
unionMemberPattern <$> unionMembers
| otherwise = error "All data constructors should have either no parameters (Enum) or one parameter (Union)"
withRecordConstructor dataConName varBangTypes = do
fieldAliases <- traverse newFieldAliases varBangTypes
let fBody =
[| Type.Object
$ HashMap.insert "__typename" $(stringLE typeName)
$ HashMap.fromList $(listE $ resultObjectPairs <$> fieldAliases)
toGraphQLF = recP dataConName (newFieldPatterns <$> fieldAliases)
instance ToGraphQL $conTName
toGraphQL $toGraphQLF = $fBody
newFieldAliases :: VarBangType -> Q (Name, Name)
newFieldAliases (name', _, _) = (name',) <$> newName (nameBase name')
newFieldPatterns (name', alias) = (name',) <$> varP alias
resultObjectPairs :: (Name, Name) -> Q Exp
resultObjectPairs (name', alias) = tupE
[ litE (stringL $ nameBase name')
, [|toGraphQL $(varE alias)|]
stripIndentation :: String -> String
stripIndentation code = reverse
$ dropWhile isLineBreak
$ reverse
$ unlines
$ indent spaces <$> lines' withoutLeadingNewlines
indent 0 xs = xs
indent count (' ' : xs) = indent (count - 1) xs
indent _ xs = xs
withoutLeadingNewlines = dropWhile isLineBreak code
spaces = length $ takeWhile (== ' ') withoutLeadingNewlines
lines' "" = []
lines' string =
let (line, rest) = break isLineBreak string
reminder =
case rest of
[] -> []
'\r' : '\n' : strippedString -> lines' strippedString
_ : strippedString -> lines' strippedString
in line : reminder
isLineBreak = flip any ['\n', '\r'] . (==)
-- | Removes leading and trailing newlines. Indentation of the first line is
-- removed from each line of the string.
gql :: QuasiQuoter
gql = QuasiQuoter
{ quoteExp = pure . LitE . StringL . stripIndentation
, quotePat = const
$ fail "Illegal gql QuasiQuote (allowed as expression only, used as a pattern)"
, quoteType = const
$ fail "Illegal gql QuasiQuote (allowed as expression only, used as a type)"
, quoteDec = const
$ fail "Illegal gql QuasiQuote (allowed as expression only, used as a declaration)"