{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Language.GraphQL.JSON ( JSON(..) , graphql ) where import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch) import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson import Data.Maybe (catMaybes) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Data.Vector (Vector) import qualified Data.Vector as Vector import qualified Language.GraphQL as GraphQL import Language.GraphQL.AST (Location(..), Name) import Language.GraphQL.Error import Language.GraphQL.Type.Schema (Schema) import Data.Bifunctor (Bifunctor(..)) import qualified Conduit import qualified Data.Aeson.Key as Aeson.Key import qualified Data.Aeson.KeyMap as KeyMap import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap) import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap import Data.Scientific (toBoundedInteger, toRealFloat) import Data.Text (Text) import Language.GraphQL.Execute.Coerce import qualified Language.GraphQL.Execute.OrderedMap as OrderedMap import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.In as In import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type.Out as Out import qualified Language.GraphQL.Type as Type newtype JSON = JSON Aeson.Value instance Aeson.ToJSON JSON where toJSON (JSON value) = value instance Aeson.FromJSON JSON where parseJSON = pure . JSON instance Serialize JSON where serialize (Out.ScalarBaseType scalarType) value | Type.ScalarType "Int" _ <- scalarType , Int int <- value = Just $ JSON $ Aeson.Number $ fromIntegral int | Type.ScalarType "Float" _ <- scalarType , Float float <- value = Just $ JSON $ Aeson.toJSON float | Type.ScalarType "String" _ <- scalarType , String string <- value = Just $ JSON $ Aeson.String string | Type.ScalarType "ID" _ <- scalarType , String string <- value = Just $ JSON $ Aeson.String string | Type.ScalarType "Boolean" _ <- scalarType , Boolean boolean <- value = Just $ JSON $ Aeson.Bool boolean serialize _ (Enum enum) = Just $ JSON $ Aeson.String enum serialize _ (List list) = Just $ JSON $ Aeson.toJSON list serialize _ (Object object) = Just $ JSON $ Aeson.object $ toJSONKeyValue <$> OrderedMap.toList object where toJSONKeyValue (key, value) = (Aeson.Key.fromText key, Aeson.toJSON value) serialize _ _ = Nothing null = JSON Aeson.Null instance VariableValue JSON where coerceVariableValue _ (JSON Aeson.Null) = Just Type.Null coerceVariableValue (In.ScalarBaseType scalarType) (JSON value) | (Aeson.String stringValue) <- value = Just $ Type.String stringValue | (Aeson.Bool booleanValue) <- value = Just $ Type.Boolean booleanValue | (Aeson.Number numberValue) <- value , (Type.ScalarType "Float" _) <- scalarType = Just $ Type.Float $ toRealFloat numberValue | (Aeson.Number numberValue) <- value = -- ID or Int Type.Int <$> toBoundedInteger numberValue coerceVariableValue (In.EnumBaseType _) (JSON (Aeson.String stringValue)) = Just $ Type.Enum stringValue coerceVariableValue (In.InputObjectBaseType objectType) (JSON value) | (Aeson.Object objectValue) <- value = do let (In.InputObjectType _ _ inputFields) = objectType (newObjectValue, resultMap) <- foldWithKey objectValue inputFields if KeyMap.null newObjectValue then Just $ Type.Object resultMap else Nothing where foldWithKey :: Aeson.Object -> HashMap Name In.InputField -> Maybe (Aeson.Object, HashMap Name Type.Value) foldWithKey objectValue = HashMap.foldrWithKey matchFieldValues' $ Just (objectValue, HashMap.empty) matchFieldValues' :: Text -> In.InputField -> Maybe (Aeson.Object, HashMap Name Type.Value) -> Maybe (Aeson.Object, HashMap Name Type.Value) matchFieldValues' _ _ Nothing = Nothing matchFieldValues' fieldName inputField (Just (objectValue, resultMap)) = let fieldKey = Aeson.Key.fromText fieldName In.InputField _ fieldType _ = inputField insert = flip (HashMap.insert fieldName) resultMap newObjectValue = KeyMap.delete fieldKey objectValue in case KeyMap.lookup fieldKey objectValue of Just variableValue -> do coerced <- coerceVariableValue fieldType $ JSON variableValue pure (newObjectValue, insert coerced) Nothing -> Just (objectValue, resultMap) coerceVariableValue (In.ListBaseType listType) (JSON value) | (Aeson.Array arrayValue) <- value = Type.List <$> foldr foldVector (Just []) arrayValue | otherwise = coerceVariableValue listType $ JSON value where foldVector _ Nothing = Nothing foldVector variableValue (Just list) = do coerced <- coerceVariableValue listType $ JSON variableValue pure $ coerced : list coerceVariableValue _ _ = Nothing -- | If the text parses correctly as a @GraphQL@ query the query is -- executed using the given 'Schema'. graphql :: MonadCatch m => Schema m -- ^ Resolvers. -> Maybe Text -- ^ Operation name. -> Aeson.Object -- ^ Variables. -> Text -- ^ Text representing a @GraphQL@ request document. -> m (Either (ResponseEventStream m Aeson.Value) Aeson.Object) -- ^ Response. graphql schema operationName variableValues = fmap (bimap stream formatResponse) . GraphQL.graphql schema operationName jsonVariables where jsonVariables = JSON <$> KeyMap.toHashMapText variableValues -- stream :: ResponseEventStream m JSON -> ResponseEventStream m Aeson.Value stream = Conduit.mapOutput mapResponse mapResponse response@Response{ data' = JSON json } = response{ data' = json } formatResponse :: Response JSON -> Aeson.Object formatResponse Response{ errors, data' = JSON json } = let dataResponse = KeyMap.singleton "data" json in case errors of Seq.Empty -> dataResponse _ -> flip (KeyMap.insert "errors") dataResponse $ Aeson.Array $ foldr fromError mempty errors fromError :: Error -> Vector Aeson.Value -> Vector Aeson.Value fromError Error{..} = Vector.cons $ Aeson.object $ catMaybes [ Just ("message", Aeson.String message) , toMaybe fromLocation "locations" locations , toMaybe fromPath "path" path ] fromPath (Segment segment) = Aeson.String segment fromPath (Index index) = Aeson.toJSON index fromLocation Location{..} = Aeson.object [ ("line", Aeson.toJSON line) , ("column", Aeson.toJSON column) ] toMaybe _ _ [] = Nothing toMaybe f key xs = Just (key, Aeson.listValue f xs)