Dump cmap segment summary

This commit is contained in:
Eugen Wissner 2023-11-14 11:49:11 +01:00
parent db61d2e558
commit e5ed4f1b96

View File

@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import Graphics.Fountainhead.Parser
, parseTable
, cmapTableP
import Data.Foldable (Foldable(..))
type ParseErrorOrDump
= Either (Megaparsec.ParseErrorBundle ByteString Void) Text.Builder.Builder
@ -52,6 +53,12 @@ paddedHexadecimal = ("0x" <>)
. Text.Builder.toLazyText
. Text.Builder.hexadecimal
halfPaddedHexadecimal :: Integral a => a -> Text.Builder.Builder
halfPaddedHexadecimal = Text.Builder.fromLazyText
. Text.Lazy.justifyRight 4 '0'
. Text.Builder.toLazyText
. Text.Builder.hexadecimal
justifyNumber :: Integral a => Int64 -> a -> Text.Builder.Builder
justifyNumber count = Text.Builder.fromLazyText
. Text.Lazy.justifyRight count ' '
@ -120,23 +127,37 @@ dumpCmap CmapTable{..}
(CmapFormat0 _) -> "Format 0"
(CmapFormat2 _) -> "Format 2"
(CmapFormat4 CmapFormat4Table{..}) ->
"Format 4 - Segment mapping to delta values\n\
\ Length: 994\n\
\ Version: 0\n\
\ segCount: "
<> Text.Builder.decimal (Vector.length startCode)
<> newlineBuilder <> " searchRange: "
<> Text.Builder.decimal searchRange
<> newlineBuilder <> " entrySelector: "
<> Text.Builder.decimal entrySelector
<> newlineBuilder <> " rangeShift: "
<> Text.Builder.decimal (Vector.length startCode * 2 - fromIntegral searchRange)
let segCount = Vector.length startCode
in "Format 4 - Segment mapping to delta values\n\
\ Length: 994\n\
\ Version: 0\n\
\ segCount: "
<> Text.Builder.decimal segCount
<> newlineBuilder <> " searchRange: "
<> Text.Builder.decimal searchRange
<> newlineBuilder <> " entrySelector: "
<> Text.Builder.decimal entrySelector
<> newlineBuilder <> " rangeShift: "
<> Text.Builder.decimal (segCount * 2 - fromIntegral searchRange)
<> newlineBuilder
<> fold (Vector.izipWith4 (dumpSegment segCount) startCode endCode idDelta idRangeOffset)
(CmapFormat6 _) -> "Format 6"
(CmapFormat8 _) -> "Format 8"
(CmapFormat10 _) -> "Format 10"
(CmapFormat12 _) -> "Format 12"
(CmapFormat13 _) -> "Format 13"
(CmapFormat14 _) -> "Format 14"
dumpSegment segCount index startCode' endCode' idDelta' idRangeOffset'
= " Seg " <> justifyNumber 5 index
<> " : St = " <> halfPaddedHexadecimal startCode'
<> ", En = " <> halfPaddedHexadecimal endCode'
<> ", D = " <> justifyNumber 6 idDelta'
<> ", RO = " <> justifyNumber 6 idRangeOffset'
<> ", gId# = " <> dumpGlyphId index segCount idRangeOffset'
<> newlineBuilder
dumpGlyphId index segCount idRangeOffset'
| idRangeOffset' == 0 = "N/A"
| otherwise = Text.Builder.decimal $ index - segCount + (fromIntegral idRangeOffset' `div` 2)
:: Megaparsec.State ByteString Void