Add the PDF generator snippets

This commit is contained in:
Eugen Wissner 2023-11-10 11:57:08 +01:00
parent 57478f8362
commit 82ecf51fea
6 changed files with 342 additions and 8 deletions

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@ -16,10 +16,11 @@ import Graphics.Fountainhead.Parser
import Graphics.Fountainhead.TrueType (FontDirectory(..), TableDirectory(..))
import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.Exit (exitWith)
import GHC.IO.Exception (ExitCode(..))
fontMain :: IO ()
fontMain = do
fontFile <- head <$> getArgs
fontMain :: FilePath -> IO ()
fontMain fontFile = do
ttfContents <- ByteString.readFile fontFile
let initialState = Megaparsec.State
@ -43,4 +44,9 @@ fontMain = do
Right x -> print x
main :: IO ()
main = fontMain
main = do
programArguments <- getArgs
case programArguments of
[fontFile] -> fontMain fontFile
_ -> putStrLn "The program expects exactly one argument, the font file path."
>> exitWith (ExitFailure 2)

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@ -7,13 +7,11 @@ description: TrueType font parseer.
author: Eugen Wissner
license-files: LICENSE
license: MPL-2.0
author: Eugen Wissner
copyright: (c) 2023 Eugen Wissner
category: Graphics
@ -24,16 +22,18 @@ extra-source-files:
base ^>=,
base >= 4.16 && < 5,
bytestring ^>= 0.11.0,
containers ^>= 0.6.5,
megaparsec ^>= 9.3,
time ^>= 1.12,
transformers ^>= 0.5,
vector ^>= 0.13.0
executable fountainhead

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@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
{- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
obtain one at -}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
module Graphics.Fountainhead.PDF
( Dictionary(..)
, E5
, Header(..)
, Link(..)
, Name(..)
, Object(..)
, Sink
, TextString(..)
, Trailer(..)
, Type(..)
, UncoatedString(..)
, XRefSection(..)
, XRefEntry(..)
, arrayType
, headerToPdf
, dictionaryToPdf
, dictionaryType
, linkToPdf
, linkType
, nameToPdf
, nameType
, nextName
, objectToPdf
, sinkWithLength
, stringType
, textStringToPdf
, textType
, trailerToPdf
, typeToPdf
, uncoatedStringToPdf
, xrefEntryToPdf
, xrefSectionToPdf
, writeObject
) where
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT, get, gets, put)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as ByteString.Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as ByteString (Builder)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as ByteString.Lazy
import Data.Char (ord)
import Data.Fixed (Fixed(..), HasResolution(..), showFixed)
import Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
-- | The header in the first line of a PDF file contains a PDF version number
-- consisting of a major and a minor version.
data Header = Header Int Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | See t'Header'.
headerToPdf :: Header -> ByteString.Builder
headerToPdf (Header major minor)
= ByteString.Builder.string7 "%PDF-"
<> ByteString.Builder.intDec major
<> ByteString.Builder.char7 '.'
<> ByteString.Builder.intDec minor
<> ByteString.Builder.char7 '\n'
-- | A name object is an atomic symbol uniquely defined by a sequence of
-- characters.
newtype Name = Name String
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | See t'Name'.
nameToPdf :: Name -> ByteString.Builder
nameToPdf (Name name) = ByteString.Builder.char7 '/'
<> ByteString.Builder.string7 name
-- | A dictionary object is an associative table containing pairs of objects.
newtype Dictionary = Dictionary (Vector (Name, Type))
-- | See t'Dictionary'.
dictionaryToPdf :: Dictionary -> IO ByteString.Builder
dictionaryToPdf (Dictionary valuePairs) = do
pairs <- traverse pairToPdf valuePairs
$ ByteString.Builder.string7 "<<"
<> unwordBuilder pairs
<> ByteString.Builder.string7 ">>"
pairToPdf (name, value) = do
value' <- typeToPdf value
pure $ nameToPdf name <> ByteString.Builder.char7 ' ' <> value'
-- | Hexadecimal data.
newtype UncoatedString = UncoatedString String
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | See t'UncoatedString'.
uncoatedStringToPdf :: UncoatedString -> ByteString.Builder
uncoatedStringToPdf (UncoatedString uncoatedString)
= ByteString.Builder.char7 '<'
<> ByteString.Builder.string8 uncoatedString
<> ByteString.Builder.char7 '>'
-- | A sequence of literal characters.
newtype TextString = TextString String
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | See t'TextString'.
textStringToPdf :: TextString -> ByteString.Builder
textStringToPdf (TextString textString)
= ByteString.Builder.char7 '('
<> ByteString.Builder.stringUtf8 textString
<> ByteString.Builder.char7 ')'
-- Resolution of 10^-5 = .001.
data E5
instance HasResolution E5
resolution _ = 100000
-- | Reference to an inderect object, consisting of the object name and
-- revision.
data Link = Link Int Int
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | See t'Link'.
linkToPdf :: Link -> ByteString.Builder
linkToPdf (Link name revision)
= ByteString.Builder.intDec name
<> ByteString.Builder.char7 ' '
<> ByteString.Builder.intDec revision
<> ByteString.Builder.string8 " R"
-- | Basic types of object.
data Type
= DictionaryType Dictionary
| ArrayType (Vector Type)
| LinkType Link
| NameType Name
| IntegerType Int
| RealType (Fixed E5)
| StreamType Dictionary (IO ByteString)
| StringType UncoatedString
| TextType TextString
| NullType
-- | See t'Type'.
typeToPdf :: Type -> IO ByteString.Builder
typeToPdf (DictionaryType dictionary) = dictionaryToPdf dictionary
typeToPdf (ArrayType values) = do
converted <- traverse typeToPdf values
$ ByteString.Builder.char7 '['
<> unwordBuilder converted
<> ByteString.Builder.char7 ']'
typeToPdf (LinkType link) = pure $ linkToPdf link
typeToPdf (NameType name) = pure $ nameToPdf name
typeToPdf (IntegerType pdfInteger) = pure $ ByteString.Builder.intDec pdfInteger
typeToPdf (StreamType dictionary producer) = do
streamContents <- producer
producedDictionary <- dictionaryToPdf dictionary
$ producedDictionary
<> ByteString.Builder.string8 "\nstream\n"
<> ByteString.Builder.byteString streamContents
<> ByteString.Builder.string8 "\nendstream"
typeToPdf (StringType string) = pure $ uncoatedStringToPdf string
typeToPdf (TextType text) = pure $ textStringToPdf text
typeToPdf (RealType realType) =
pure $ ByteString.Builder.string7 $ showFixed True realType
typeToPdf NullType = pure $ ByteString.Builder.string7 "null"
-- | Object number, generation number and object contents.
data Object = Object Int Int Type
-- | See t'Object'.
objectToPdf :: Object -> IO ByteString.Builder
objectToPdf (Object name revision type') = do
producedType <- typeToPdf type'
pure $ ByteString.Builder.intDec name
<> ByteString.Builder.char7 ' '
<> ByteString.Builder.intDec revision
<> ByteString.Builder.string7 " obj\n"
<> producedType
<> ByteString.Builder.string7 "\nendobj\n"
-- | Shortcut to create a t'Dictionary' type.
dictionaryType :: [(Name, Type)] -> Type
dictionaryType = DictionaryType . Dictionary . Vector.fromList
-- | Shortcut to create an t'Array' type.
arrayType :: [Type] -> Type
arrayType = ArrayType . Vector.fromList
-- | Shortcut to create a t'Name' type.
nameType :: String -> Type
nameType = NameType . Name
-- | Shortcut to create a t'UncoatedString' type.
stringType :: String -> Type
stringType = StringType . UncoatedString
-- | Shortcut to create a t'TextString' type.
textType :: String -> Type
textType = TextType . TextString
-- | Shortcut to create a t'Link' type.
linkType :: Int -> Int -> Type
linkType name revision = LinkType $ Link name revision
-- | Byte offset of an object in the file, generation number and whether this is
-- an in-use entry.
data XRefEntry = XRefEntry Int Int Bool
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | See t'XRefEntry'.
xrefEntryToPdf :: XRefEntry -> ByteString.Builder
xrefEntryToPdf (XRefEntry offset generation True)
= pad 10 offset
<> ByteString.Builder.char7 ' '
<> pad 5 generation
<> ByteString.Builder.string7 " n"
xrefEntryToPdf (XRefEntry offset generation False)
= pad 10 offset
<> ByteString.Builder.char7 ' '
<> pad 5 generation
<> ByteString.Builder.string7 " f"
-- | Cross-reference table containing information about the indirect objects in
-- the file.
newtype XRefSection = XRefSection
{ unXRefSection :: Vector XRefEntry
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | See t'XRefSection'.
xrefSectionToPdf :: XRefSection -> ByteString.Builder
xrefSectionToPdf (XRefSection entries)
= ByteString.Builder.string7 "xref\n0 "
<> ByteString.Builder.intDec (length entries)
<> newline
<> Vector.foldMap (newline <>) (xrefEntryToPdf <$> entries)
<> newline
instance Semigroup XRefSection
(XRefSection lhs) <> (XRefSection rhs) = XRefSection $ lhs <> rhs
instance Monoid XRefSection
mempty = XRefSection mempty
-- | A trailer giving the location of the cross-reference table and of certain
-- special objects within the body of the file.
data Trailer = Trailer Dictionary Int
-- | See t'Trailer'.
trailerToPdf :: Trailer -> IO ByteString.Builder
trailerToPdf (Trailer dictionary startxref) = do
producedDictionary <- dictionaryToPdf dictionary
pure $ ByteString.Builder.string7 "trailer "
<> producedDictionary
<> ByteString.Builder.string7 "\nstartxref\n"
<> ByteString.Builder.intDec startxref
<> ByteString.Builder.string7 "\n%%EOF\n"
pad :: Int -> Int -> ByteString.Builder
pad length' number =
let asString = ByteString.Builder.intDec number
numberLength = builderLength asString
padding = ByteString.Builder.byteString
$ ByteString.replicate (length' - numberLength) zero
in padding <> asString
zero = fromIntegral $ ord '0'
builderLength = fromIntegral
. ByteString.Lazy.length
. ByteString.Builder.toLazyByteString
unwordBuilder :: Vector ByteString.Builder -> ByteString.Builder
unwordBuilder = Vector.foldMap (ByteString.Builder.char7 ' ' <>)
newline :: ByteString.Builder
newline = ByteString.Builder.char7 '\n'
type Sink = ByteString.Lazy.ByteString -> IO ()
-- | Creates a new object using the provided value, writes the object to the
-- sink, and returns a reference to that object.
-- For example if the passed value is a dictionary, the created object could be
-- @
-- 2 0 obj <<…>> endobj
-- @
-- where "2 0" identifies the object. The name (2) is generated using the state,
-- the revision is always 0.
writeObject :: Sink -> Type -> StateT (Int, XRefSection) IO Link
writeObject sink object = do
(previousLength, XRefSection refs) <- get
let objectName = length refs
objectContents <- liftIO $ objectToPdf $ Object objectName 0 object
writtenLength <- liftIO $ sinkWithLength sink objectContents
put (previousLength + writtenLength, XRefSection $ Vector.snoc refs (XRefEntry previousLength 0 True))
pure $ Link objectName 0
-- | Gets the name of the object which will be generated next.
nextName :: StateT (Int, XRefSection) IO Int
nextName = gets (length . unXRefSection . snd)
-- | Writes the data into the sink and returns the number of the written bytes.
sinkWithLength :: Sink -> ByteString.Builder -> IO Int
sinkWithLength sink data' =
let lazyData = ByteString.Builder.toLazyByteString data'
in sink lazyData >> pure (fromIntegral $ ByteString.Lazy.length lazyData)

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@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
{- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
obtain one at -}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}

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@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
{- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
obtain one at -}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
-- | Types representing a TrueType font.

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@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
{- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
obtain one at -}
-- | Generic font types.
module Graphics.Fountainhead.Type
( F2Dot14(..)