Feature: As the owner of a book collection I want to be able to generate JSON containing titles from this collection Scenario: Given the following books by Simon Frank are in the collection: | id | title | | 1 | Der Gegenstand des Wissens | | 2 | Lebendiges Wissen | When I stringify it Then I should get: """ [{ "id": 1, "title": "Der Gegenstand des Wissens" },{ "id": 2, "title": "Lebendiges Wissen" }] """ Given the following books by Søren Kierkegaard are in the collection: | id | title | | 1 | Die Krankheit zum Tode | | 2 | Entweder-Oder | When I stringify it Then I should get: """ [{ "id": 1, "title": "Die Krankheit zum Tode" },{ "id": 2, "title": "Entweder-Oder" }] """ Given the following book is in the collection: | id | 1 | | title | Leonce und Lena | | author | Georg Büchner | When I stringify it Then I should get: """ { "id": 1, "title": "Leonce und Lena", "author": "Georg Büchner" } """ Given the following books are in the collection: | Friedrich Nietzsche | Die Geburt der Tragödie | | Jacques Derrida | Die unbedingte Universität | | Honoré de Balzac | Die Frau von 30 Jahren | When I stringify it Then I should get: """ [{ "author": "Friedrich Nietzsche", "title": "Die Geburt der Tragödie" },{ "author": "Jacques Derrida", "title": "Die unbedingte Universität" },{ "author": "Honoré de Balzac", "title": "Die Frau von 30 Jahren" }] """